a Live Graphics Framework for iOS and macOS
powered by Metal - inspired by TouchDesigner
Camera -
Image -
Video -
Screen Capture-
Color -
Circle -
Rectangle -
Polygon -
Gradient -
Noise -
Levels -
Blur -
Edge -
Threshold -
Quantize -
Transform -
Kaleidoscope -
Twirl -
Feedback -
Channel Mix -
Chroma Key -
Corner Pin -
HueSat -
Crop -
Flip Flop -
Range -
Sharpen -
Slope -
Cross -
Blend -
Lookup -
Displace -
Remap -
Reorder -
Camera Effects -
Green Screen -
Hello Pixels App -
Code Examples
Coordinate Space -
Blend Operators -
Effect Convenience Funcs -
File IO -
High Bit Mode -
pod 'PixelKit'
import PixelKit
Note that PixelKit dose not have simulator support. Metal for iOS can only run on a physical device.
To gain camera access, on macOS, check Camera in the App Sandbox in your Xcode project settings under Capabilities.
Getting started with PixelKit in Swift
Getting started with Metal in PixelKit
Green Screen in Swift & PixelKit
Particles in VertexKit & PixelKit
Hello Pixels App (iOS & macOS)
Code Examples of all PIXs
import PixelKit
let camera = CameraPIX()
let levels = LevelsPIX()
levels.inPix = camera
levels.brightness = 1.5
levels.gamma = 0.5
let hueSat = HueSatPIX()
hueSat.inPix = levels
hueSat.sat = 0.5
let blur = BlurPIX()
blur.inPix = hueSat
blur.radius = 0.25
let res: PIX.Res = .custom(w: 1500, h: 1000)
let circle = CirclePIX(res: res)
circle.radius = 0.45
circle.bgColor = .clear
let finalPix: PIX = blur & (camera * circle)
finalPix.view.frame = view.bounds
This can also be done with Effect Convenience Funcs:
let pix = CameraPIX()._brightness(1.5)._gamma(0.5)._saturation(0.5)._blur(0.25)
Remeber to add NSCameraUsageDescription
to your info.plist
import PixelKit
let cityImage = ImagePIX()
cityImage.image = UIImage(named: "city")
let supermanVideo = VideoPIX()
supermanVideo.load(fileNamed: "superman", withExtension: "mov")
let supermanKeyed = ChromaKeyPIX()
supermanKeyed.inPix = supermanVideo
supermanKeyed.keyColor = .green
let blendPix = BlendPIX()
blendPix.blendingMode = .over
blendPix.inPixA = cityImage
blendPix.inPixB = supermanKeyed
let finalPix: PIX = blendPix
finalPix.view.frame = view.bounds
This can also be done with Blend Operators and Effect Convenience Funcs:
let pix = ImagePIX("city") & VideoPIX("superman.mov")._chromaKey(.green)
This is a representation of the Pixel Nodes Green Screen project.
PixelKit coordinate space is normailzed to the vertical axis (1.0 in height) with the origin (0.0, 0.0) in the center.
Note that compared to native UIKit views the vertical axis is flipped and origin is moved, this is more convinent when working with graphics is PixelKit.
A full rotation is defined by 1.0
Center: CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0)
Bottom Left: CGPoint(x: -0.5 * aspectRatio, y: -0.5)
Top Right: CGPoint(x: 0.5 * aspectRatio, y: 0.5)
Tip: PIX.Res
has an .aspect
let aspectRatio: LiveFloat = PIX.Res._1080p.aspect
A quick and convenient way to blend PIXs
These are the supported PIX.BlendingMode
& |
!& |
+ |
- |
* |
** |
!** |
% |
<> |
>< |
-- |
~ |
.over | .under | .add | .subtract | .multiply | .power | .gamma | .difference | .minimum | .maximum | .subtractWithAlpha | .average |
let blendPix = (CameraPIX() !** NoisePIX(res: .fullHD(.portrait))) * CirclePIX(res: .fullHD(.portrait))
Note when using Live values, one line if else statments are written with <?>
& <=>
let a: LiveFloat = 1.0
let b: LiveFloat = 2.0
let isOdd: LiveBool = .seconds % 2.0 < 1.0
let ab: LiveFloat = isOdd <?> a <=> b
The default global blend operator fill mode is .aspectFit
, change it like this:
PIX.blendOperators.globalPlacement = .aspectFill
Live values can be a constant (let
) and still have changin values.
