Neovim text objects from A-Z + LSP whichkey + touchcursor keyboard layout + minimal zsh/bash/git-bash setup
Table of Contents
- Neovim TextObjects/Motions
- Neovim Goto
- keybindings.json
- If zsh/bash/git-bash Setup Enabled
- If Touchcursor Keyboard Layout Started
- Installation
- Vim Cheatsheets
- Related projects
text-object keymap | repeater key | finds and autojumps? | text-object name | description | inner / outer |
ia , aa |
. |
yes | _function_args | whole argument/parameter of a function | outer includes braces |
iA , aA |
. |
yes | @Asignment | inner: left side of asignment without including type | outer includes left and right side |
ib , ab |
. |
yes | _Braces | inside of () [] {} | outer includes braces |
iB , aB |
. |
@Block | code block (inside of a function, loop, ...) | outer includes line above | |
ic , ac |
. |
word-column | visual block for words | outer includes spaces | |
iC , aC |
. |
WORD-column | visual block for WORDS | outer includes spaces | |
id , ad |
. |
greedyOuterIndentation | outer indentation, expanded to blank lines; useful to get functions with annotations | outer includes a blank, like ap /ip |
ie , ae |
. |
nearEoL | from cursor position to end of line, minus one character | outer includes from start of line (line wise) | |
if , af |
. |
yes | _function_call | like function args but only when a function is called |
outer includes the function called |
iF , aF |
. |
yes | @Function | inside of a function without leading comments | outer includes function declaration |
ig , ag |
. |
yes | @Comment | line comment | outer many times same as inner |
iG , aG |
. |
yes | @Conditional | inside conditional without blanklines | outer includes the start of a condition |
ih , ah |
. |
yes | _htmlAttribute | attribute in html/xml like href="" |
inner is only the value inside the quotes trailing comma and space |
ii , ai |
. |
indentation_noblanks | surrounding lines with same or higher indentation delimited by blanklines | outer includes line above | |
iI , aI |
. |
indentation | surrounding lines with same or higher indentation | outer includes line above and below | |
ij , aj |
. |
yes | cssSelector | class in CSS like .my-class |
outer includes trailing comma and space |
ik , ak |
. |
yes | _key | key of key-value pair, or left side of a assignment | outer includes spaces |
il , al |
. |
yes | +Last | go to last text-object (which start with @ or _) | requires i /a example vilk |
iL , aL |
. |
yes | @Loop | inside while or for clauses |
outer includes blankline + comments + line above |
im , am |
. |
yes | chainMember | field with the full call, like .encode(param) |
outer includes the leading . (or : ) |
iM , aM |
. |
yes | mdFencedCodeBlock | markdown fenced code (enclosed by three backticks) | outer includes the enclosing backticks |
in , an |
. |
yes | _number | numbers, similar to <C-a> |
inner: only pure digits, outer: number including minus sign and decimal point |
iN , aN |
. |
yes | +Next | go to Next text-object (which start with @ or _) | requires i /a example viNk |
io , ao |
. |
yes | _whitespaces | whitespace beetween characters | outer includes surroundings |
ip , ap |
. |
_paragraph | blanklines can also be treat as paragraphs when focused on a blankline | outer includes below lines | |
iP , aP |
. |
yes | @Parameter | parameters of a function (>, or <, to interchange) |
outer includes commas + spaces |
iq , aq |
. |
yes | @Call | like function call but treesitter aware |
outer includes the function called |
iQ , aQ |
. |
yes | @Class | inside of a class | outer includes class declaration |
ir , ar |
. |
restOfIndentation | lines down with same or higher indentation | outer: restOfParagraph | |
iR , aR |
. |
yes | @Return | inside of a Return clause | outer includes the `return |
is , as |
. |
_inside_mini_ai | inside text object | outer line wise | |
