In this project, we designed and build a full-stack web application for users to search resources on Twitch, including streams, videos and clips, and get recommendations based on their favorite collections or the top games on Twitch. The application supports funtions including register, login/logout, search, add collection, and get recommendation. All relative game recources for this project are directly retireved from by APIs officially provided for developers, and a content-based algorithm is implemented for recommendation. After development, the service is deployed to AWS EC2 for better performance. Load test is also conducted for further optimization.
The frontend of this application is built with React and And Design. React is modulized and can efffectively render the webpage with its virtual DOM, while Ant Design provides various high-quality UI components. The final design of the web pages are shown in Fig. 1-4 below.
Fig. 1 Home page
Fig. 2 Register
Fig. 3 Login
Fig. 4 Get Recommendation by Favorite Records
The backend of this application is developed based on JavaEE platform, which provides API and runtime environment for developing and running large-scale, multi-tiered, reliable, and secure network applications. For each of the functions mentioned above, a corresponding Java Servlet is utilized to implement RESTful APIs and extend the capabilities of the Apache Tomcat server that host this application. The structure of the backend is shown in Fig. 5.
Fig. 5 Backend Structure
The data relevant to user information, game recources, and favorite records are stored in MySQL database. The ER diagram of the database is shown in Fig. 6.
Fig. 6 ER Diagram of the Database
To improve the performance of the web application, we deployed it to AWS EC2. We also conducted load test and measured its QPS with Apache JMeter for further improvement. An optimizaion is implemented by applying the DBMS connection pool provided by Tomcat. The QPS increased 13 times after the optimization by comparing the load test results. The results are shown in Fig. 7.
Fig. 7 Load Test Results