🖍️ This project combines multiple operations in Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services into one GUI, including QnA Maker, LUIS, Computer Vision, Custom Vision, Face, Form Recognizer, Text To Speech, Sp…
Jai-Singh-Rathore / Image-Identification-for-Self-Driving-Cars
Forked from JeffWang0325/Image-Identification-for-Self-Driving-Cars🖍️ This project achieves some functions of image identification for Self-Driving Cars. First, use yolov5 for object detection. Second, image classification for traffic light and traffic sign. Furth…
🖍️ This project achieves some functions of image identification for Self-Driving Cars. First, use yolov5 for object detection. Second, image classification for traffic light and traffic sign. Furth…
Basic Machine Learning and Deep Learning
🖍️ LabelImgTool is a graphical image annotation tool which can label many kinds of object type (ex: Pen, Eraser, Hollow Rectangle, Filled Rectangle, Hollow Circle, Filled Circle, Hollow Ellipse, Fi…
🖍️ Format Converter Tool can convert many kinds of file format to another format, including 【Word to PDF】, 【PDF to Word】, 【Excel to PDF】, 【Merge PDF】, etc.
Jai-Singh-Rathore / AOI-Sheet-Substrate-Defect-Inspection-Software
Forked from JeffWang0325/AOI-Sheet-Substrate-Defect-Inspection-Software🖍️ AOI Sheet Substrate Defect Inspection Software is installed in the AOI machine which can detect many kinds of defects by means of 【Image Processing Algorithm】 and/or 【AI (Deep Learning)】. In add…
🖍️ Format Converter Tool can convert many kinds of file format to another format, including 【Word to PDF】, 【PDF to Word】, 【Excel to PDF】, 【Merge PDF】, etc.
🖍️ LabelImgTool is a graphical image annotation tool which can label many kinds of object type (ex: Pen, Eraser, Hollow Rectangle, Filled Rectangle, Hollow Circle, Filled Circle, Hollow Ellipse, Fi…
🖍️ AOI Sheet Substrate Defect Inspection Software is installed in the AOI machine which can detect many kinds of defects by means of 【Image Processing Algorithm】 and/or 【AI (Deep Learning)】. In add…