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A tweak mod and kit pack focused on warriors and rogues

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<title>Might & Guile</title>

Might and Guile - a tweak mod and kit pack focusing on warriors and rogues

Author: Duns Scotus, the SubtleDoctor
On the web: discussion forum

Version 4.12
Languages: English
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS X


This mod is all about improving gameplay. While I love mods that bring the game closer to PnP, like Rogue Rebalancing and aTweaks, BG is a single-player computer game. If tweaking a rule makes this specific game more fun, then it's a good tweak, PnP be damned. Consider this mod as a collection of 'house rules' specific to the BG campaign. Some of these components nod in the direction of 3E or 5E rules... but they are still resolutely root in this 2E game engine. Every choice has been made with an eye to the particular gameplay mechanics of BG2 and the EEs.

Everything here is completely optional. You can use as many or as few of these mod components as you want. There is no 'core' component; use what you like, ignore what you don't.


The mod archive should be extracted into your game folder from the archive (or just unzipped and then copied there). If properly extracted, you should have a "might_and_guile" folder and "setup-might_and_guile.exe" in your game folder. To install, simply double-click "setup-might_and_guile.exe" and follow the instructions on screen.

Run setup-might_and_guile.exe in your game folder to reinstall, uninstall or otherwise change components.

Mac OS X:
This mod is packaged and installed with WeiDU. To install, simply extract the contents of the mod into your game folder. If properly extracted, you should have a folder called "might_and_guile," a file called "weidu," and the "Mac WeiDU Launcher" in your game directory. To install, simply double-click the WeiDU Launcher, choose "Might and Guile" from the list, and follow the instructions on screen.


Might and Guile is designed to work with any Infinity Engine game on a variant of the BG2 engine that someone might purchase and play today, in 2015. At the moment, that includes TOB, TuTu, BGT, BG:EE, BG2:EE, and IWD:EE. EDIT - much of the content of the mod that has been added since 2016 utilizes features of the EE 2.x engine. So a fair portion of the mod is now EE-only.

Might and Guile aims to be compatible with almost all other popular mods. There are however a few compatibility issues of note:

  • Some of the components of Rogue Rebalancing modify the same resources as M&G; be aware that you might see some different behavior depending on which one is installed last.

See the component descriptions below for more specific information about compatibility.

Load Order:
Might and Guile should be installed after all other mods that add or change items or kits. It should be installed after the "WSPATCK for All" component of tb#Tweaks. It should be installed before Refinements and Sword Coast Stratagems.

My personal install order looks something like this:

  • [quest mods]
  • [NPC mods]
  • [spell mods including Spell Revisions]
  • [item mods including Item Revisions]
  • [small kit mods]
  • Divine Remix
  • Song & Silence
  • Rogue Rebalancing
  • Monastic Orders of Faerun
  • Tome & Blood
  • Faiths & Powers
  • Might and Guile
  • [tweak mods including Tweaks Anthology]
  • Scales of Balance
  • SCS
  • [end-of-order mods like LevelOneNPCs, NPC_EE, Randomiser, etc.]

Modder Resources:
Might and Guile adds a handful of custom spellstates to SPLSTATE.IDS. It uses the 4th byte of stat 115, Clubs proficiency, to track certain feats, principally the Fighting Dirty feat. It also uses most of stat 108 for the Revised Bards' "semi-spontaneous"/"5E-style" hybrid spellcasting. It uses the Skald and Archer kit usability flags to control spell access in the Revised Bards component.


Component 200 (for EE 1.4+):

Feat System and Revised HLAs

This component adds learnable feats, which may be chosen by the player at certain levels in a dialogue-based method. The feats include a few melee techniques for fighters, and many skills of various kinds for thieves. If you install psionics and revised Called Shots, those abilities will be folded into this system.

To reflect their study of martial disciplines and techniques, single-class rangers and unkitted fighters will be able to choose from among 11 warrior feats. Fighters can choose a feat at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18. Rangers can choose a feat at levels 4, 8, 13, and 18.

Thieves are more thoroughly overhauled. They will begin the game with three feats (determined by kit - but trueclass may choose any three) and then choose a new one every other level. This makes fundamental changes to all thief kits. Most kit abilities (traps, poison, combat bonuses) are removed and turned into feats. The idea is, you will be able to choose feats to make a build very similar to the vanilla kits... OR you can build a character with different capabilities. It's up to you. (But on the other hand, there are still kits, and their choice of feats is somewhat restricted by what it appropriate for that kit.) Note: every kit now begins the game with 30 skill points and gains 20 skill points per level.

This component includes one new kit: the Alchemist. This rogue is able to use knowledge of herbs and chemistry to brew powerful potions and create other psuedo-magical effects.

Each kit can choose from a custom list that is a subset of the following feats:

  • Fitness - Health Conditioning: this ability confers a permanent +5 hit points upon the character
  • Fitness - Toughness: this ability confers a permanent 10% resistance to physical damage.
  • Fitness - Intestinal Fortitude: this ability allows an extra saving throw vs. Death to avoid poison and disease.
  • Fitness - Unflagging Determination: this ability allows an extra saving throw vs. Petrification to avoid Sleep, Hold, Stun, and fear effects.
  • Fitness - Quickstride: this ability allows the warrior to increase his or her movement rate at will.
  • Fitness - Saving Throws Bonus (Mental): this ability confers a permanent -2 bonus to saving throws vs. spells, wands, and psionics.
  • Fitness - Saving Throws Bonus (Physical): this ability confers a permanent -2 bonus to saving throws vs. death/poison and petrify/polymorph.

  • Skills Mastery - Stealth Bonus: this ability increase a rogue's Hide in Shadows and Move Silently skills by 10% each.
  • Skills Mastery - Thieving Bonus: this ability increase a rogue's Pick Pockets and Open Locks skills by 10% each.
  • Skills Mastery - Detection Bonus: this ability increase a rogue's Find Traps and Detect Illusions skills by 10% each.

  • Miscellaneous - Lore Bonus: this ability confers a permanent +15 bonus to Lore.
  • Miscellaneous - Tracking: the Tracking ability gives one a general idea of what creatures are in an area and which direction they are. Red arrows at the edge of the screen will point in the general direction of the creatures in the area.
  • Miscellaneous - Slippery Mind: this ability allows an extra saving throw vs. Spells to avoid Charm/Domination, Confusion, Feeblemind and Maze effects. (Available at 9th level.)
  • Miscellaneous - Luck Bonus: this ability confers a permanent +1 bonus to the Luck.
  • Miscellaneous - Wild Talent: this ability allows you to discover a latent psionic ability, and enough PSPs to use it several times per day. (Only if the Will to Power mod is installed first)

  • Mechanical Skills - Dart Trap: this ability sets a wide-area trap that does missile damage to anyone within 15 feet when it is triggered. Damage is 2d6, plus an additional 2d6 for each 6 levels of the trap-setter.
  • Mechanical Skills - Fire Trap: this ability sets a trap that causes a fiery explosion when triggered. Damage is 2d8, plus an additional 2d8 for each 6 levels of the trap-setter. Victims may save vs Breath to take half damage and avoid being knocked back by the blast. (Available at 9th level.)
  • Mechanical Skills - Poison Trap: this ability sets a wide-area trap that does slight missile damage to anyone within 15 feet when it is triggered, and also causes them to make a saving throw or become poisoned. The poison damage is 2d3 per round for three rounds, plus an additional 2d3 for each 6 levels of the trap-setter. (Available at 9th level.)
  • Mechanical Skills - Web Trap: this ability sets a trap that, when triggered, covers an area with a 15 foot radius with sticky, gooey webbing. Victims must make a saving throw to avoid being held fast each round they stay in the area of effect. (Available at 9th level.)

