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1st draft of the first 4 ch
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muhyun committed Apr 3, 2019
0 parents commit 35d7098
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Showing 471 changed files with 81,851 additions and 0 deletions.
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions .gitmodules
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
[submodule "build/mx-theme"]
path = build/mx-theme
url =
[submodule "build/utils"]
path = build/utils
url =
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions Jenkinsfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
stage("Build and Publish") {
node {
ws('workspace/d2l-en') {
checkout scm
sh "git submodule update --init"
sh "build/utils/"
sh "build/utils/"
sh "conda env update -f build/env.yml"
sh "build/utils/ en"
sh "build/utils/ en"
sh "build/utils/ en"
if (env.BRANCH_NAME == 'master') {
sh "build/utils/ en"
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: '13cb1009-3cda-49ef-9aaa-8a705fdaaeb7',
passwordVariable: 'GIT_PASSWORD', usernameVariable: 'GIT_USERNAME')]) {
sh "build/"
81 changes: 81 additions & 0 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
all: html

build/%.ipynb: build/env.yml $(wildcard d2l/*)
mkdir -p $(@D)
cd $(@D); python ../utils/ ../../$< ../../$@

@mkdir -p $(@D)
@cp $< $@

MARKDOWN = $(wildcard */
NOTEBOOK = $(filter-out $(MARKDOWN), $(wildcard chapter*/*.md))

OBJ = $(patsubst, build/, $(MARKDOWN)) \
$(patsubst, build/%.ipynb, $(NOTEBOOK))

FRONTPAGE_DIR = img/frontpage
FRONTPAGE = $(wildcard $(FRONTPAGE_DIR)/*)
FRONTPAGE_DEP = $(patsubst %, build/%, $(FRONTPAGE))

IMG_NOTEBOOK = $(filter-out $(FRONTPAGE_DIR), $(wildcard img/*))
ORIGIN_DEPS = $(IMG_NOTEBOOK) $(wildcard data/* d2l/*) environment.yml
DEPS = $(patsubst %, build/%, $(ORIGIN_DEPS))

PKG = build/_build/html/

pkg: $(PKG)

build/_build/html/ $(OBJ) $(DEPS)
cd build; zip -r $(patsubst build/%, %, $@ $(DEPS)) chapter*/*md chapter*/*ipynb

# Copy XX to build/XX if build/XX is depended (e.g., $(DEPS))
build/%: %
@mkdir -p $(@D)
@cp -r $< $@

make -C build html
python build/utils/
# Enable horitontal scrollbar for wide code blocks
sed -i s/white-space\:pre-wrap\;//g build/_build/html/_static/sphinx_materialdesign_theme.css
cp -r img/frontpage/ build/_build/html/_images/


#build/_build/latex/%.pdf: img/%.svg
# @mkdir -p $(@D)
# rsvg-convert -f pdf -z 0.80 -o $@ $<

#SVG=$(wildcard img/*.svg)

#PDFIMG = $(patsubst img/%.svg, build/_build/latex/%.pdf, $(SVG))

pdf: $(DEPS) $(OBJ)
make -C build latex
sed -i s/\\.svg/.pdf/g ${TEX}
sed -i s/\}\\.gif/\_00\}.pdf/g $(TEX)
sed -i s/{tocdepth}{0}/{tocdepth}{1}/g $(TEX)
sed -i s/{\\\\releasename}{Release}/{\\\\releasename}{}/g $(TEX)
sed -i s/{OriginalVerbatim}\\\[commandchars=\\\\\\\\\\\\{\\\\}\\\]/{OriginalVerbatim}\\\[commandchars=\\\\\\\\\\\\{\\\\},formatcom=\\\\footnotesize\\\]/g $(TEX)
sed -i s/\\\\usepackage{geometry}/\\\\usepackage[paperwidth=187mm,paperheight=235mm,left=20mm,right=20mm,top=20mm,bottom=15mm,includefoot]{geometry}/g $(TEX)
sed -i s/\\\\maketitle/\\\\maketitle\ \\\\pagebreak\\\\hspace{0pt}\\\\vfill\\\\begin{center}This\ draft\ is\ a\ testing\ version\ \(draft\ date:\ \\\\today\).\\\\\\\\\ Visit\ \\\\url{https:\\/\\/}\ to\ obtain\ a\ later\ or\ release\ version.\\\\end{center}\\\\vfill\\\\hspace{0pt}\\\\pagebreak/g $(TEX)
sed -i s/’/\\\'/g ${TEX}
# Replace nbsp to space in latex
sed -i s/ /\ /g ${TEX}
# Allow figure captions to include space and autowrap
sed -i s/Ⓐ/\ /g ${TEX}
# Remove un-translated long table descriptions
sed -i /\\\\multicolumn{2}{c}\%/d $(TEX)
sed -i /\\\\sphinxtablecontinued{Continued\ on\ next\ page}/d $(TEX)
sed -i /{\\\\tablename\\\\\ \\\\thetable{}\ --\ continued\ from\ previous\ page}/d $(TEX)

python build/utils/ en

cd build/_build/latex && \
bash ../../utils/ && \
buf_size=10000000 xelatex d2l-en.tex && \
buf_size=10000000 xelatex d2l-en.tex

rm -rf build/chapter* build/_build build/img build/data build/environment.yml build/ $(PKG)
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# Dive into Deep Learning (D2L Book)

