Utility for bootstrapping a fresh system (Ubuntu) install. Current use is for fresh bare metal installs on a workstation.
bash -c "$(wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Jarvl/sys-bootstrap/main/bootstrap.sh -O -)"
A Dockerfile
is included with this project to simulate testing on a fresh installation of Ubuntu. The bootstrap script should be run within the created docker container after making any changes to the script.
Build the container
docker build -t sys-bootstrap .
Run and SSH into container
docker run --rm --privileged -ti -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v $(pwd)/:/home/testuser/sys-bootstrap sys-bootstrap /bin/bash
After SSHing into the container, run the script
Cache can also be invalidated when running the script. This is useful for testing purposes or if the cache has persisted (via mounted volume) but container has not (e.g. container is removed after exiting the shell)
./boostrap.sh --no-cache