  • Alchemy - Basic Potionmaking: using foraged ingredients, this ability allows the creation of one of the following potions once per day: Potion of Healing; Antidote; Potion of Strength; Potion of Perception; Potion of Fire Resistance; Potion of Cold Resistance; or two Flaming Oils.
  • Alchemy - Advanced Potionmaking: using foraged ingredients, this ability allows the creation of one of the following potions once per day: Elixir of Health; Potion of Regeneration; Oil of Speed; Potion of Clarity; Potion of Mind Focusing; Potion of Invisibility; or Potion of Fiery Burning. (Alchemist only - requires Basic Alchemy.)
  • Alchemy - Smoke Bomb/Grease Jar: enable the use, once per day, of an attack with a Grease Jar (which mimics the effects of the wizard spell Grease) and a Smoke Bomb (which mimics the effects of the wizard spell Stinking Cloud).
  • Alchemy - Flaming Weapon: usable once per day, this ability coats a weapon in a viscous and highly flammable oil. For 10 rounds, the weapon will do 1d4 fire damage in addition to normal damage.
  • Alchemy - Poison Weapon (Toxin): this ability allows an Assassin to coat a weapon in a potent toxin. When it enters the bloodstream of a victim, they take immediate damage from the poison, and must save vs. Death to avoid taking more damage over the next several rounds. As the Assassin reaches higher level, the amount and duration of the damage increase. The poison retains its potency for 5 rounds, and victims may only be affected once per round. (Assassin only.)
  • Alchemy - Poison Weapon (Paralytic): this ability allows a Hunter to coat a weapon in a contact poison that causes both paralysis/shock and unconsciousness in victims. after being applied, its potency lasts for 5 rounds. (Hunter only.)
  • Alchemy - Hulking Transformation: The Alchemist causes a permanent change in his or her physiology, becoming able to trigger a transformation into a powerful brute once per day. This ability comes at a cost, however, resulting in a permanent -1 penalty to the Alchemist's Strength and Constitution. (Alchemist only.)

  • Combat Skills - Dodge: this ability confers a permanent -1 bonus to Armor Class. (Swashbucklers may repeat this feat up to 6 times; other may choose it twice.)
  • Combat Skills - Missile Snaring: this ability enables the deflection of the base (missile) damage from an incoming ranged attack, once per round. (Available at 9th level.)
  • Combat Skills - Mental Resilience: this ability confers a permanent -2 bonus to saving throws vs. Spells and Wands.
  • Combat Skills - Physical Resilience: this ability confers a permanent -2 bonus to saving throws vs. Death/Poison and Petrify/Polymorph.
  • Combat Skills - Spell Evasion: upon choosing this feat, when targeted by a spell that can be evaded (Fireball, Lightning Bolt, etc.), the effects may be completely avoided upon a successful save vs. Breath. Such spells and effects cannot be evaded when helpless (e.g. held, stunned, or asleep), however. (This ability is identical to IWDEE's Evasion. If installed on IWDEE, thieves will not receive Evasion automatically, instead they must choose this feat.
  • Combat Skills - Escape Artist: after choosing this feat, you have a chance to be affected by a brief 'Remove Paralysis' effect whenever Held, Webbed, Entangled, or otherwise helpless.
  • Combat Skills - Combat Training: this feat confers a permanent +1 bonus to all melee attack rolls. (Swashbucklers may repeat this feat up to 6 times; others may choose it twice.)
  • Combat Skills - Ranged Accuracy: this ability confers a permanent +1 bonus to all ranged attack rolls.
  • Combat Skills - Enhanced Backstab: this ability increases a rogue's or ranger's backstab multiplier by 1. (Assassins may take this feat up to 3 times; other may choose it once.)
  • Combat Skills - Fighting Dirty: once per round, when a rogue with this ability makes successful melee attacks with certain weapons, it may cause debilitating secondary effects upon a failed save vs. Breath. Such strikes might cripple and slow the target, causing a -2 penalty to attacks and damage for three rounds; or trip the target, who must spend one round fumbling to regain his footing; or stun the target for three seconds.
  • Combat Skills - Blind Opponent: use of this ability involves throwing sand, dirt, or some other material at the target's eyes, causing a very brief period of Blindness upon a failed save vs. Breath.
  • Combat Skills - Disrupt Magic: upon using this ability, which lasts two rounds and may be used once per combat encounter, successful melee attacks interfere with the target's inner ear, resulting in Deafness and a 50% chance of spell failure for 2 rounds upon a failed save vs. Spells.

  • Combat Skills - Precise Strike: this ability confers a permanent +5% chance to score a critical hit.

  • Fighting Posture - Aggressive: each successful melee hit has a 20% chance to knock the target back 10 feet, and (on a failed saving throw) stun the target for two seconds.
  • Fighting Posture - Disarming: each successful melee hit has a 20% chance to cause the target to stumble and/or fumble their weapon, resulting in the same penalties as a Slow spell, for one round.
  • Fighting Posture - Parry: the warrior may focus on fighting and movement techniques designed to maximize the chance of dodging blows from slashing weapons, piercing weapons, or blunt weapons.
  • Tactics - Discipline: the warrior may supervise and direct those around him, resulting in a +1 thac0 bonus for all party members within 20 feet.
  • Tactics - Formation: the warrior may supervise and direct those around him, resulting in a +1 AC bonus for all party members within 20 feet.

  • Magical Skills - Use Magical Devices: this ability allows the rogue to cast magic from scrolls and wands, just like a wizard or a bard. (Available at 9th level.)
  • Magical Skills - Shadow Magic: this allows the rogue to use one of the following five abilities, once per day: Sanctuary, Blindness, Shadow Door, Shadowstep, or Summon Shadow. (Available at 9th level.)
  • Magical Skills - Illusion Magic: this allows the Shadowdancer to use one of the following five abilities, once per day: Color Spray, Blur, Glitterdust, Mirror Image, or Misleading Clone. (Available at 9th level.)

A note about backstabbing: the base tables are simplified: x2 at level 1, x3 at level 9, and x4 at level 18. Shadowdancers' multiplier is 1 lower than other thieves. And Swashbuckers' multiplier is always x1. BUT, any thief can take the 'Backstab Bonus' feat once to improve the multiplier (to x5 for most thieves, x4 for Shadowdancers, and x2 for Swashbucklers). And Assassins may take that feat up to three times, thus reaching a x7 multiplier.

Additionally, this component will alter the rogue HLA tables. Since various trap HLAs have been repurposed (and rebalanced) as low/mid-level feats, the rogue HLA tables will be quite shortened. To make up for this, the following changes will be made to Rogue HLA tables:

  • Time Trap becomes Maze Trap.
  • The Swashbuckler feat 'Escape Artist' wil be available to all thieves as an HLA.
  • The 'Shadow Magic' feat will be available to all thieves as an HLA.
  • The 'Illusion Magic' feat will be available to all thieves as an HLA.
  • Instead of traps, vanilla Trueclass bards can choose Extra level 6 Spell, Escape Artist, and Power Attack.
  • Instead of traps, vanilla Blades can choose Extra Level 6 Spell, Escape Artist, and Whirlwind.
  • Instead of traps, vanilla Jesters can choose Extra Level 6 Spell, Escape Artist, and Shadow Magic.
  • Instead of traps, vanilla Skalds can choose Power Attack, War Cry, and Hardiness.

This component will shift thieves to the priest thac0 table, making them a bit more effective in combat.

Finally, this component will grant every enemy thief in the game the 'Dirty Fighting' feat, which means the player will be subject to secondary effects such as being Slowed, tripped, or stunned when struck by thieves. Additionally, every enemy fighter will be assigned one of the five warrior fighting postures, giving them an AC bonus against one damage type or a chance to Slow or knock back the player.

Compatibility: this component treads some of the same ground as Rogue Rebalancing component #2: "Thief Kit Revisions." Best not to use them together; choose whichever you prefer. Also, you should not use the Item Revisions component "Thieves Can Use Wands" - with this component, thieves using wands is a feat! (This will override the IR component if you do install both.) This component is not compatible with Kit Revisions' Revised thief kits.

Please note that this component will only grant feats to the base five thief kits: Thief, Assassin, Hunter, Swashbuckler, and Shadowdancer, as well as thief kits added by this mod and by the 'Song & Silence' mod. Thief kits from other mods may be used alongside this component... but they will only get their normal kit abilities, no feats.

Component 205:

Revised Archers

This component eliminates the game's basic "Called Shot" ability and replaces it with a variety of trick shots that may be learned. These called shots all root the Archer in place for one round, and every shot that strikes a target during that round has the effects described below. The Archer has a +2 bonus to thac0 while attempting these shots. These Called Shots will be available as feats, instead of granted automatically at pre-determined levels. Use the white ability with a "+" to choose one.

– +1 to hit and damage rolls with ranged weapon at levels 3, 6, 10, 15, and 21.
– Can achieve Grand Mastery (+++++) with bows and crossbows.
– May learn to use Called Shots at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12. Called Shots may be used at will, and the effects work for one round. The Archer has a +2 bonus to thac0 and damage while performing Called Shots, but must remain stationary during that time. The Archer learns the following Called Shots:

– Available at 1st level: Trip Shot. Aimed at the legs, this shot causes the target to fall down for one round upon a failed save vs. Breath.
– Available at 1st level: Disarming Shot. This shot knocks loose the targets grasp on a weapon, resulting in a -4 penalty to thac0 and reduced APR for one round, upon a failed save vs. Breath.
– Available at 1st level: Pinning Shot. This shot catches the target's clothes or body and pins them to the wall, floor, or other object, rendering the target unable to move for two rounds upon a failed save vs. Breath.
– Available at 1st level: Crippling Shot. This shot causes the target to lose their footing and slowly recover, becoming Slowed for two rounds upon a failed save vs. Breath.
– Available at 9th level: Blinding Shot. Aimed at the eyes, this shot causes the target to flinch and momentarily lose their vision, being Blinded for one round upon a failed save vs. Breath.
– Available at 9th level: Hammer Shot. This shot strikes with incredible force, adding 1d6 crushing damage to the normal missile damage and knocking the target back 5-10 feet, unless the target makes a successful save vs. Breath.
– 1Available at 9th level: Stunning Shot. Aimed at the head, this shot causes the target to become dazed for 3 seconds upon a failed save vs. paralyzation.

