This is a simple desktop launcher that is heavily inspired by quicksilver. Currently still in prototype form, and am still focusing in getting the CLI interface done properly.
rc rebuild-index
$ rc do firefox
0 app: /home/jeffrey04/.local/share/applications/userapp-Firefox Developer Edition-EPEGV2.desktop - Custom definition for Firefox Developer Edition
Firefox Developer Edition
1 app: /home/jeffrey04/.local/share/applications/firefox-developer.desktop - Firefox Aurora with Developer tools
Firefox Developer Edition
2 app: /home/jeffrey04/.local/share/applications/userapp-Firefox Developer Edition-8CCQV2.desktop - Custom definition for Firefox Developer Edition
Firefox Developer Edition
Enter choice: :
$ rc do echo foo bar '|' clipboard
take multiple arguments
"""a short description of your plugin in the first line""" def run (*args: str) -> str | None: pass
name the file as
and save it to$HOME/.config/plugins/
take just 1 argument
"""a short description of your plugin in the first line""" def run(arg: str) -> str | None: pass
- name the file as
and save it to$HOME/.config/plugins/
- proper code with tests
- allow piping bytes across (e.g. screen capture)
- File searching?