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HolyC Programming Language Implementation - BETA

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An implementation of Terry A. Davis's HolyC

U0 Main()
  "Hello world\n";

Full documentation for the language and this compiler can be found here:


A holyc compiler built from scratch in C. Currently it is non optimising, walking the AST and compiling it directly to x86_64 assembly code as text which is fed into gcc to assemble. Floating point arithmetic is supported as are most of the major language features. There is experimental support for transpiling HolyC to C.


Below is a snippet of code showing some of the features supported by this holyc compiler. Namely inheritance, loops, printf by using a string and loops. All c-like control flows are supported by the compiler.

class SomethingWithAnAge
  I64 age;

class Person : SomethingWithAnAge
  U8 name[1<<5];

U0 ExampleFunction(U0)
  Person *p = MAlloc(sizeof(Person));

  p->age = 0;

  while (p->age < 42) {
  "name: %s, age: %d\n",p->name,p->age;



Currently this holyc compiler will compile holyc source code to an x86_64 compatible binary which has been tested on amd linux and an intel mac. Thus most x86_64 architectures should be supported.


Operating Systems:

MacOS & Linux: You should be able to follow the steps below to build and install the compiler.

Windows: Please install WSL2 and then follow the steps below:


  • A C compiler, gcc or clang.
  • Linux or MacOS x86_64.
  • make
  • cmake

Build Steps

There is a Makefile at the root of the repository that wraps CMake, it provides: You can set the install prefix with make INSTALL_PREFIX=<prefix>

Makefile - Simple:

A Makefile exists at the top of the repo which should simplify building. MacOS:

make && make install && make unit-test


make && sudo make install && make unit-test

CMake - Not so simple

Create the Makefiles in ./build

cmake -S ./src \
  -B ./build \
  -G 'Unix Makefiles' \


make -C ./build


make -C ./build install

This will install the compiler and holyc libraries for strings, hashtables, I/O, maths, networking, JSON parsing etc... see ./src/holyc-lib/.

If you would like to include sqlite3 then please add -DHCC_LINK_SQLITE3=1 to either the Makefile or when configuring cmake.

Using the compiler

Once the compiler has been compiled, aside from compiling .HC files, more options can be displayed by running hcc --help

Key Differences between this and TempleOS HolyC

  • auto key word for type inference, an addition which makes it easier to write code.
  • Range based for loops can be used with static arrays and structs with an entries field with an accompanying size field: for (auto it : <var>)
  • cast<type> can be used for casting as well as post-fix type casting.
  • break and continue allowed in loops.
  • You can call any libc code by declaring the prototype with extern "c" <type> <function_name>. Then call the function as you usually would. See here for examples.

Control Flow Graph Example

Example code:

I32 Main()
  auto i = 1;

  for (I64 j = 0; j < 10; ++j) {
  while (i) {

  return 1;

Compiled with: hcc -cfg ./<file>.HC && dot -Tpng ./<> -o <file>.png Produces the following control flow graph. Note that in order to use -cfg-png or -cfg-svg it requires the use of graphviz

alt text

Experimental Transpiler

A transpiler can be invoked using hcc -transpile <file>.HC, it is best effort however can handle most cases, including assembly. Comments are not preserved and some if conditions will require brackets to work correctly

asm {
    PUSH    RBP
    MOV     RBP, RSP
    MOV     RAX, 0
    XOR     R8,  R8
    CMPB    [RDI], '-'
    JNE     @@01
    ADD     RDI, 1
    MOV     R8,  1 // mark as being negative
    CMPB    [RDI], '0'
    JL      @@02
    CMPB    [RDI], '9'
    JG      @@02
    MOVB    BL, [RDI]
    SUBB    BL, '0'
    IMUL    RAX, 10
    ADD     RAX, RBX
    ADD     RDI, 1
    JMP     @@01
    TEST    R8, R8
    JZ      @@03
    NEG     RAX

public _extern _TOINT I64 ToInt(U8 *str);

U0 Main()
{ /* entry to function */
  U8 *number = "12345";
  auto num = ToInt(number);

Becomes the below:

ToInt(unsigned char *str)
    long retval;
    __asm__ volatile (
        "mov $0, %%rax\n\t"
        "xor %%r8, %%r8\n\t"
        "cmpb $0x2d, (%%rdi)\n\t"
        "jne ._toint_1\n\t"
        "add $1, %%rdi\n\t"
        "mov $1, %%r8\n\t"
        "cmpb $0x30, (%%rdi)\n\t"
        "jl ._toint_2\n\t"
        "cmpb $0x39, (%%rdi)\n\t"
        "jg ._toint_2\n\t"
        "movb (%%rdi), %%bl\n\t"
        "subb $0x30, %%bl\n\t"
        "movzbq %%bl, %%rbx\n\t"
        "imul $10, %%rax\n\t"
        "add %%rbx, %%rax\n\t"
        "add $1, %%rdi\n\t"
        "jmp ._toint_1\n\t"
        "test %%r8, %%r8\n\t"
        "jz ._toint_3\n\t"
        "neg %%rax\n\t"
        : "=a"(retval)
        : "D"(str)
    return retval;

    unsigned char *number = "12345";
    long num = ToInt(number);
    printf("%ld\n", num);


Please open an issue on github

Inspirations & Resources:

A lot of the assembly has been cobbled together by running gcc -S -O0 <file> or clang -s O0 <file>. Which has been effective in learning assembly, as has playing with TempleOS. The following are a non-exhaustive list of compilers and resources that I have found particularly useful for learning.

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