is a fully responsive React Portfolio website designed and developed by Mohamed A. Eljaouadi, the profolio is built with Bulma, React and use Vite as a Frontend Building Tool .
Check out the live demo by clicking here.
Clone down this repository. You will need node
and npm
installed globally on your machine.
npm install
To Start Server:
npm run dev
To Visit App:
If you've found an issue or a bug, you can report it in the issues section of this repository. Please try to follow these simple guidelines to report your issue:
- Issue definition
- Expected behaviour
- Actual behaviour
- steps to reproduce
- Already tried fixes (if relevant)
You can also report an issue by contact me.
If you want to contribute to the project development by requesting new features, you can use the discussions tab. You can upvote existing requests or create your own.
I am a Moroccan full-time freelance front-end developer. who specializes in creating dynamic and beautiful web pages. please check 👉 My Portfolio Website.
