Discussed in #4332
Originally posted by aryayae August 9, 2024
For the last couple years I've been using Latex-Workshop not only as a Latex editor, but also as my primary PDF viewer. I liked that I can have different workspaces for different subjects/projects, and whenever I reopen a workspace it not only remembers all the PDFs I had open, but it also remembers the exact pages I was on for each one (extremely useful when referencing dozens of sources for research). I'm not sure what happened, but sometime around June it stopped functioning that way. Now, when I close VSCode and reopen the .workspace file all the PDFs I had open get reset to the first page.
I tried to find a setting that might control this, but I couldn't find it. I also can't find any other mention of this problem on the internet. Does anyone know what changed or how to revert it to its previous behavior?