iS , aS |
. |
subword | like iw , but treating - , _ , and . as word delimiters and only part of camelCase |
outer includes trailing _ ,- , or space |
it , at |
. |
yes | _tag | inside of a html/jsx tag | outer includes openning and closing tags |
iu , au |
. |
yes | _quotes | inside of `` '' "" | outer includes openning and closing quotes |
iU , aU |
. |
yes | pyTripleQuotes | python strings surrounded by three quotes (regular or f-string) | inner excludes the """ or ''' |
iv , av |
. |
yes | _value | value of key-value pair, or right side of a assignment | outer includes trailing commas or semicolons or spaces |
iw , aw |
. |
_word | from cursor to end of word (delimited by punctuation or space) | outer includes start of word | |
iW , aW |
. |
_WORD | from cursor to end of WORD (includes punctuation) | outer includes start of word | |
ix , ax |
. |
yes | _Hex | hexadecimal number or color | outer includes hash # |
iy , ay |
. |
same_indent | surrounding lines with only same indentation (delimited by blankspaces) | outer includes blankspaces | |
iz , az |
. |
@fold | inside folds without line above neither below (supported only inside neovim) | outer includes line above andd below | |
iZ , aZ |
. |
yes | closedFold | closed fold (supported only inside neovim) | outer includes one line after the last folded line |
i= , a= |
. |
yes | @Assignment.rhs-lhs | assignmentt right and left without type keyword neither semicolons | inner: left assignment, outer: right assignment |
i# , a# |
. |
yes | @Number | like _number but treesitter aware |
inner and outer are the same (only pure digits) |
i? , a? |
. |
yes | _Prompt | will ask you for enter the delimiters of a text object (useful for dot repeteability) | outer includes surroundings |
i( , i) , a( , a) |
. |
yes | ( or ) |
inside () |
outer includes surroundings |
i[ , i] , a[ , a] |
. |
yes | [ or ] |
inside [] |
outer includes surroundings |
i{ , i} , a{ , a} |
. |
yes | { or } |
inside {} |
outer includes surroundings |
i< , i> , a< , a> |
. |
yes | < or > |
inside <> |
outer includes surroundings |
i` , a` |
. |
yes | apostrophe | inside ` ` |
outer includes surroundings |
i' , a' |
. |
yes | ' |
inside '' |
outer includes surroundings |
i" , a" |
. |
yes | " |
inside "" |
outer includes surroundings |
i. , a. |
. |
yes | . |
inside .. |
outer includes surroundings |
i, , a, |
. |
yes | , |
inside ,, |
outer includes surroundings |
i; , a; |
. |
yes | ; |
inside ;; |
outer includes surroundings |
i- , a- |
. |
yes | - |
inside -- |
outer includes surroundings |
i_ , a_ |
. |
yes | _ |
inside __ |
outer includes surroundings |
i/ , a/ |
. |
yes | / |
inside // |
outer includes surroundings |
i| , a| |
. |
yes | | |
inside || |
outer includes surroundings |
i& , a& |
. |
yes | & |
inside && |
outer includes surroundings |
i<punctuation> , a<punctuation> |
. |
yes | <punctuation> |
inside <punctuation><punctuation> |
outer includes surroundings |
text-object keymap | mode | repeater key | text-object description | normal mode | operating-pending mode | visual mode | examples in normal mode |
g{ or g} |
o ,x |
braces linewise | will find and jump | will find and jump | vg{ will select inside braces linewise |
g[ or g] |
o ,x |
cursor to Left/right Around (only textobj with @ ,_ ) |
followed by textobject | uses selected region | vg]u will select until quotation |
g< |
n ,x |
. |
goto StarOf textobj | followed by textobject | selects from cursor position | vg>iu will select until end of quotation |
g> |
n ,x |
. |
goto EndOf textobj | followed by textobject | selects form cursor position | vg<iu will select until start of quotation |
g. |
o ,x |
Jump toLastChange | won't jump | uses selection | vg. will select from cursor position until last change |
ga |
n ,x |
align | followed by textobject/motion | uses selected region | vipga= will align a paragraph by = |
