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Flawed getUniqAttr Parsing May Corrupt HTML Output #202




* Gets value from
* @example
* getUniqAttr({ 'foo': true, 'bar': bar' }) => 'bar'
* @param attrs
* @returns {string}
const getUniqAttr = (attrs) => keysReduce(
(res, key) => (attrs[key] === key ? attrs[key] : null),

Without understanding the details, the description may benefit from some enhanced description (see below). Given my assumptions and tests are correct, I will refer to a possibly even dangerous flaw in getUniqAttr handling, which can be summarized as: You can fake unique attributes within BBCode.

Suggestion for Description Enhancement

 * Given a record of string to some value, this method will
 * retrieve the last entry in the record and return its key
 * when it is equal to its value.
 * Such entries typically represent so-called _unique attributes_
 * after parsing, so that `[url=someUrl]` gets parsed to an
 * attributes object like: `{ someUrl: "someUrl" }`.
 * @example
 * getUniqAttr({ 'foo': true, 'bar': bar' }) => 'bar'
 * @example
 * getUniqAttr({ 'bar': bar', 'foo': true }) => null
 * @param attrs - record of strings to attribute values
 * @returns {string|null} `null`, if no unique attribute could be determined

The Flaw

BBCode Actual HTML Expected HTML (Suggestion)
[url fakeUnique=fakeUnique]T[/url] <a href="fakeUnique">T</a> <a href="T" fakeUnique="fakeUnique">T</a>
[url= fakeUnique=fakeUnique]T[/url] <a href="fakeUnique">T</a> <a href="" fakeUnique="fakeUnique">T</a>
[url= hidden]T[/url] <a href="hidden">T</a> <a href="T" hidden="hidden">T</a>
[url= hidden]T[/url] <a href="hidden">T</a> <a href="T" hidden="hidden">T</a>
[table=onclick][tr][td]T[/td][/tr][/table] <table onclick="onclick"><tr><td>T</td></tr></table> undecided
[table onclick=onclick][tr][td]T[/td][/tr][/table] <table onclick="onclick"><tr><td>T</td></tr></table> undecided

Stumbled across this while trying to add a sanitizer that forbids on* attributes to be created during processing.

Thus, the attribute found as being "unique" may not always have been "unique" within the original BBCode.

Perhaps one possible option would be using a Symbol() as key for the unique attribute. But I did not dive into parsing, if this is even feasible.





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