"general": {
"name": "Jesus Antonio Lopez Bandala",
"age": 20,
"birthday": "22/04/2004",
"hobbies": ["Programming", "Videogames"]
"studies": {
"institute": "IPN",
"middle highschool": {
"school": "CECyT 12 José María Morelos",
"career": "Information Technology Technician",
"status": "Graduated with professional certificate"
"highschool": {
"school": "UPIICSA",
"career": "Informatics Engineering",
"status": "Fifth semester student"
"languages": ["Spanish", "English"],
"programming knowledge": {
"languages": [
"enviroments": ["Node.js"],
"web": ["HTML", "CSS"],
"data exchange": ["JSON"],
"frameworks": {
"javascript": ["Vue.js"],
"python": ["Django", "Flask"]
"so": {
"windows": "powershell",
"linux": "bash"
"microcontrollers": ["Arduino", "PIC"]
"db": ["MySQL", "Firebase", "SQLite"],
"design": ["Figma"],
"control versions": ["Git"],
"microsoft": {
"office": ["Word", "PowerPoint", "Excel", "Access"]
- 👋 Hi! I'm JesDev12U, my real name is Jesus Antonio Lopez Bandala 😁
- I'm from Chimalhuacan, Mexico
- 🎓 I'm studying the fifth semester of Informatics Engineering in UPIICSA IPN , also I'm studied Information Technology Technician in CECyT 12 IPN
- ✨ I love programming, it's my hobby and I'm always learning some new thing. For example, I plan to study C#, frameworks to Javascript or some other language for increase my knowledge.
- ⭐ I don't have experience of any work on TI, but I developed some programs in C++, Java, Python, Web pages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP). Also I use MySQL, phpMyAdmin.
Finally, my best project was a aplication for Android, I named "Vocafe 12" is a aplication for a coffee shop at CECyT 12, I developed that aplication in one month. I maded more aplications, but I barely use GitHub, so I will start to upload my new projects here :)