Config environment using Fedora32 can refer this document envoirnment setup
for ubuntu20.04, refer this setup4ubuntu20.04
- vexpress-a9
- run command
cd shell;./smake
now support architecture as below:
arm, vexpress-a9 board emulated
arm, enter as below for help:
./smake -arm
- run command
cd shell;./smake -arm
usage for arm:
./smake -arm zImage -- cross-complie linux kernel zImage
./smake -arm uImage -- cross-complie linux kernel uImage
./smake -arm uboot -- cross-complie uboot
./smake -arm busybox -- cross-complie busybox
./smake -arm rootfs -- create rootfs ext3 image
./smake -arm clean_rootfs -- clean rootfs dir
./smake -arm run_uboot -- run uboot in qemu without graphic
./smake -arm run_zImage -- run zImage in qemu with graphic
./smake -arm debug_uboot -- debug uboot use gdb in qemu without graphic
./smake -arm debug_zImage -- debug zImage use gdb in qemu with graphic
./smake -arm clean_boot -- clean uboot,reserve config
./smake -arm clean_kernel -- clean kernel,reserve config
./smake -arm disclean_boot -- deep clean uboot
./smake -arm distclean_kernel -- distclean kernel
./smake -arm clean_busybox -- clean busybox
./smake -arm distclean_busybox -- distclean busybox
./smake -arm setup_net -- setup net connection with qemu
./smake -arm modules xxx -- make kernel modules in src/modules/xxx
./smake -arm modules clean xxx -- clean kernel modules in src/modules/xxx