gA |
n ,x |
preview align (escape to cancel, enter to accept) | followed by textobject/motion | uses selected region | vipgA= will align a paraghaph by = |
gb |
n ,x |
. |
add virtual cursor (select and find) | selects word under cursor | uses selected word | gb. will select 2 same words |
gB |
n ,x |
. |
add virtual cursor (find selected) | selects last search | uses selected word | gB. will select last search (2 matches) |
gc |
o ,x |
. |
Block comment | will find and jump | will find and jump | vgc will find and select a block of comment |
gC |
o ,x |
. |
Rest of comment | won't jump | uses selection | vgc will select from cursor position until the end of block of comment |
gd |
o ,x |
. |
Diagnostic (requires LSP so only works inside neovim) | will find and jump | will find and jump | vgd will select the error |
ge |
o ,x |
Previous end of word | uses cursor position | uses selection | vge will select from cursor position until previous end of word |
gE |
o ,x |
Previous end of WORD ('WORD' omits punctuation ) | uses cursor position | uses selection | vge will select from cursor position until previous end of WORD |
gf |
o ,x |
. |
Next find | will find and jump | uses selection | cgf??? will replace last search with ??? forwardly |
gF |
o ,x |
. |
Prev find | will find and jump | uses selection | cgF??? will replace last search with ??? backwardly |
gg |
o ,x |
. |
First line | uses cursor position | uses selection | vgg will select until first line |
gh |
x |
. |
Git hunk (workaround in vscode but race condition may happen) | won't jump | relesects | vgh will select modified code |
gi |
n ,x |
Last position of cursor in insert mode | will find and jump | uses selection | vgi will select until last insertion |
gI |
o ,x |
select reference (under cursor) | select word under cursor | reselects | vgI will select word undercursor |
gj |
o ,x |
. |
GoDown when wrapped | uses cursor position | uses selection | vgj will select one line down |
gk |
o ,x |
. |
GoUp when wrapped | uses cursor position | uses selection | vgj will select one line up |
gK |
o ,x |
. |
column down until indent or shorter line | won't jump | uses selection | vgK will select column from cursor position until indent or shorter line |
gL |
o ,x |
. |
Url | will find and jump | relesects | vgL will select url |
gm |
o ,x |
Last change | won't jump | reselects | vgm will select last change |
gn |
o ,x |
. |
+goto next (only textobj with @ ,_ ) |
followed by textobject | uses selection | vgniu will select from cursor position until next quotation |
go |
n ,x |
. |
add virtual cursor down | selects word under cursor | uses selected word | go. will select word and go down then select word and go down |
gO |
n ,x |
. |
add virtual cursor up | selects word under cursor | uses selected word | gO. will select word and go up then select word and go up |
gp |
o ,x |
. |
+goto previous (only textobj with @ ,_ ) |
followed by textobject | uses selection | vgpiu will select from cursor position until previous quotation |
gq |
n ,x |
. |
Split/Join comments/lines 80chars (LSP overrides it) | requires a textobject | applies to selection | vipgq will split/join a paragraph limited by 80 characters |
gr |
o ,x |
. |
RestOfWindow | uses cursor position | uses selection | vgr will select from the cursorline to the last line in the window |
gR |
o ,x |
. |
VisibleWindow | uses cursor position | uses selection | vgR will select all lines visible in the current window |
gs |
n ,x |
. |
Surround (followed by a=add, d=delete, r=replace) | followed by textobject/motion (only add) | uses selection (only add) | viwgsa" will add " to word, gsd" will delete " , gsr"' will replace " |
gS |
n ,x |
. |
Join/Split lines inside braces | will toggle inside {} ,[] ,() |
followed by operator | vipgS will join selected lines in one line |
