As a prerequisite, you need to have the AWS CLI installed and configured with proper AWS credentials.
The VPC deployment is a one time deployment for ALL deploy environments, no matter whether they are DEV, PROD, TEST, VAL and so on. This will create a VPC that will be shared by all alignment jobs so be careful not to remove it because if you do you will have to redeploy all align environments. To deploy:
cd vpc
npm install
npm run sls -- deploy
Notice that stage is not needed because it will deploy to a 'shared' stage ('janelia-neuronbridge-vpc-shared')
First, follow the instructions at JaneliaSciComp/burst-compute to deploy the framework.
The NeuronBridge alignment service requires an AMI instance preconfigured with ECS and with all required volumes mounted as expected by the alignment batch job.
To create the AMI use these steps:
start an Amazon ECS-optimized Amazon Linux AMI.
start the EC2 instance
run the following commands that mount the expected volumes:
sudo yum -y update
sudo yum install -y fuse-devel
sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/xvdb
sudo mkdir /scratch_volume
sudo echo -e '/dev/xvdb\t/scratch_volume\text4\tdefaults\t0\t0' | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
sudo mount –a
sudo stop ecs
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/ecs/data/ecs_agent_data.json
- save an image from the running EC2 instance
Once the AMI instance ID is available make sure you set the proper AMI instance in align/serverless.yml. To deploy:
cd align
npm install
npm run sls -- deploy -s dev
The command above will create the compute environment, the job definition and the job queue.
In order to create the color depth search lambdas run:
cd search
npm install
npm run sls -- deploy -s dev
To deploy with different search limits:
PER_DAY_SEARCH_LIMITS=2 CONCURRENT_SEARCH_LIMITS=2 npm run sls -- deploy -s cgdev
Note: a negative value for a limit means unlimited.
To update a single function, once you have a deployed stack
npm run sls -- deploy function -f <function_name> -s dev
- force_voxel_size - if true it uses resolution parameters provided by the user
- xy_resolution
- z_resolution
- reference_channel
- number of slots (not exposed to the user)
- dataThreshold - default: 100
- maskThreshold - default: 100
- pixColorFluctuation (zSliceRange) - default: 2
- xyShift - default: 2
- mirrorMask - default: true
- minMatchingPixRatio - default: 2