This is my repository for practicing FullStack technologies. I practiced NodeJs, Express, JWT and MongoDB in backend folder creating a base structure of an e-shop, and I practiced ReactTs using Vite template, with Tailwind for styling, Axios for fething backend data, GSAP for animations, React Query for controlling fetched information, Zustand for managing state (simpler than Redux).
git clone < url >
cd < folder's project >
In this case you has to change enviroment variables and conect to you mongoDB Account, in /eshop-fe/data you can watch the basic structure of the producs data. Remember to change name .env.template file to .env.
cd < folder's project >
yarn dev
Sure console show you "servidor en puerto 4000" and "DB Online"
Create a folder
cd <that folder's name>
yarn install
yarn dev
MVP stage - In version 0.0.1