gt |
o ,x |
toNextQuotationMark | uses cursor position | uses selection | vigt will select from cursor to next closing ' , " , or ` |
gT |
o ,x |
toNextClosingBracket | uses cursor position | uses selection | vigT will select from cursor to next closing ] , ) , or } |
gu |
n ,x |
. |
to lowercase | requires a textobject | applies to selection | vipgu will lowercase a paragraph |
gU |
n ,x |
. |
to Uppercase | requires a textobject | applies to selection | vipgU will uppercase a paragraph |
gv |
n ,x |
last selected | will find and jump | reselects | vgv will select last selection |
gw |
n ,x |
. |
Split/Join comments/lines 80chars (preserves cursor position) | requires a textobject | applies to selection | vipgw will split/join a paragraph limited by 80 characters |
gW |
n ,x |
word-column multicursor | selects from cursor position | selects from cursor position | gW will select words until blankline |
gx |
n ,x |
. |
Blackhole register | followed by textobject/motion | deletes selection | vipgx will delete a paragraph without copying |
gX |
n ,x |
. |
Blackhole linewise | textobject not required | deletes line | gX. will delete two lines without saving it in the register |
gy |
n ,x |
. |
replace with register | followed by textobject/motion | applies to selection | viwgy will replace word with register (yanked text) |
gY |
n ,x |
. |
exchange text | followed by textobject/motion | uses selection | viwgY will exchange word with another viwgY |
gz |
n ,x |
. |
sort | followed by textobject/motion | uses selection | vipgz will sort paragraph |
g+ |
n ,x |
. |
Increment number | selects number under cursor | uses selected number | 3g+ will increment by 3 |
g- |
n ,x |
. |
Decrement number | selects number under cursor | uses selected number | g-.. will decrement by 3 |
g<Up> |
n ,x |
Numbers ascending | selects number under cursor | uses selected number | g<Up> will increase selected numbers ascendingly |
g<Down> |
n ,x |
Numbers descending | selects number under cursor | uses selected number | g<Down> will decrease selected numbers descendingly |
= |
n ,x |
. |
autoindent | followed by text-object | uses selection | == autoindents line |
> |
n ,x |
. |
indent right | followed by text-object | uses selection | >> indents to right a line |
< |
n ,x |
. |
indent left | followed by text-object | uses selection | << indents to left a line |
$ |
o |
. |
End of line | d$j. deletes two end-of-lines |
% |
o |
Matching character: '()', '{}', '[]' | won't jump | won't jump | d% deletes until bracket |
0 |
o |
. |
Start of line | d0 deletes until column 0 |
^ |
o |
. |
Start of line (non-blank) | d^ deletes until start of line (after whitespace) |
( |
o |
. |
Previous sentence | d(. deletes until start of sentence (two times) |
) |
o |
. |
Next sentence | d). deletes until end of sentence (two times) |
{ |
o |
. |
Previous empty line (before a paragraph) | d{. deletes until next empty line (two times) |
} |
o |
. |
Next empty line (after a paragraph) | d}. deletes until previous empty line (two times) |
[[ |
o |
. |
Previous section | d[[ deletes until start of section |
]] |
o |
. |
Next section | d]] deletes until end of section |
<CR> |
o |
. |
Continue Last Flash search | d<CR><CR> deletes until next searched text |
b |
o |
. |
Previous word | db deletes until start of word |
e |
o |
. |
Next end of word | de deletes until end of word |
f |
o |
. |
Move to next char | df, deletes until a next , |
F |
o |
. |
Move to previous char | dF, deletes until a previous , |
G |
o |
. |
Last line | dG deletes until last line |
R |
o |
. |
Treesitter Flash Search | dR,<CR> deletes next treesitter region that contains , |
s |
o |
. |
Flash (search with labels in current window) | ds,<CR> deletes until next , |
S |
o |
. |
Flash Treesitter | dS<CR> deletes treesitter region under cursor position |
