jans-linux-setup: v1.0.2
released this
30 Aug 13:50
22546 commits
to 3175f09cd577bb3803d0bd1dce704f5203ece547
since this release
1.0.2 (2022-08-30)
- add inum claim in profile scope #2095 (#2096) (f67c32e)
- agama: reject usage of repeated input names (#1484) (aed8cf3)
- disable TLS in CB client by default (#2167) (8ec5dd3)
- jans linux setup enable/disable script via arg (#1634) (0b3cf16)
- jans linux setup openbanking CLI and certificate automation (#1472) (62b5868)
- jans-auth-server: added allowSpontaneousScopes AS json config #2074 (#2111) (3083a3f)
- jans-auth-server: added creator info to scope (time/id/type) #1934 (#2023) (ca65b24)
- jans-auth-server: added restriction for request_uri parameter (blocklist and allowed client.request_uri) #1503 (0696d92)
- jans-auth-server: persist org_id from software statement into client's "o" attribute (021d3bd)
- jans-auth-server: removed dcrSkipSignatureValidation configuration property #1623 (6550247)
- jans-client-api: migration to Weld/Resteasy and Jetty 11 - Issue 260 (#1319) (420ffc3)
- jans-config-api: agama flow endpoint (#1898) (0e73306)
- jans-linux-setup add forgot password script (#1587) (b2e3eb3)
- jans-linux-setup agama (#1486) (6b23bfe)
- jans-linux-setup debian 11 packages (#1769) (6fbef91)
- jans-linux-setup Script for Keystroke Authentication (#1853) (11a9e04)
- jans-linux-setup: #1731 (#1732) (6fad15b)
- jans-linux-setup: added discoveryDenyKeys #1827 (f77a6da)
- jans-scim: make max no. of operations and payload size of bulks operations parameterizable (#1872) (c27a45b)
- update Coucbase ORM to conform SDK 3.x (config updates) #1851 (#2118) (fceec83)
Bug Fixes
- agama: template overriding not working with more than one level of nesting (#1841) (723922a)
- build from source (#1793) (e389363)
- indentation (#1821) (8353092)
- jans app and java version (#1492) (1257e49)
- Jans cli user userpassword (#1542) (d2e13a2)
- jans-linux-setup add dummy jansRedirectURI to scim client (5023c02)
- jans-linux-setup add gcs module path for downloading apps (#1538) (e540738)
- jans-linux-setup add gcs path after packages check (ref: #1514) (#1516) (31dd609)
- jans-linux-setup add mod_rewrite to httpd_2.4.conf (#1987) (b33b78e)
- jans-linux-setup debian11 installation (#2160) (8b99498)
- jans-linux-setup disable script Forgot_Password_2FA_Token (#1662) (377affc)
- jans-linux-setup displayName of forgot-password script (#1595) (07a5ea0)
- jans-linux-setup download jans-auth for --download-exit (#1659) (879ed87)
- jans-linux-setup enable forgot-password script (#1597) (149d19c)
- jans-linux-setup humanize os name (#2066) (8c89638)
- jans-linux-setup jans and jetty version (ref: #1792) (#1795) (58cbe20)
- jans-linux-setup multiple argument --import-ldif (#1476) (5556f36)
- jans-linux-setup no prompt for eleven installation (#1748) (7228391)
- jans-linux-setup python executable when launching setup (#1683) (87ac58c)
- jans-linux-setup remove 101-jans.ldif and 77-customAttributes.ldif (#1831) (bea6302)
- jans-linux-setup remove apache config when uninstall (#1844) (4a5bc3e)
- jans-linux-setup remove temporary link file (#1495) (673859a)
- jans-linux-setup securing files and dirs under /etc/jans (#1782) (d64a7ae)
- random password for keystores (#2102) (b7d9af1)
- update error pages (#1957) (3d63f4d)
- no docs (3083a3f)
- no docs (ca65b24)
- no docs required (f77a6da)
- update script link #1570 (#1571) (eded5ed)