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Using the 'telco' dataset from a SQL database, figure out what are causes to customer churn within the company.
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Given that 'Telco' is a company providing a cellular and internet service to consumers(People), I believe that being able to identify what is deemed as valuable to the consumer weighed by it's cost is the primary cause to customer churn.
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Field Name | Data Type | Data Format | Description | Example |
gender | object | str | Defines gender of customer | 'Male' |
senior_citizen | int | 1, 0 | Defines customer as being of senior-citizen status or not | 1 |
partner | object | str | Defines customer as having a partner or not | 'Yes' |
dependents | object | str | Defines customer as having dependents or not | 'Yes' |
tenure | int | # | Defines customer's tenure in months | 12 |
phone_service | object | str | Defines customer as having phone service or not | 'Yes' |
multiple_lines | object | str | Defines customer as having multiple lines or not | 'Yes' |
online_security | object | str | Defines customer as having online security or not | 'Yes' |
online_backup | object | str | Defines customer as having online backup or not | 'Yes' |
device_protection | object | str | Defines customer as having device protection or not | 'Yes' |
tech_support | object | str | Defines customer as having tech support or not | 'Yes' |
streaming_tv | object | str | Defines customer as having tv streaming service or not | 'Yes' |
streaming_movies | object | str | Defines customer as having movie streaming service or not | 'Yes' |
paperless_billing | object | str | Defines customer as having paperless billing or not | 'Yes' |
monthly_charges | float | 00.00 | Defines customer's monthly charges in USD($) | 37.48 |
total_charges | float | 00.00 | Defines customer's total charges with telco company in USD($) | 7862.44 |
churn | object | str | Defines customer churn status within the telco company | 'Yes' |
churn_month | datetime | YYYY-MM-DD | Defines customer's date of churn | 2022-01-31 |
signup_date | datetime | YYYY-MM-DD | Defines customer's date of signing-up with the company | 2021-04-21 |
contract_type | object | str | Defines customer's contract type | 'Month-to-month' |
internet_service_type | object | str | Defines customer's internet service type | 'DSL' |
payment_type | object | str | Defines customer's payment type | 'Mailed Check' |
sign_year | object | str | Defines customer's signup year | 2021 |
sign_month | object | str | Defines customer's signup month | 12 |
sign_day | object | str | Defines customer's signup day | 21 |
sign_dayofweek | object | str | Defines customer's signup day-of-week | 0 (Monday) |
value_per_total_services | float | float | Defines the mean cost per service for the customer in USD | 12.87 |
value_per_total_extra_services | float | float | Defines the mean cost per extra service for the customer in USD | 12.87 |
DUMMY COLUMNS | uint | 0, 1 | Dummy columns generated from object columns | 0 |
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- Clone this repo
- Create '' file that connects to SQL
- Run desired .ipynb
- Less Likely to Churn
- 'partner' = 'Yes'
- 'dependents' = 'Yes'
- 'online_security' = 'Yes', 'No internet service'
- 'online_backup = 'No internet service'
- 'device_protection' = 'Yes', 'No internet service'
- 'tech_support' = 'Yes', 'No internet service'
- 'streaming_tv' = 'No internet service'
- 'streaming_movies' = 'No internet service'
- 'contract_type' = 'One year', 'Two year'
- 'total_services' = '1', '6', '7', '8', '9'
- 'total_extra_services' = '0', '3', '4', '5', '6'
- 'payment_type' = 'Electronic check'
- 'contract_type' = 'Month-to-month'
- 'total_services'= '3', '4'
- 'total_extra_services' = '1', '2'
- Focus advertisement efforts towards families and couples and avoid older population
- Market offers as single services or bundled services with at least 3 additional services
- For customers, that want internet services
- Get them to go with DSL services
- Minimum add-ons of 3
- For paying customers:
- Do not allow monthly contracts
- Do not allow electronic check forms of payment
- Target audience:
- Couples
- Families/Dependents
- Non-senior citizen
- Services Emphasis:
- Internet Services:
- No internet or DSL
- If internet, then bundle at least 3 add-ons
- Internet Services:
- Payments:
- Contracts:
- For customer service:
- Why does everyone only signup on the 21st of any given month/year
- Why did everyone churn on 31JAN2022
- What happened in 2021
- Assess customer comments/sentiment:
- Are our services adequate for their price
- Are our services performing properly or breaking
- Why did the customer signup/churn
- For marketing:
- What are the prices of all services/bundles we provide
- What advertisements are we running
- Further exploration:
- Why is month-to-month contract popular
- Why is tenure getting shorter, but monthly charges dropping
- Are extra services necessary or a burden
- Compare local competition if any
- Establish local 'common knowledge'/'norm'