– May only become proficient (+) with melee weapons.
– May only wear leather or similar armors.

Note: unless the mod's .ini file is altered, this component will automatically install the Marksman, Elven Archer, Halfling Slinger, and Sniper kits.

Compatibility: this component will conflict with other mods that alter the Archer kit, like the "Improved Archer" mod.

Component 210 (for EE 1.4+):

Revised Bards

This component makes fundamental changes to the bard class, changes which I think of as "the best of all editions." First, harking back loosely to the 1st Edition concept of the class, all bard kits (including the base Bard) are now multiclasses of some sort. Most, being roguish in nature, fall under the mage/thief class. But some, like the Skald and Gallant, fall under the fighter/mage class. This allows roguish bards to utilize more thief skills than just Pick Pockets, and martial bards to be more effective combatants.

Second, while bards are basically multiclass Enchanters, they have a more casual and improvisational approach to magic spellcasting, which follows 5th Edition rules. While they can record spells into their spellbook from scrolls like wizards, and memorize several different spells each night, they can cast their memorized spells improvisationally, like a sorcerer. This has a few downsides, however: 1) bards progress more slowly than wizards in being able to use magic; 2) they cannot learn the most powerful spells, those of 8th and 9th spell levels; and 3) they cannot learn spells from the schools of Necromancy or Evocation (with the exception of the Elegist).

Finally, bard songs are changed to function like 3E's "inspirations," and can (generally) keep working in the background while you do other things like fight and cast spells. I've expanded the concept a bit and categorized the various bard songs into three categories:

  • Inspirations provide bonuses for your allies. These bonuses are relatively mild, and inspirations can generally work in the background while a bard fights or casts spells.
  • Emanations cause your enemies to suffer various penalties. Most emanations require fairly intense concentration and will prevent the bard from casting spells while they are in effect.
  • Auras create intense effects focused on the immediate vicinity around the bard's body. Most auras require intense concentration and will prevent the bard from casting spells while they are in effect.

The mage/thief and fighter/mage class UI have no dedicated bard song button, so instead these songs are activated and deactivated from the 'innate abilities' bar. Bards will generally be able to acquire a handful of bard songs in your career (the exact umber depends on your kit); most kits begin the game with one inspiration or emanation, and gain another at 6th level. Bards can additionally learn several songs from special sheet music scrolls that you will find around the world; and if you have installed the feats component, bards can learn more songs as feats. Here is the list of all songs available to learn:

  • Inspiration: Luck - allies have a bonus to Luck and saving throws.
  • Inspiration: Courage - allies are immune to fear effects and gain a +1 bonus to hit in melee combat.
  • Inspiration: Power - allies gain a +1 to +4 bonus to melee damage (scales with level).
  • Inspiration: Blessing - allies are under the effect of a Bless spell.
  • Inspiration: Positive Energy - allies are under the effect of the spell Negative Plane Protection. (This inspiration disables the bard's spellcasting.)
  • Inspiration: Death Ward - allies are under the effect of a Death Ward spell. (This aura disables the bard's spellcasting.)
  • Inspiration: Reflections - allies get a single Mirror Image each round, which may absorb a melee attack. (This inspiration disables the bard's spellcasting.)
  • Inspiration: Mind Shield - allies are immune to all magical mental effects such as Charm, Confusion, Feeblemind, etc. (This inspiration is intense - it disables both spellcasting and combat for the bard.)

  • Emanation: Interference - this aura causes ALL spellcasting in the area of effect (whether by friend or foe) to suffer a 65% chance of failure. (This emanation disables the bard's spellcasting.)
  • Emanation: Intimidation - this aura causes all enemies in an area of effect to suffer a -1 penalty to to-hit and damage rolls.
  • Emanation: Malison - this aura causes all enemies in an area of effect to suffer a -1 penalty to Luck and saving throws.
  • Emanation: Confusion - this causes all enemies in an area of effect to save each round or be Confused.
  • Emanation: Hold Undead - this reduces the movement rate of nearby undead creatures, and causes them to save each round or be Held. (This emanation disables the bard's spellcasting.)
  • Emanation: Entangle - this causes all enemies in an area of effect to save each round or be Entangled.

  • Aura: Blur - this provides the bard with the effects of the Blur spell. (This aura disables the bard's spellcasting.)
  • Aura: Mind Blank - this renders the bard immune to all magical mental effects such as Charm, Confusion, Feeblemind, etc. (This aura disables the bard's spellcasting.)
  • Aura: Invulnerability - this enfolds the bard in a very short-range Minor Globe of Invulnerability, preventing any spells of 1st to 3rd level from having direct effect. (This aura disables the bard's spellcasting.)
  • Aura: Cloak of Fear - this causes all foes engaging in melee combat against the bard to save each round or be affected by Panic. (This aura disables the bard's spellcasting.)
  • Aura: Slowing - this causes all foes engaging in melee combat against the bard to save each round or be temporarily Slowed. (This aura disables the bard's spellcasting.)
  • Aura: Touch of Truth - this causes all illusions which come into physical contact with the bard (a 3-foot radius) to be dispelled. (This aura disables the bard's spellcasting.)
  • Aura: Hex - while the bard maintains this aura, all enemies within 3 feet suffer a 1-point penalty to Luck and saving throws. In addition, each time the bard strikes an enemy (up to once per round), the enemy must save vs. spells or this penalty is increased by one more point, for three rounds. (This aura disables the bard's spellcasting.)
  • Aura: Maze - this HLA aura causes all foes engaging in melee combat against the bard to save each round or be temporarily Mazed.

Here are the descriptions of the new-style bard kits:


– Lore increased by 5 points per level.
– May cast spells starting at 2nd level.
– May use the Bardic Inspiration ability. While active, this provides allies with a +1 bonus to Luck and saving throws.
– May learn to manifest other Bard Song effects.
– While bards memorize spells like a wizard, they can cast them spontaneously, like a sorcerer.
– Automatically gains use of the following spells: Command, Vocalize (as a 1st-level spell), Silence 15' Radius, Shout, Secret Word, Greater Command, Power Word: Silence, Great Shout, and Earthquake.

– May cast spells one level later than a wizard.
– May not learn spells from the Evocation or Necromancy schools of magic.
– May not learn 8th- or 9th-level spells.
– May not use the Hide in Shadows or Move Silently thieving abilities.
– No backstab damage multiplier.


– May achieve Specialization (++) with long swords, short swords, scimitars, daggers, and darts, as well as the single-weapon and two-weapon styles.
– May use Emanation: Intimidate, which causes penalties to the attack and damage rolls of enemies within 20 feet.
– From 6th level, may use a Blur Aura, which improves the Blade's armor class and saving throws.
– May learn to manifest other Bard Song effects.
– While bards memorize spells like a wizard, they can cast them spontaneously, like a sorcerer.
– Once per day per 6 levels of experience, may use the Swashbuckling ability.

SWASHBUCKLING: This is a fighting style which focuses on harrying one's opponent while avoiding incoming blows. It provides a 2-point bonus to Armor Class against melee attacks, at the cost of a 1-point penalty to damage and to-hit rolls. Successful strikes cause enemies to suffer a 2-point penalty to thac0 on a failed save vs. Petrification, however, a critical miss may cause the swashbuckler to stumble and fall. This style may be turned on and off at will.

– May cast spells one level later than a wizard.
– May not learn spells from the Evocation or Necromancy schools of magic.
– May not learn 8th- or 9th-level spells.
– May cast one fewer spell per day at each spell level, compared to other bards.

– Backstab damage limited to a 2x multiplier.

JESTER: This Bard is well versed in the arts of ridicule and hilarity, and uses abilities to distract and confuse enemies, cavorting madly during combat. Do not mistake for a true fool, however, as can also be quite deadly.

