This project demonstrates the implementation of a Deep Q-Network (DQN) to solve the classic control problem CartPole-v1 (or MountainCar-v0) using the OpenAI Gym environment. The DQN agent learns optimal policies through experience replay and an epsilon-greedy strategy.
- CartPole-v1: A pole is attached to a cart, which moves along a frictionless track. The agent balances the pole by applying forces left or right.
- State Size:
(position, velocity, angle, angular velocity). - Action Size:
(left or right).
Alternatively, the code can be used for MountainCar-v0: The goal is to drive a car up a steep hill.
Model Architecture:
- Input: State size (4).
- Two hidden layers with 24 neurons each and ReLU activation.
- Output: Action size (2) with linear activation for Q-values.
- Optimizer: Adam with learning rate
. - Loss Function: Mean Squared Error (MSE).
Training Mechanism:
- Experience replay: Stores past experiences in a replay memory buffer to break the correlation in sequential data.
- Target Q-Value:
[ Q_{\text{target}} = \text{reward} + \gamma \cdot \max(Q(\text{next state})) ] - Epsilon-greedy exploration: Balances exploration and exploitation with a decaying epsilon.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Episodes | 20 | Number of episodes to train. |
Max Steps | 100 | Maximum steps per episode. |
Learning Rate | 0.001 | Learning rate for the optimizer. |
Discount Factor (γ) | 0.95 | Discount factor for future rewards. |
Epsilon | 1.0 (decays) | Initial exploration rate. |
Epsilon Decay | 0.995 | Decay rate for epsilon. |
Epsilon Min | 0.01 | Minimum exploration rate. |
Batch Size | 64 | Size of minibatch for training. |
Memory Size | 2000 | Maximum size of replay memory. |
- The agent trains for 20 episodes, accumulating rewards over time.
- Intermediate scores are printed every 10 steps for transparency.
- A plot of scores over episodes visualizes the training progress.
- Install Dependencies:
Ensure you have Python installed along with the required libraries:pip install gym tensorflow matplotlib numpy