KeySpring is a Spring Boot-based application that integrates with Keycloak to provide secure, robust, and easy-to-manage authentication and authorization for users. This project demonstrates how to use Keycloak for identity and access management in a Spring Boot application, covering configuration, integration, and usage of OAuth2 and OpenID Connect protocols for seamless security management.
- Keycloak Integration: Secure user authentication and role-based access control (RBAC) with Keycloak.
- OAuth2/OpenID Connect: Leverage OAuth2 and OIDC for standardized, secure communication.
- Role-Based Access Control: Enforce access control based on user roles defined in Keycloak.
- Spring Boot: Built using the powerful Spring Boot framework for a fast, scalable, and modular solution.
- REST API Security: Protect REST endpoints using Keycloak authorization.
- Configurable Security: Easily configure Keycloak using Spring Boot's configuration properties.
- Spring Boot - Backend framework for Java applications.
- Keycloak - Open-source identity and access management system.
- OAuth2/OpenID Connect - Authentication and authorization protocols.
- Maven - Build and dependency management tool.
- Spring Security - For securing the Spring Boot application.
- REST APIs - Secure and protected endpoints using Keycloak.
- JDK 17 or higher
- Maven 3.8.0 or higher
- Docker (optional for running Keycloak in a container)
git clone
cd keyspring