Arend is a theorem prover based on Homotopy Type Theory. Visit for more information about the Arend language.
For instructions on building Arend locally, general description of the codebase, there's
Arend is under active development, so you may expect to depend your project on
a development version of Arend,
either a certain git revision or the SNAPSHOT version.
This is possible via JitPack,
simply add this to your build.gradle
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
// The version of Arend -- can be a short revision, "[branch]-SNAPSHOT",
// "-SNAPSHOT", or a tag (or a release, like "v1.3.0").
String arendVersion = "master-SNAPSHOT"
// Open API for writing Arend extensions
implementation "com.github.JetBrains.Arend:api:$arendVersion"
// The generated ANTLR parser
implementation "com.github.JetBrains.Arend:parser:$arendVersion"
// The generated protobuf classes
implementation "com.github.JetBrains.Arend:proto:$arendVersion"
// The main compiler
implementation "com.github.JetBrains.Arend:base:$arendVersion"
In case you prefer Gradle Kotlin DSL,
use the following syntax in your build.gradle.kts
repositories {
dependencies {
// The version of Arend
val arendVersion = "master-SNAPSHOT"