– Lore increased by 5 points per level.
– May use a Hex Emanation, which causes a 1-point penalty to Luck and saving throws to all enemies within 20 feet.
– From 6th level, may use an Emanation of Confusion, which causes all enemies within 20 feet to save vs. Spells each round or become Confused. (The Jester cannot cast spells while the Aura of Confusion is in effect.)
– May learn to manifest other Bard Song effects.
– While bards memorize spells like a wizard, they can cast them spontaneously, like a sorcerer.
– Automatically gains use of the following spells: Miscast Magic, Rigid Thinking, Free Action, Chaotic Commands, Physical Mirror, and Entropy Shield.

– May cast spells one level later than a wizard.
– May not learn spells from the Evocation or Necromancy schools of magic.
– May not learn 8th- or 9th-level spells.
– May not use the Hide in Shadows or Move Silently thieving abilities.
– No backstab damage multiplier.

SKALD (fighter/bard): This nordic-inspired Bard is also a warrior of great strength, skill, and virtue; songs are inspiring sagas of battle and valor, and the Skald devotes life to those pursuits.

– Lore increased by 5 points per level.
– May use Inspiration: Power, granting allies within 20 feet a +1 bonus to attack damage for each five levels of the Skald's experience.
– From 6th level, may radiate an Aura of Fear, causing all enemies within 3 feet to save every found or be frightened.
– May learn to manifest other Bard Song effects.
– While bards memorize spells like a wizard, they can cast them spontaneously, like a sorcerer.
– Automatically gains use of the following spells: Remove Fear, Flame Blade, Draw Upon Holy Might, Defensive Harmony, Righteous Magic, Magic Resistance, and Blade Barrier.

– May cast spells one level later than a wizard.
– May not learn spells from the Evocation or Necromancy schools of magic.
– May not learn 8th- or 9th-level spells.
– May cast one fewer spell per day at each spell level, compared to other bards.

GALLANT (fighter/bard): Part charming aesthete, part dashing warrior, gallants travel the land in search of beauty, love, and adventure. They steal the hearts of the young, and lift the spirits of the elderly. Their code, similar to a paladin's, requires that they defend the innocent and members of the opposite sex, and aid the needy in times of trouble and danger.

– Lore increased by 5 points per level.
– May use Inspiration: Courage which protects allies within 20 feet from Fear effects.
– May learn to manifest other Bard Song effects.
– While bards memorize spells like a wizard, they can cast them spontaneously, like a sorcerer.
– Automatically gains use of the following spells: Armor of Faith, Aid, Cure Disease, Protection from Evil 10' Radius, Negative Plane Protection, and Mass Cure Light Wounds.

– From 5th level, may innately cast the priest spell Death Ward once per day.
– Receivies a +1 bonus to saves vs. death for each 6 levels of experience.

– May cast spells one level later than a wizard.
– May not learn spells from the Evocation or Necromancy schools of magic.
– May not learn 8th- or 9th-level spells.
– May cast one fewer spell per day at each spell level, compared to other bards.

MEISTERSINGER: These bards wander the woodlands, charming animals with their melodies and helping druids and rangers to protect nature. They are the enemies of ruthless hunters and trappers, striving against such activities with their animal allies, beguiling music, and nature-based magic.

– May use the ranger's Animal Empathy ability.
– Lore increased by 5 points per level.
– May use Inspiration: Luck, providing all allies within 20 feet a +1 bonus to Luck and saving throws.
– From 6th level, may use an Entangling Emanation, causing all enemies within 20 feet to save vs. Breath every round or be Entangled, unable to move.
– May learn to manifest other Bard Song effects.
– While bards memorize spells like a wizard, they can cast them spontaneously, like a sorcerer.
– Automatically gains use of druidic Animal Summoning spells, as well as the following: Entangle, Goodberry, Barkskin, Zone of Sweet Air, Thorn Spray, Spike Growth, Call Woodland Being, and Nature's Beauty.

– May cast spells one level later than a wizard.
– May not learn spells from the Evocation or Necromancy schools of magic.
– May not learn 8th- or 9th-level spells.
– May not use the Pick Pockets or Pick Locks thieving abilities.
– No backstab damage multiplier.

JINXER: This roguish bard mixes casual disregard of the notion of property rights with the innate talent to manipulate luck and probabilities - and a flair for showmanship. Sometimes Jinxers operate within a Gypsy clan such as the Vistani (in which case they may be called 'Zingaros'), and sometimes they operate as lone wolves. Often singers in their spare time, Jinxers have a love of song and may use some basic bardic abilities, such as being able to manifest an aura that hexes nearby rivals. To the great vexation of many a noble, Jinxers often turn this talent to selfish ends. With a knack for turning the tables, they can be very frustrating opponents. As a species of bard, Jinxers may perform Bard Songs. And like other bards, their use of magic is less powerful but more flexible than that of a typical wizard.

– Lore increased by 5 points per level.
– May use a Hex Emanation, which causes a 1-point penalty to Luck and saving throws to all enemies within 20 feet.
– From 6th level, may use a focused Hex Aura, which causes enemies within melee range to suffer a 1-point penalty to Luck and saving throws; additionally, every melee hit the Jinxer lands against enemies (up to once per round) will increase this penalty by one more point. A Jinxer cannot cast spells while this aura is active.
– May learn to manifest other Bard Song effects.
– While bards memorize spells like a wizard, they can cast them spontaneously, like a sorcerer.
– Automatically gains use of the following spells: Curse, Doom, Miscast Magic, Spiritual Clarity, Remove Curse, and Greater Malison.

– May cast spells one level later than a wizard.
– May not learn spells from the Evocation or Necromancy schools of magic.
– May not learn 8th- or 9th-level spells.
– Backstab damage limited to a 2x multiplier.

HEXBLADE: This kit combines skilled combat abilities with an understanding of magic and the innate ability to Curse foes. Hexblades are often wrathful individuals, applying their skills in violence toward the end of vengeance for wrongs they have suffered.

– Lore increased by 5 points per level.
– May use a Hex Emanation, which causes a 1-point penalty to Luck and saving throws to all enemies within 20 feet.
– From 6th level, may use a focused Hex Aura, which causes enemies within melee range to suffer a 1-point penalty to Luck and saving throws; additionally, every melee hit the Hexblade lands against enemies (up to once per round) will increase this penalty by one more point. A Hexblade cannot cast spells while this aura is active.
– May learn to manifest other bard song effects.
– While bards memorize spells like a wizard, they can cast them spontaneously, like a sorcerer.
– Automatically gains use of the following spells: Curse, Doom, Miscast Magic, Spiritual Clarity, Remove Curse, and Greater Malison.

– May cast spells one level later than a wizard.
– May not learn spells from the Evocation or Necromancy schools of magic.
– May not learn 8th- or 9th-level spells.
– May cast one fewer spell per day at each spell level, compared to other bards.

ELEGIST: these bards perform as cantors and mourners, able to move the most taciturn souls with funereal music. They immerse themselves in death - often in order to help others appreciate life. Their music and spellcasting tends to reflect this obsession. They eschew Illusion magic, preferring to confront people with the hard truths of life and death.

– Lore increased by 5 points per level.
– May use Emanation: Hold Undead, which can Slow nearby undead creatures or even stop them in their tracks.
– From 6th level, may use a Death Ward Inspiration, providing all allies within 20 feet with the benefits of the Death Ward priest spell. The Elegist cannot cast spells while the Death Ward Inspiration is in effect.
– May learn to manifest other Bard Song effects.
– While bards memorize spells like a wizard, they can cast them spontaneously, like a sorcerer.
– Automatically gains use of the following spells: Spirit Ward, Chant, Spirit Fire, Death Ward, Slay Living, and Recall Spirit.

– May cast spells one level later than a wizard.
– May only wear leather armors (plus elven chain).
– May not learn spells from the Evocation or Illusion schools of magic.
– May not learn 8th- or 9th-level spells.
– While most bards are a subcategory of Enchanter specialist wizards, Elegists share characteristics with Necromancers.

ELVEN BLADESINGER: Among the Elven nations there is an order of warriors who wield power matched by few. Combining martial skill with magical prowess, Bladesingers have the resources to face nearly any threat. They master the use of bladed weapons wielded in one hand, keeping the other free for spellcasting. Name notwithstanding, Bladesingers can actually use many different weapons; most elven armies and societies have different units devoted to particular weapons. Bladesingers can choose their weapon of focus at 9th level. (These are exclusively melee weapons; the Bladesong is specific to hand-to-hand combat. If a Bladesinger needs to attack from range, they use magic to do so.

