Our group submission for the PyJac 2022 hackathon.
To run this project, please make sure you have the pygame, numpy and matplotlib packages installed. You can install them by opening your terminal, and typing 'pip install {package name}
The general theme for our submission is "many body interactions". For the first part of our submission, we've created an interactive game for simulating elastic collisions between many particles in a container. You can adjust the velocities, masses and sizes of the particles in the container, and watch as they collide with each other and the container in real time. To run this part of this project, simply run "main.py", and the GUI for the game will pop up.
In the second part of our submission, we simulate Brownian motion of a single particle using the Wiener process, in 1, 2 and 3 dimensions. You can view graphs of the particle's trajectory in all of these dimensions. To run this part, just run "Brownian_Wiener.py".