Pubmed import should have quality check multiple times. #4345
When I imported from Medline today (PMID: 30096135) Jabref immediately went into decline. I know that the problem is related to #4323, but that problem resolved, I would argue that an import into Jabref should be cleaned in any possible way. If the author list is not bibtex conform, please make it so. When there is a standard like Bibtex, we should keep to that and not letting anything to deviate from that standard.
- [+] I have tested the latest master version from and the problem persists
JabRef 5.0-dev--snapshot--2018-09-13--master--e83680f18
Windows 7 6.1 amd64
Java 1.8.0_181
Steps to reproduce:
- open any library in Jabref
- import 30096135 ( a PLoS article) into the library
- since the author list after the import does not conform to Bibtex, Jabref stops working. You can only shut down the program. Once you open that library again, it will fail again. I circumwent this using Jabref 4.1 to clean the author list.
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