This is a Spring Boot application for managing a fleet of drones that deliver medications. The application provides RESTful APIs to register drones, load them with medications, check their battery levels, and more.
- Java 11 or higher
- Maven 3.6.3 or higher
- IntelliJ IDEA (or any preferred Java IDE/editor)
The project uses the following dependencies:
- Spring Boot Starter Web: For building web applications.
- Spring Boot Starter Data JPA: For data persistence with JPA and Hibernate.
- H2 Database: In-memory database for development purposes.
- Spring Boot DevTools: For development-time features.
- Lombok: For reducing boilerplate code.
- Spring REST Docs: For documenting RESTful APIs.
- Group:
- Artifact:
- Name:
- Description:
Drone delivery system
- Package Name:
- Packaging:
- Java Version:
- Spring Boot Version:
- Lombok
- Spring Data JPA
- H2 Database
- Spring Boot DevTools
- Spring REST Docs
The project uses H2 as an in-memory database for development. No additional setup is required.
- Open the Project: Import the project into IntelliJ IDEA.
- Resolve Dependencies: Dependencies will automatically be downloaded by Maven.
To run the application locally:
- Run the main application class
in IntelliJ IDEA. - The application will start on port 8080 by default.
Once the application is running, you can access the API documentation using Swagger UI or other API documentation tools.
The project includes unit tests and can be expanded with integration tests using tools like JUnit.
- For production deployment, configure a h2 database or other relational database.
- Modify
for database configuration as needed.
This provides a basic overview to get started with the Drone Delivery System. For detailed API usage and further customization, refer to the source code and documentation within the project.