– May use a Blur Aura, which improves armor class and saving throws. The Bladesinger cannot cast spells while under the effect of the Blur Aura.
– From 6th level, may perform the Bladesong while fighting, at will. The Bladesong allows the Bladesinger to merge the acts of spellcasting and attacking; spells are cast with a -5 bonus to casting time, while 1 fewer attack can be made per two combat rounds. (Note: Improved Alacrity will interrupt these effects.)
– May learn to manifest other Bard Song effects.
– At 9th level, may choose a Weapon of Focus. The Bladesinger can advance to Mastery with this weapon category, and can make one more attack every two rounds when using it.
– While bards memorize spells like a wizard, they can cast them spontaneously, like a sorcerer.

– Must be an elf.
– May not be Chaotic.
– May not become proficient in ranged weapons.
– May cast spells one level later than a wizard.
– May not learn 8th- or 9th-level spells.
– May cast one fewer spell per day at each spell level, compared to other bards.

AGENT (triple-class F/M/T): agents are masters of espionage, using their prodigious skills to further the interests of some patron, or sometimes, themselves. They often pose as entertainers or some other seemingly-innocuous profession, in order to infiltrate societies and organizations. They have a voluminous knowledge of culture, history and art, in order to play their role well, in addition to magical powers, the skills of a thief, and in emergencies, the ability to brawl their way out of trouble. While it takes very long to master such a diverse set of capabilities, the reward for such patience and training is flexibility that is simply unmatched.

– Lore increased by 5 points per level.
– May use an Inspiration of Luck, providing all allies within 20 feet a +1 bonus to Luck and saving throws.
– From 6th level, may use a Mind Blank Aura, which causes the Agent's mind to be undetectable by, and unaffected by, psionics or mind-altering magic. An Agent cannot cast spells while this aura is active.
– May learn to manifest other Bard Song effects.
– While bards memorize spells like a wizard, they can cast them spontaneously, like a sorcerer.

– May cast spells one level later than a wizard.
– May not learn spells from the Evocation or Necromancy schools of magic.
– May not learn 8th- or 9th-level spells.
– Backstab damage limited to a 2x multiplier.

While most bards practice a musical form of magic use, there are several kits categorized as "demibards," which do not learn arcane magic, but can still use bardic inspirations, emanations, and auras:

HERALD (fighter/thief): Heralds are agents working on behalf of kings, nobles, or some other established authorities. A good Herald can effortlessly utilize knowledge, diplomacy, and force of arms as needed to protect or benefit their patron. They can organize and even perform in a grand ball, and identify anyone important or dangerous present, and if necessary, command a troop of elite guards or soldiers in battle. Some Heralds remain close to their liege, but others take to the road, extending their influence into foreign territories.

– Lore increased by 5 points per level.
– May use Inspiration: Courage which protects nearby allies from Fear effects.
– From 6th level, may use a Mind Blank Aura, which causes the Herald's mind to be undetectable by, and unaffected by, psionics or mind-altering magic.
– May learn to manifest other Bard Song effects.

– Backstab damage limited to a 2x multiplier.
– May not use the Set Traps thief skill.

LORESINGER OF MILIL (cleric or cleric/thief): Loresingers venerate Milil, god of poetry, song, and storytelling. Both bard and priest, they often volunteer their talents as cantors for churches as they travel. Loresingers are charged by Milil with spreading the cultural gifts of music, art, and literature, and seeking out foreign sources of them. As devotees of one of the major deities of bards, Loresingers can learn to play and sing bard songs with various effects, just like bards. Loresingers may be pure clerics, or mix cleric advancement with thief skills.

– Lore increased by 5 points per level.
– May use Inspiration: Blessing, constantly providing all allies within 20 feet with the benefits of the Bless spell.
– From 6th level, may use a Positive Energy Inspiration, providing all allies within 20 feet with the benefits of the Negative Plane Protection priest spell. The Loresinger cannot cast spells while the Positive Energy Inspiration is in effect.
– May learn to manifest other Bard Song effects.

– May not turn undead.

HALFLING WHISTLER (thief): Whistlers are an odd mix of forest wanderer and entertainer. Halflings belong generally to the category of nature-sensitive races, and Whistlers are extremely attuned to the natural environment around them. In particular, they love forest animals and plant life. They can use their special whistling abilities to communicate with animals, and even have some influence over plants and natural forces like the wind and water. In addition to these special abilities, Whistlers can perform traditional Bard Songs through their whistling.

– May use the Animal Empathy ability, as a Ranger.
– From 3rd level, may cast one of the following druid spells: Magical Stone, Sanctuary, Shillelagh, or Goodberry.
– From 8th level, may cast one of the following druid spells: Slow Poison, Cure Disease, Barkskin, or Animal Summoning I.
– From 13th level, may cast one of the following druid spells: Zone of Sweet Air, Call Lightning, or Animal Summoning II.
– May use an Inspiration of Luck, providing all allies within 20 feet a +1 bonus to Luck and saving throws.
– From 6th level, may use an Entangling Emanation, causing all enemies within 20 feet to save vs. Breath every round or be Entangled, unable to move.
– May learn to manifest other Bard Song effects.
– May specialize (++) in the use of slings.

– Backstab damage limited to a 2x multiplier.
– Whistlers may not cast wizard spells.
– May not invest points in the Set Traps, Hide in Shadows, or Move Silently thief skills.
– Advances 25% slower than most rogues.

In Spear of Dragonspear and BG2EE, the Bard's Hat magic item is modified. Now the hat radiates the basic bardic Luck inspiration. The bard wearing the hat can manifest a different aura, allowing you to get the benefit of two bard auras simultaneously.

Compatibility: these changes are totally incompatible with the way all other bard kits work. I have not disabled the old bard class; instead you will see that it is called "2E Bard" in the class menu. If you install bard kits from other mods, like Song & Silence or Bardic Wonders, they will be available under the "2E Bard" class and will function like unmodded bards; at the same time, the nine kits in this component will be available under the Mage/Thief and Fighter/Thief classes.

NOTE: All of the bard kits below in components 450-490 were designed for the old-style 2E bard class. They will not be available if you install this component (though several have been adapted and are included in the new form).

Component 220 (for EE 2.0+):

Multiclass Kits

This component liberalizes the multiclassing rules in targeted ways:

  • Enables humans to multiclass.
  • Enables elves to be bards, fighter/clerics, cleric/thieves, cleric/rangers, and cleric/mages.
  • Enables half-elves to be cleric/thieves.
  • Enables dwarves to be cleric/thieves.
  • Enables halflings to be fighter/clerics and cleric/thieves.

This component also introduces several multiclass kits to the game. If your game version is EE v2.0 or higher, these are available at character generation; in versions 1.3-1.4, you must use a tome or similar item to adopt the kit. The multiclass kits are:

  • Spellfilcher - for mage/thieves.
  • Loremaster - for mage/thieves.
  • Ranger/Mage - for mage/thieves.
  • Thug - for fighter/thieves.
  • Tomb Runner - for fighter/thieves.
  • Ranger/Thief - for fighter/thieves.

SPELLFILCHER: The Spellfilchers are hidden society of very specialized thieves. They hone their abilities toward a dangerous goal: stealing magic from wizards. To that end, Spellfilchers have a few special tricks they can employ when confronted by angry mages.

– Any target struck by a Spellfilcher in melee combat must save vs. rods/wands or suffer a 33% chance of miscast magic for 3 rounds.
– Spellfilchers may cast the priest spell "Silence 15' Radius" to prevent an enemy from casting spells.
– At 5th level, Spellfilchers may cast a special variant of "Spell Turning" which lasts for 12 hours. It will only turn back a single spell.
– At 9th level Spellfilchers become innately and permanently protected by the effect of the spell "Non-detection."

– None

LOREMASTER: There is a fine line between Loremaster and sage. Loremasters may often be found in professorial positions, teaching history to others. But unlike sages, Loremasters feel compelled to go out and discover knowledge by exploring the unknown. They can often be found fleeing huge boulders in trapped dungeons, battling savage practitioners of strange magics, and discovering secret passages in ancient castles. Loremasters are fond of any aspect of history that makes a good story - and they enjoy living those stories as much as telling them.

– Through their devoted study of the past, gain a fundamental understanding of many strange magical artifacts. Thus, they can use any magical item.
– Loremasters' studies enhance their understanding of magic, so much that they cast spells as if they were one level higher.
– Loremasters receive a bonus +5 lore per level.

– Loremasters may only spend 18 skill points toward thieving skills each level, and cannot practice the arts of Picking Pockets or Setting traps.
– Loremasters do not do extra damage by backstabbing.

RANGER/MAGE: Yeah - ranger/mage! This is an approximation, the best I could do in the 2E Infinity Engine. You have to start out as a mage/thief, and the thief side of your class will morph to be more like a ranger.

