The ArduinoPi controller is a web-based solution to control your Arduino using a RaspberryPi. The controller uses AJAX and PHP, this github demonstrates some of the possibilities. The communication between the RaspberryPi and the Arduino is possible thanks to the php_serial.class.php.
I also want to thank the following authors/scripts/plugins for making my coding easier:
Warning: Before checking out the repo, please make sure you have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, PHP and jQuery (and C++)
Analog ports are now called using 0-15 (for arduino mega), adding the A for analog will not work anymore and should be avoided Also changed some bugs in the Arduino Code.
From this version on, I've changed the way analog ports can be used as digital ports. If you want to use a analog port as a digital port then include the real value of the analog port. For example on my Arduino MEga 2560 I have 52 digital ports, port 53 is my A0 port and so on.
Check my blog for more information how to use the API: blog
More information on how to connect the Raspberry Pi with the Arduino and how everything works can be found on my blog:
Code is free for all to be used, copied, changed, edited and deleted. I only ask a simple link to my blog if you use my code :)