Live values are ease to animate with the .live
or .seconds
static properites.
liveFloat.delay(seconds: 1.0)
liveFloat.filter(seconds: 1.0)
liveFloat.filter(frames: 60)
LiveFloat.noise(range: -1.0...1.0, for: 1.0)
LiveFloat.wave(range: -1.0...1.0, for: 1.0)
- pix._reRes(to: ._1080p * 0.5) -> ResPIX
- pix._reRes(by: 0.5) -> ResPIX
- pix._brightness(0.5) -> LevelsPIX
- pix._darkness(0.5) -> LevelsPIX
- pix._contrast(0.5) -> LevelsPIX
- pix._gamma(0.5) -> LevelsPIX
- pix._invert() -> LevelsPIX
- pix._opacity(0.5) -> LevelsPIX
- pix._blur(0.5) -> BlurPIX
- pix._edge() -> EdgePIX
- pix._threshold(at: 0.5) -> ThresholdPIX
- pix._quantize(by: 0.5) -> QuantizePIX
- pix._position(at: CGPoint(x: 0.5, y: 0.5)) -> TransformPIX
- pix._rotatate(to: .pi) -> TransformPIX
- pix._scale(by: 0.5) -> TransformPIX
- pix._kaleidoscope() -> KaleidoscopePIX
- pix._twirl(0.5) -> TwirlPIX
- pix._swap(.red, .blue) -> ChannelMixPIX
- pix._key(.green) -> ChromaKeyPIX
- pix._hue(0.5) -> HueSatPIX
- pix._saturation(0.5) -> HueSatPIX
- pix._crop(CGRect(x: 0.5, y 0.5, width: 0.5, height: 0.5)) -> CropPIX
- pix._flipX() -> FlipFlopPIX
- pix._flipY() -> FlipFlopPIX
- pix._flopLeft() -> FlipFlopPIX
- pix._flopRight() -> FlipFlopPIX
- pix._range(inLow: 0.0, inHigh: 0.5, outLow: 0.5, outHigh: 1.0) -> RangePIX
- pix._range(inLow: .clear, inHigh: .gray, outLow: .gray, outHigh: .white) -> RangePIX
- pix._sharpen() -> SharpenPIX
- pix._slope() - > SlopePIX
- pixA._lookup(pix: pixB, axis: .x) -> LookupPIX
- pixA._lumaBlur(pix: pixB, radius: 0.5) -> LumaBlurPIX
- pixA._displace(pix: pixB, distance: 0.5) -> DisplacePIX
- pixA._remap(pix: pixB) -> RemapPIX
Keep in mind that these funcs will create new PIXs.
Be careful of overloading GPU memory if in a loop.
Here's an example of live midi values in range 0.0 to 1.0.
let circle = CirclePIX(res: ._1024)
circle.radius = .midi("13")
circle.color = .midi("17")
You can find the addresses by enabeling logging like this:
MIDI.main.log = true
Some effects like DisplacePIX and SlopePIX can benefit from a higher bit depth.
The default is 8 bits. Change it like this:
PixelKit.main.bits = ._16
Enable high bit mode before you create any PIXs.
Note resources do not support higher bits yet.
There is currently there is some gamma offset with resources.
let metalPix = MetalPIX(res: ._1080p, code:
pix = float4(u, v, 0.0, 1.0);
let metalEffectPix = MetalEffectPIX(code:
float gamma = 0.25;
pix = pow(inPix, 1.0 / gamma);
metalEffectPix.inPix = CameraPIX()
let metalMergerEffectPix = MetalMergerEffectPIX(code:
pix = pow(inPixA, 1.0 / inPixB);
metalMergerEffectPix.inPixA = CameraPIX()
metalMergerEffectPix.inPixB = ImagePIX("img_name")
let metalMultiEffectPix = MetalMultiEffectPIX(code:
float4 inPixA = inTexs.sample(s, uv, 0);
float4 inPixB = inTexs.sample(s, uv, 1);
float4 inPixC = inTexs.sample(s, uv, 2);
pix = inPixA + inPixB + inPixC;
metalMultiEffectPix.inPixs = [ImagePIX("img_a"), ImagePIX("img_b"), ImagePIX("img_c")]
var lumUniform = MetalUniform(name: "lum")
let metalPix = MetalPIX(res: ._1080p, code:
pix = float4(in.lum, in.lum, in.lum, 1.0);
uniforms: [lumUniform]
lumUniform.value = 0.5
a Live Graphics Node Editor for iPad
powered by PixelKit
a camera app lets you live layer filters of your choice.
combine effects to create new cool styles.
VJLive is a dual deck asset playback system with effects.
Assets can be loaded from Photos. Live camera support. AirPlay support.
by Anton Heestand, Hexagons