– Bonuses to hit points and thac0 to approximate a warrior/mage.
– May cast Goodberry innately, and has 3 druid spells each of levels 1-3 automatically added to the wizard spellbook.

– Limited access to thief abilities: may only use Hide in Shadows, Move Silently, Find Traps, and Detect Illusions.
– Limited to Good alignments.

THUG: Some rogues find that the application of violence is as effective in the pursuit of their goals as the more refined thieving skills. These may be simple lone muggers, or organized enforcers for a guild. In either case, for most of a peaceful urban populace, the only sure thing is that thugs are to be feared and guarded against.

– +1 bonus to Strength.
– +1 bonus to backstab multiplier.

– -2 penalty to Dexterity.
– May not use the Open Locks, Detect Illusion, or Set Traps skills.
– May only distribute 20 skill points each level.
– May not be Lawful or Good alignments.

TOMB RUNNER: these adventurers are seekers after history, truth, and riches. They love to travel to strange lands, searching for mysterious and ancient ruins. Whether in pursuit of scholarly knowledge, or power and fame (or all of the above!), Tomb Runners are adept at surviving hostile dungeons that often do not *want* to be explored.

– Initial 15-point bonus to Find Traps and Detect Illusions.
– +5 bonus to Lore each level.
– +3 bonus to to-hit and damage rolls against undead creatures.

– At level 15, may Use Any Item.

– May not use the Pick Pockets skill.
– May distribute 20 skill points each level.
– Reduced backstab multiplier progression, matching that of a Stalker.
– Tomb Runners need a free hand to examine relics; therefore, they do not learn to dual-wield two weapons at once.

RANGER/THIEF: Yeah - ranger/thief! This again is an approximation. You start as a fighter/thief and you will get some druidic magic like rangers, offset by some limitations to your thief skills, and an XP penalty to reflect rangers' increased XP requirements vs. fighters.

– +5 bonus to Hide in Shadows and Move Silently skills with each warrior level-up.
– May use the Animal Empathy ability like other rangers.
– May cast an assortment of druid spells, beginning at 5th level.

– May not use the Pick Pockets or Open Locks skills.
– May only distribute 15 skill points each thief level.
– Reduced backstab multiplier progression, matching that of a Stalker.
– 15% experience point penalty.
– Limited to Good alignments.

Component 230:

Revised Stalkers

The Stalker loses its special wizard spells (install the Mage Hunter kit instead, see component 350 below). However they can set traps like a thief, and can attain greater proficiency than other rangers with daggers and short swords.

ALL rangers can now backstab for x2 damage from stealth; Stalkers' backstab multiplier increases at higher levels.

Component 235:

Revised Beastmasters

Beastmasters gain the ability to wield daggers, axes, and spears in addition to the normal group of weapons available to them.

Beastmasters may also shapechange into wolf and werewolf forms, and may summon a Spirit Wolf to aid them in combat once per day.

Component 240 (for EE 1.4+):

Improved Rangers

This component adds two abilities to all rangers. First, they receive the 'Tracking' High-Level Ability as an innate power at 1st level.

Second, Rangers' inherent fortitude allows them to make an extra saving throw vs. Death/Poison to avoid suffering the effects of most spells and abilities that cause poison, disease, and nausea.

If the feat system (component 200) is installed, this will be reflected as free access to the "Tracking" and "Intestinal Fortitude" feats for all rangers.

Finally, this component will allow all ranger kits (aside from the trueclass) to choose alignments other than Good, and will prevent them from Falling due to low reputation.

Component 245:

Revised Movement Bonuses ("Quickstride")

Barbarians' and Monks' movement bonus is changed from a permanent characteristic to an at-will innate ability called Quickstride. Now if they want to walk more slowly to keep the group together, they can do so.

Rangers and Scouts (if installed, see component 420 below) will also get the Quickstride ability.

Note: the extent of the speed bonus when using the Quickstride ability may be configured in the mod's .ini file.

Component 250:

Revised Berserker and Rage

Berserkers and Wizard Slayers are limited to Mastery (+++) in weapons. Berserkers are further limited to basic proficiency (+) in fighting styles. Berserk Rage and Barbarian Rage are merged, because 1) I don't know why there are two different kinds of Rage, and 2) vanilla Berserk Rage is more like a Mind Shield spell than an actual Rage. Rage now lasts for 30 seconds, provides a bonus 0.5 APR, increases STR and CON by 3, provides immunity to Charm/Hold/Stun/Confusion (but NOT level drain or Maze/Imprisonment), and penalizes AC by 2.

Component 265:

Revised Monk Fists

Monk fists are are rebalanced to do less damage, but have higher APR. The fists also become toggleable, able to switch at will between doing fatigue damage as a normal unenchanted fist, and crushing and magical damage as an enchanted fist.

Component 275:

Revised Shadowdancer

This component removes Shadowdancers' "Hide in Plain Sight" ability. It also turns their "Shadowstep" ability into something called "Shadow Pool" which allows the Shadowdancer to cast any one of the following spells:
– Sanctuary
– Blindness
– Shadow Door
– Shadowstep
– Summon Shadow

Component 310:

Add the CORSAIR fighter kit

CORSAIR: Part warrior, part rogue, part charming sailor, the Corsair is a dashing swordsman who survives by sharp wits and a sharper blade.

– Can achieve Grand Mastery (5 stars) with light bladed weapons.
– Gains a bonus to Armor Class for every six levels gained.
– Can use use the skill Swashbuckling once per day for each five levels. While Swashbuckling, the character wheels and spins and parries, gaining an Armor Class of -1 per two levels, up to a maximum of -10.

– Cannot become proficient with heavy weapons.
– May only achieve Mastery (+++) with ranged weapons.
– May not wear heavier armor than studded leather.

Component 320:

Add the MARKSMAN fighter kit

This is a fighter kit which mimics the Archer ranger kit in almost every way, except this kit can reach specialization with melee weapons instead of mere proficiency.

However, if you have installed component #230, "Revised Archers," then this kit will use the new Called Shot system:

MARKSMAN: This soldier is the epitome of skill with ranged weapons. He can make almost any shot, no matter how difficult. To become so skilled, the Marksman has had to sacrifice some proficiency with melee weapons and armor.

– +1 to hit and damage rolls with ranged weapon at levels 3, 6, 10, 15, and 21.
– Can achieve Grand Mastery (+++++) with bows and crossbows.
– May learn to use Called Shots at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12. Called Shots may be used at will, and the effects work for one round. The Marksman has a +2 bonus to thac0 and damage while performing Called Shots, but must remain stationary during that time. The Marksman learns the following Called Shots:

– 1st level: Trip Shot. Aimed at the legs, this shot causes the target to fall down for one round upon a failed save vs. Breath.
– 3rd level: Disarming Shot. This shot knocks loose the targets grasp on a weapon, resulting in a -4 penalty to thac0 and reduced APR for one round, upon a failed save vs. Breath.
– 6th level: Crippling Shot. This shot causes the target to lose their footing and slowly recover, becoming Slowed for two rounds upon a failed save vs. Breath.
– 9th level: Blinding Shot. Aimed at the eyes, this shot causes the target to flinch and momentarily lose their vision, being Blinded for one round upon a failed save vs. Breath.
– 12th level: Hammer Shot. This shot strikes with incredible force, adding 1d6 crushing damage to the normal missile damage and knocking the target back 5-10 feet, unless the target makes a successful save vs. Breath.

– May only specialize (++) with melee weapons.
– May not wear heavier armor than splint mail.

Note: If you have installed the Feat System, these and other Called Shots will be available as feats, instead of granted automatically at pre-determined levels.

Component 322:

Add the ELVEN ARCHER ranger kit

ELVEN ARCHER: The Elven Archer is the epitome of skill with the bow - the result of elves natural aptitude with bows as well as their single-minded dedication to training with the weapon. To become so skilled with the bow, the Archer has had to sacrifice some proficiency with melee weapons and armor.

