JabRef version 5.1 and git 69cc797 on Mac OS X 10.15.7
I have tested the latest development version from git and build it myself, and the problem persists
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Open a bib, my bib is only 89 entries.
- Switch between entries with left click.
- Sometimes it will freeze for 5 seconds. When it backs normal, I can switch between entries fluently, but after about 5 senconds, it freeze again for about 5 seconds......
It's very same with @tilltnet in following thread:
I attached Intellij IDEA profiler snapshot and console output here.
First I run jabref with "--debug" option, and then I attach profiler to it. As soon as the profiler is attched, I switch item and cause a freeze. When jabref is out of freeze, I stop profiler and save the snapshot. The profiling lasts about 5 seconds.