CC:C Bridge is a Minecraft Mod that adds compatibility between the ComputerCraft and Create (v0.5) mod!
For Forge, requires Create (v0.5.0c+146 or higher) and CC:Tweaked (v1.101.0 or higher)!
For Fabric, requires the Fabric API, Create (v0.5.0c-691 or higher) and CC:Restitched (v1.100.5 or higher)!
With this Mod it is finally possible to program within CC:T (fabric version) for all kinds of displays in Create (v0.5). (fabric version)
In other words, you can display all your f a n c y stuff with e.g. Displays (those flip things), Signs, Lecterns or Nixie Tubes via the Source Block!
You can also get informations from blocks via the Target Block. For example, you can now get how much stress your network exactly has (in SU), a death counter, how many <insert_item_name_here> you produce, etc.
Or you controll Trains by using the Train Station as a peripheral or handle much more stuff with the RedRouter. (Redstone API as its own block)
With these blocks, many things you always wanted to handle precicely and easily via lua scripts, are now possible!
To find out more, check out the wiki section!