The current Snap JabRef version on the channel=edge is not starting anymore. If you try to start it using the terminal, you get the following error message:
snap run jabref
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/home/localuser/snap/jabref/543/.config/gtk-2.0/gtkfilechooser.ini': File exists
/snap/jabref/543/bin/desktop-launch: line 574: /snap/jabref/543/jabref/bin/JabRefMain: No such file or directory
If you switch back to channel=beta, JabRef starts as expected, so this appears to be a regression that was introduced somewhere between the current snap beta version and the current edge version.
EDIT: I checked whether the Windows version was affected.
JabRef 5.0-dev--snapshot--2019-09-26--master--1a6c92c79
Windows 10 10.0 amd64
Java 11.0.4-bellsoft
The Windows version seems to run fine, so this appears to be a Linux (snap?) specific issue.
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