– +1 to hit and damage rolls with ranged weapon at levels 3, 6, 10, 15, and 21.
– Can achieve Grand Mastery (+++++) with bows.
– May learn to use Called Shots at levels 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12. Called Shots may be used at will, and the effects work for one round. The Archer has a +2 bonus to thac0 and damage while performing Called Shots, but must remain stationary during that time. The Archer learns the following Called Shots:

– Pinning Shot: this shot pins the target's person or clothes to the ground; the target must remain stationary for two rounds upon a failed save vs. paralyzation.
– 1st level: Disarming Shot. This shot knocks loose the targets grasp on a weapon, resulting in a -4 penalty to thac0 and reduced APR for one round, upon a failed save vs. Breath.
– 2nd level: Sleep Shot. This shot puts the target into a sluggish sleep for 12 seconds unless the target makes a successful saving throw vs. spells.
– 4th level: Entangling Shot. This shot Entangles the target (per the druid spell) for 12 seconds, and thorns will cause 1d4 piercing damage, unless the target makes a successful saving throw vs. paralyzation.
– 6th level: Crippling Shot. This shot causes the target to lose their footing and slowly recover, becoming Slowed for two rounds upon a failed save vs. Breath.
– 8th level: Blinding Shot. Aimed at the eyes, this shot causes the target to flinch and momentarily lose their vision, being Blinded for one round upon a failed save vs. Breath.
– 10th level: Faerie Fire. This shot lights up the target with a white glow for 24 seconds, preventing invisibility and causing a -3 penalty to AC, unless the target makes a successful saving throw vs. spells.
– 12th level: Hammer Shot. This shot strikes with incredible force, adding 1d6 crushing damage to the normal missile damage and knocking the target back 5-10 feet, unless the target makes a successful save vs. Breath.

– May not wear any metal armor.
– May only become Proficient (+) with melee weapons.

Note: If you have installed the Feat System, these and other Called Shots will be available as feats, instead of granted automatically at pre-determined levels.

Component 324:


HALFLING SLINGER: The Slinger is the epitome of skill with the sling - the result of halflings' natural aptitude with slings and their single-minded cultural dedication to training with the weapon. To become so skilled with the sling, the Slinger has had to sacrifice some proficiency with melee weapons and armor.

– +1 to hit and damage rolls with ranged weapon at levels 3, 6, 10, 15, and 21.
– Can achieve Grand Mastery (+++++) with slings.
– May learn to use Called Shots at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12. Called Shots may be used at will, and the effects work for one round. The Slinger has a +2 bonus to thac0 and damage while performing Called Shots, but must remain stationary during that time. The Slinger learns the following Called Shots:

– 1st level: Trip Shot. Aimed at the legs, this shot causes the target to fall down for one round upon a failed save vs. Breath.
– 3rd level: Disarming Shot. This shot knocks loose the targets grasp on a weapon, resulting in a -4 penalty to thac0 and reduced APR for one round, upon a failed save vs. Breath.
– 6th level: Crippling Shot. This shot causes the target to lose their footing and slowly recover, becoming Slowed for two rounds upon a failed save vs. Breath.
– 9th level: Stunning Shot. Aimed at the head, this shot causes the target to become dazed for 3 seconds upon a failed save vs. paralyzation.
– 12th level: Hammer Shot. This shot strikes with incredible force, adding 1d6 crushing damage to the normal missile damage and knocking the target back 5-10 feet, unless the target makes a successful save vs. Breath.

– May not wear any metal armor.
– May only become Proficient (+) with melee weapons.
– May not cast druid spells.

Note: If you have installed the Feat System, these and other Called Shots will be available as feats, instead of granted automatically at pre-determined levels.

Component 350:

Add the MAGE HUNTER ranger kit

MAGE HUNTER: These rangers participate in demanding rituals with Avenger druids in order to gain access to magic abilities which help them in their campaign against any wizards who use their skills to defile nature.

– Mage Hunters have a +1 bonus to all saving throws. This bonus increases by one for each five levels gained.
– Each successful melee hit bestows a 40% chance of spell failure on the target for one round.
– May use a special vocalization that can deafen anyone nearby and impose a 40% chance of spell failure on them if they fail a saving throw vs. Petrification.

– Can cast the following as 1st-level spells: Shocking Touch, Deafness.
– Can cast the following as 2nd-level spells: Remove Magic, Minor Spell Deflection.
– Can cast the following as 3rd-level spells: Breach, Non-Detection, Spell Thrust.

– Suffers a -1 penalty to Strength and Constitution.
– May not use Charm Animal ability.

Component 360:


BARBARIAN RANGER: Among barbarian tribes there are hunters of great skill. Spending many days alone in the wild, stalking their prey, they are closer to nature than most men. They are not quite as hardy as their more aggressive brethren, and tend to be loners. Yet they bring uncommon skills to bear both in providing for, and in defending, their tribe.

– Can move 2 points faster than other characters.
– May enter an enraged state, enhancing combat abilities, once per day per six levels.
– May Charm animals once per day per five levels.
– Gains 5% physical damage resistance at 11th level, and again at 15th and 19th levels.

– Cannot cast druid spells.
– -2 penalty to Charisma.
– May not wear armor heavier than studded leather or hide armor.
– May not dual-class.

Component 410:

Add the SNIPER thief kit

SNIPER: Whether you need to hit a target with a poisoned arrow or shoot a rope to the windowsill of a noble's mansion for a burglary, the Sniper is a highly trained stealthy marskman who can get the job done.

– +1 to hit and damage rolls with missiles weapon at levels 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, and 21.
– Can achieve Mastery (3 Points) with bows and crossbows
– May learn to use Called Shots at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12. Called Shots may be used at will, and the effects work for one round. The Sniper has a +2 bonus to thac0 and damage while performing Called Shots, but must remain stationary during that time. The Sniper learns the following Called Shots:

– 1st level: Pinning Shot. Aimed at the legs, this shot causes the target to fall down for one round upon a failed save vs. Breath.
– 3rd level: Disarming Shot. This shot knocks loose the targets grasp on a weapon, resulting in a -4 penalty to thac0 and reduced APR for one round, upon a failed save vs. Breath.
– 6th level: Crippling Shot. This shot causes the target to lose their footing and slowly recover, becoming Slowed for two rounds upon a failed save vs. Breath.
– 9th level: Blinding Shot. Aimed at the eyes, this shot causes the target to flinch and momentarily lose their vision, being Blinded for one round upon a failed save vs. Breath.
– 12th level: Hammer Shot. This shot strikes with incredible force, adding 1d6 crushing damage to the normal missile damage and knocking the target back 5-10 feet, unless the target makes a successful save vs. Breath.

– May only distribute 20 skill points per level among thieving skills.
– Reduced backstab multiplier.

Note: If you have installed the Feat System, these and other Called Shots will be available as feats, instead of granted automatically at pre-determined levels.

Component 420:

Add the SCOUT thief kit, and revise the Swashbuckler

This component splits the Swashbuckler in two: the Scout is good at combat and gets traps but no backstab (like the old swashbuckler), and the new Swashbuckler is good at combat and can backstab (somewhat) but cannot set traps.

SCOUT: While technically a member of the thief class, a scout does not burgle or murder. Scouts employ the dexterity and ingenuity of thieves for military purposes. They have skill in combat and with traps, but do not employ backstabs against enemies.

– +1 bonus to Armor Class and thac0 at 1st level, plus an additional +1 bonus every 6 levels.
– May specialize (2 slots) in weapons.
– May specialize in Single-Weapon Style

– May not backstab.

SWASHBUCKLER: This rogue is part acrobat, part swordsman, and part wit: the epitome of charm and grace. Swashbucklers are seen by many as fops, and they generally make poor thieves. But their skill with blades is not to be underestimated; it usually gets them out of trouble when charm fails.

– +1 bonus to Armor Class and thac0 at 1st level, plus an additional +1 bonus every 6 levels.
– May achieve Mastery (three slots) in light bladed weapons (long sword, scimitar, short sword, dagger, darts).
– Begins with one proficiency point in Single-Weapon Style, and may add one more.
– Begins with one proficiency point in Two-Weapon Style, and may add two more.
– Can use use the skill Swashbuckling once per day at level 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, and 21. While Swashbuckling, the character wheels and spins and parries, gaining an Armor Class of -1 per two levels, up to a maximum of -10. The character's movement rate is halved while swashbuckling.

– May not use traps.
– May only distribute 15 skill points per level among thieving skills.
– The swashbuckler can backstab, but with a reduced multiplier.
– May not dual-class to fighter.

Component 450:

Add the JONGLEUR bard kit

JONGLEUR: These agile bards are master acrobats and jugglers. Their skill in flipping, vaulting and balancing is matched only by their accuracy with hurled knives and other implements.

– +1 bonus to Armor Class at 1st level, plus an additional +1 bonus every 6 levels.
– May achieve Mastery (three slots) with daggers, darts, and two-weapon fighting.
– Begins with one proficiency point in Single-Weapon Style, and may add one more.
– Begins with one proficiency point in Two-Weapon Style, and may add two more.
– Instead of a traditional bard song, may perform the 'Dance of Illusion.' This complex dance spins a web of illusion around the Jongleur's allies. At 1st level, they are Blurred (+1 AC, +2 AC vs. missile weapons). At 13th level the AC bonuses double to -2/-4, and the Jongleur's allies are also protected by Reflected Images. At 20th level the AC bonuses triple to -3/-6 and the Jongleur's allies are protected by Mirror Images.

