feat: auth Server should Support Client Registration Language Metadata #1057
Section 2.1 of OpenID Client Reg states:
Human-readable Client Metadata values and Client Metadata values that reference human-readable values MAY be
represented in multiple languages and scripts. For example, values such as client_name, tos_uri, policy_uri, logo_uri, and
client_uri might have multiple locale-specific values in some Client registrations.
To specify the languages and scripts, BCP47
[RFC5646] language tags are added to Client Metadata member names, delimited by a # character. The same syntax is used
for representing languages and scripts for Client Metadata as is used for Claims, as described in Section 5.2 (Claims
Languages and Scripts) of [OpenID Connect Core 1.0](https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-registration-
1_0.html#OpenID.Core) [OpenID.Core].
If such a human-readable field is sent without a language tag, parties using it MUST NOT make any assumptions about the
language, character set, or script of the string value, and the string value MUST be used as-is wherever it is presented in a
user interface. To facilitate interoperability, it is RECOMMENDED that any human-readable fields sent without language tags
contain values suitable for display on a wide variety of systems.
- The highest priority claims are