[![Build Status](](

[Book website]( | [STAT 157 Course at UC Berkeley, Spring 2019](

## Contribute ([learn how](

This open source book has benefited from pedagogical suggestions, typo corrections, and other improvements from community contributors. Your help is valuable for making the book better for everyone. We will [acknowledge]( each contributor in the book and send a free book (hard copy) to each contributor when it is published.

Dear contributors, please email your GitHub ID, name, and mailing address to Thanks.

[Chinese version]( | [Discuss and report issues](

150 changes: 150 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@

## In General

* Be clear, engaging, pragmatic, and consistent

## Text

* Chapters and Sections
* Provide an overview at the beginning of each chapter
* Be consistent in the structure of each section
* Summary
* Exercises
* Scan the QR Code to Access Discussions
* References (if any)
* Quotes
* Use double quotes
* Symbol Descriptions
* time step t(not t time step)
* Tools, Class, and Functions
* Gluon, MXNet, NumPy, spaCy, NDArray, Symbol, Block, HybridBlock, ResNet-18, Fashion-MNIST, matplotlib
* Consider these as words without accents (``)
* Sequential class/instance, HybridSequential class/instance
* Without accents (``)
* `backward`function
* not `backward()` function
* for loop
* Terminologies
* Consistently use
* function (not method)
* instance (not object)
* weight, bias, label
* model training, model prediction (model inference)
* training/testing/validation data set
* Distinguish:
* hyperparameter vs parameter
* mini-batch stochastic gradient descent vs stochastic gradient descent
* List

## Math

* Be consistent in math format
* Reference
* the equation above/below (Equation numbering is to be consolidated by the Press)
* the N equations above/below
* Place punctuations within equations if necessary
* e.g., comma and period
* Assignment sumbol
* \leftarrow

## Figure

* Software
* Use OmniGraffle to make figures.
* Export pdf (infinite canvas) in 100%, then use pdf2svg to convert to svg
* `ls | while read f; do pdf2svg $f ${f%.pdf}.svg; done`
* Do not export svg directly from Omnigraffle (font size may slightly change)
* Style
* Size:
* Horizontal:<= 400 pixels (limited by page width)
* Vertical:<= 200 pixels (exceptions may be made)
* Thickness:
* StickArrow
* 1pt
* arrow head size: 50%
* Font:
* Arial, 9pt(subscripts:7pt)
* Color:
* Blue as background (text is black)
* Dark:66BFFF
* Light:B2D9FF
* Be careful about copyright
* Reference
* e.g., Figure 7.1 (manually)
* matplotlib

## Code

* Each line must have <=80 characters (limited by page width)
* Use to encapsulate classes/functions that are repetitively used
* Give full implementation when it is used for the first time
* Python
* PEP8
* e.g., (
* To save space, put several assignments on the same line
* e.g, `num_epochs, lr = 5, 0.1`
* Be consistent in variable names
* `num_epochs`
* number of epochs
* `num_hiddens`
* number of hidden units
* `num_inputs`
* number of inputs
* `num_outputs`
* number of outputs
* `net`
* model
* `lr`
* learning rate
* `acc`
* accuracy
* During iterations
* features:`X`
* labels:`y`, `y_hat` or `Y`, `Y_hat`
* `for X, y in data_iter`
* Data sets:
* features:`features` or `images`
* labels:`labels`
* DataLoader instance:`train_iter`, `test_iter`, `data_iter`
* Comments
* Add period at the end of comments.
* imports
* import alphabetically
* `from mxnet.gluon import data as gdata, loss as gloss, nn, utils as gutils`
* Print outputs
* `epoch, lr, loss, train acc, time`
* Around 5 lines
* Print variables
* if possible use `x, y` instead of `print('x:', x, 'y:', y)` at the end of the code block
* String
* Use single quotes
* Other items
* `nd.f(x)``x.nd`
* `random_normal``random.normal`
* multiple imports
* `.1``1.0`
* 1.`1.0`
* remove namescope

## Hyperlinks

* Internal hyperlinks
* In the [“Linear Regression”]( section
* External hyperlinks
* [Layer](http:bla)

## QR Code

* 75pixel, SVG

## References

* Append references at the end of each section
* Google Scholar: APA format
* All references are to be consolidated by the Press
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions build/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# 404


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