– May not become proficient in heavy weapons or in sword-and-shield style.
– Limited to light armors.

Component 470:

Add the GALLANT bard kit

GALLANT: Part charming aesthete, part dashing warrior, gallants travel the land in search of beauty, love, and adventure. They steal the hearts of the young, and lift the spirits of the elderly. Their code, similar to a paladin's, requires that they defend the innocent and members of the opposite sex, and aid the needy in times of trouble and danger.

– Gain a permanent +1 bonus to Luck.
– +1 bonus to thac0 every 6 levels.
– Essence of Purity: the Gallant clings to life with more ferocity than most, receiving +1 hit point per level for 12 levels, and receiving a +1 bonus to saves vs. death. This saving throw bonus increases at levels 3, 6, 10, 15, and 21.
– From 7th level, may cast the priest spell Death Ward as an innate ability once per day.
– May use the innate ability "Heart of Valor" once per day, which functions like the priest spell Aid. From 9th level, this ability also Protects from Evil.

– May cast one fewer spell per level compared to most bards.
– Bard song does not improve over time.
– No pickpocketing ability.

Component 480:

Add the MEISTERSINGER bard kit

MEISTERSINGER: These bards wander the woodlands, charming animals with their melodies and helping druids and rangers to protect nature. They are the enemies of ruthless hunters and trappers, striving against such activities with their animal allies, beguiling music, and nature-based magic.

– May use the ranger's Animal Empathy ability.
– May use the 'Summon Rabbit' innate ability.
– Once per day, may summon a swarm of rodents to aid (3 a 1st level, and 3 more for every third level after that).
– May cast the following druid spells: Cure Light Wounds, Entangle, Sanctuary, Shillelagh, Barkskin, Charm Person/Mammal, Resist Fire/Cold, Slow Poison, Remove Paralysis, Cure Disease, Zone of Sweet Air, Summon Insects, Cure Serious Wounds, Call Woodland Being, Leser Restoration, Mass Cure, Chaotic Commands, Insect Plague, Animal Summoning III, and False Dawn.

– May only gain proficiency in weapons appropriate for use by druids.

Component 490:

Add the LORESINGER OF MILIL divine bard kit

LORESINGER OF MILIL: Loresingers venerate Milil, god of poetry, song, and storytelling. More bard than priest, they volunteer their talents as cantors for churches. Loresingers may use a mix of divine and arcane magic, but may not turn undead like most priests.

– May cast the following priest spells: Cure Light Wounds, Sanctuary, Find Traps, Silence 15' Radius, Spiritual Hammer, Cure Medium Wounds, Holy Smite, Death Ward, Holy Power, Greater Command, Cure Critical Wounds, and False Dawn.
– The Loresinger's song gives allies the effects of the Chant spell. From 5th level it has a chance to Slow any nearby undead. From 9th level, it also grants allies Protection from Evil. And from 13th level, the song has a chance to Hold nearby undead.

– Reduced pickpocketing ability.

Component 499:

5E Casting for 2E Brds

This component is only available if you do NOT install the earlier 'Revised Bards' component. This allows the traditional bard class to use the new 5E-style spellcasting system, allowing bards to cast their prepared spells spontaneously.

Contact Information

This mod was created by SubtleDoctor. You can visit The Gibberlings Three for information on this and many other fine mods.

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Huge thanks in particular to Smeagolheart, Crevsdaak, kjeron, Camdawg, Mike1072, kreso, Grammarsalad and The Imp for advice and help with the code. And to everyone participating in the Dev thread at, for helping to sort through my good and bad ideas and helping me get the best ones implemented.

Special thanks to Galactygon, Demivrgvs, and Pecca for directly contributing mod resources (the Beastheart of Malar's Beast Claw ability, the Nightrunner of Mask's Summon Shadow ability, and the various Magic Bolt cantrip projectiles, respectively).

Special thanks to DreamSlaveOne at G3 for contributing .BAM files for the mage's Cantrip ability, druids' Shapeshift: Lion ability, the innate Spell Sequencers, and the Spellbender's special abilities.

Thanks to the still active and vibrant Infinity Engine modding community.

Tools Used in Creation
WeiDU by Wes Weimer, and then the bigg and then Wisp
Near Infinity by Jon Olav Hauglid, and then Argent77 and Astrobryguy
IESDP maintained by igi

Credits and Copyright Information

Copyright 2015-2019. If you want to use or adapt any part of this mod in another mod or similar endeavor, please try to contact me at or to discuss it. As a general rule, I have no problem with that as long as you credit the source of the work. If you cannot get in touch with me, assume that you have my permission to use any of this code for any project that is non-commercial, offered for free, and intended for the greater enjoyment of players of Infinity Engine games. You may NOT use this code for any profit-making or commercial venture, without express permission from me.

Version History

Version 4.4 - December 2019

  • support for SR v4b17+
  • bard bug fixes

Version 4.3 - November 2019

  • bug fixes

Version 4.2 - October 2019

  • bug fixes

Version 4.1 - September 2019

  • new QDmulti
  • updated evasion

Version 4.0 - summer 2019

  • spell-learning UI for feats
  • TnB stat-based spell slot bonuses
  • new monk fist implementation
  • Halfling Whistler demibard kit

Version 3.9 - March 2019

  • 5E casting multiclass bards
  • more cool feats
  • improved rangers

Version 3.8 - September 2018

  • 3E-style & multiclass bards

Version 3.7 - December 2017

  • fixed Spell Evasion
  • fixed UMD

Version 3.6 - July 2017

  • new feat: IWDEE Spell Evasion
  • enemies get fighting postures

Version 3.5 - May 2017

  • new multiclass kits for fighter/thieves - Thug, Tomb Runner, and Ranger/Thief
  • retired the Spellbender... go get Faiths & Powers instead

Version 3.4 - March 2017

  • new warrior feats

Version 3.3 - February 2017

  • added the Herald kit, removed the Blade demibard
  • a ton of little fixes

Version 3.2 - January 2017

  • added Jinxer kit
  • support for Song & Silence bard kits

Version 3.1 - December 2016

  • added 'fighting dirty' feat
  • added bard overhaul component

Version 3.0 - November 2016

  • completely rewrote the feat system, merging rogue feats and warrior feats
  • rolled back Called Shots to be granted in the clab table, unless the feat system is installed in which they are integrated with it
  • revised psionic powers and made then integrated with, but independent of, the new feat system
  • added psionic HLAs for the Psypher and Soulblade kits
  • fixed various bugs (like the rogue version of Mislead not working correctly)

Version 2.8 - August 2016

  • added the Soulblade psionic fighter kit

Version 2.7 - June 2016

  • dipping toes into psionic waters - psionic feats and the Psypher kit

Version 2.6 - June 2016

  • added tactician stances to warrior feats
  • added the Alchemist kit (installs with the Rogue Feats)
  • new icons for all feats
  • some bug fixes (as always)

Version 2.5 - May 2016

  • changed Called Shots over to a feat system
  • added Rogue Feats & HLAs!!

Version 2.4 - April 2016

  • SoD compatibility
  • improved Bladesinger

Version 2.3.2 - April 2016

  • warrior feats!!

Version 2.3.1 - April 2016

  • beastmaster fixes, ranger/mage fixes, readme fixes

Version 2.3 - April 2016

  • Ranger/mage!!!

Version 2.1 to 2.2 - ???

  • I need to be better about updating this...
  • I think this was basically, EET compatibility and EE 2.0 compatibility

Version 2.0 - December 2015

  • major re-write
  • the overhauls and basic game/rule tweaks are moved back to Scales of Balance v5
  • revised rangers expanded and split up into modular components

Version 1.6 - December 2015

  • IWO IWD stuff
  • fix for the Beastmaster spirit summon on the pre-EE engine

Version 1.5 - November 2015

  • at-will called shots
  • increased light/heavy weapon differences in IWO
  • beastmaster spirit summons
  • altered hit dice revisions

Version 1.4 - November 2015

  • fixed marksman and barb ranger usability
  • added light/heavy weapons to IWO
  • archer/slinger proficiency changes
  • added support for F&P kits and sphere system

Version 1.3 - October 2015

  • fixed corsair and marksman installation
  • fixed elven archer proficiencies
  • fixed monitor's casting level bonuses
  • added "revised shadowdancer" component

Version 1.2 - October 2015

  • werewolf shapeshifting for beastmasters

Version 1.1 - September 2015

  • fixed proficiency limits for mod clerics and rogues in the WPO

Version 1.0 - September 2015

  • first version, from the ashes of Scales of Balance


A tweak mod and kit pack focused on warriors and rogues






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