This is a boot logo for Plymouth that enables Framework's firmware image, while also including a spinning Framework gear logo near the bottom.
Follow the steps below to use in a flake-enabled environment:
Inside your flake.nix file, add the following to your inputs:
inputs.framework-laptop.url = "github:JaysFreaky/framework-laptop";
Inside whichever file declares your Plymouth config, add this to the top in the 'let' declarations:
framework-plymouth = inputs.framework-plymouth.packages.${pkgs.system}.default;
in {
To use this package, set the theme and themePackages as so:
plymouth = {
enable = true;
theme = "framework";
themePackages = [ framework-plymouth ];
You could skip the variable declaration and just include the inputs path, but a variable looks better:
themePackages = [ inputs.framework-plymouth.packages.${pkgs.system}.default ];
I came across this theme created by James Kupke and wanted to use it for NixOS, so I ended up making a few adjustments in the derivation and packaging it up via this flake.