t |
o |
. |
Move before next char | dt deletes before next , |
T |
o |
. |
Move before previous char | dT deletes before previous , |
w |
o |
. |
Next word | dw. deletes 2 words |
W |
o |
. |
Next WORD | dW. deletes 2 WORDS |
Motion/Operator keymap | Mode | Description | repeater key | requires textobject/motion keymap? (operators requires textobjects/motion) | example when in normal mode |
g[ |
n ,x |
+Cursor to Left Around (only textobj with @ ,_ ) |
yes | g]u go to end to quotation |
g] |
n ,x |
+Cursor to Rigth Around (only textobj with @ ,_ ) |
yes | g[u go to start of quotation |
g< |
n ,x |
+goto StarOf textobj | . |
yes | g<iu go to start of quotation |
g> |
n ,x |
+goto EndOf textobj | . |
yes | g>iu go to end of quotation |
g. |
n ,x |
go to last change | |||
g, |
n |
go forward in :changes |
g; |
n |
go backward in :changes |
ga |
n ,x |
+align | . |
yes | gaip= will align a paragraph by = |
gA |
n ,x |
+preview align (escape to cancel, enter to accept) | . |
yes | gAip= will align a paragraph by = |
gb |
n ,x |
add virtual cursor (select and find) | . |
gB |
n ,x |
add virtual cursor (find selected) | . |
gc |
n ,x |
+comment | . |
yes | gcip comment a paragraph |
gd |
n |
goto definition | |||
ge |
n ,x |
goto previous endOfWord | |||
gE |
n ,x |
goto previous endOfWord | |||
gf |
n |
goto file under cursor | |||
gg |
n ,x |
goto first line | |||
gH |
n |
paste last search register | . |
gi |
n ,x |
Last position of cursor in insert mode | |||
gI |
n ,x |
select reference (under cursor) | |||
gj |
n ,x |
goto Down (when wrapped) | |||
gJ |
n ,x |
Join below Line | . |
gk |
n ,x |
goto Up (when wrapped) | |||
gm |
n |
goto mid window | |||
gM |
n ,x |
goto mid line | |||
gn |
n ,x |
+goto next (only textobj with @ ,_ ) |
; forward , backward |
yes | gniu go to next quotation |
go |
n ,x |
add virtual cursor down (tab to extend/cursor mode) | . |
gO |
n ,x |
add virtual cursor up (tab to extend/cursor mode) | . |
gp |
n ,x |
+goto previous (only textobj with @ ,_ ) |
; forward , backward |
yes | gpiu go to previous quotation |
gq |
n ,x |
+SplitJoin comment/lines 80chars (overrited by LSP) | . |
yes | gqip split/join a paragraph by 80 characters |
gr |
n |
Redo register (dot to paste forward) | . |
gR |
n |
Redo register (dot to paste backward) | . |
gs |
n ,x |
+Surround (followed by a=add, d=delete, r=replace) | . |
yes | gsaiw" add " , gsd" delete " , gsr"' replace " |
gS |
n ,x |
SplitJoin args | . |
gt |
n |
goto next tab | |||
gT |
n |
goto prev tab | |||
gu |
n ,x |
+toLowercase | . |
yes | guip lowercase a paragraph |
gU |
n ,x |
+toUppercase | . |
yes | gUip uppercase a paragraph |
gv |
n ,x |
last selected | |||
gw |
n ,x |
+SplitJoin coments/lines 80chars (keeps cursor position) | . |
yes | gwip split/join a paragraph by 80 characters |
gW |
n ,x |
word-column multicursor | |||
gx |
n ,x |
+Blackhole register | . |
yes | gxip delete a paragraph without copying |
gX |
n ,x |
Blackhole linewise | . |
yes | gX delete line |
gy |
n ,x |
+replace with register | . |
yes | gyiw replace word with register (yanked text) |
gY |
n ,x |
+exchange text | . |
yes | gYiw exchange word with another gYiw |
gz |
n ,x |
+sort | . |
yes | gzip sort paragraph |
g+ |
n ,x |
Increment number | . |
yes | 10g+ increment by 10 |
g- |
n ,x |
Decrement number | . |
yes | g- decrement by 1 |
= |
n ,x |
+autoindent | . |
yes | =ip autoindents paragraph |
> |
n ,x |
+indent right | . |
yes | >ip indents to right a paragraph |
< |
n ,x |
+indent left | . |
yes | <ip indents to left a paragraph |
$ |
n ,x |
End of line | |||
% |
n ,x |
Matching character: '()', '{}', '[]' | |||
0 |
n ,x |
Start of line | |||
^ |
n ,x |
Start of line (non-blank) | |||
( |
n ,x |
Previous sentence | |||
) |
n ,x |
Next sentence | |||
{ |
n ,x |
Previous empty line (paragraph) | |||
} |
n ,x |
Next empty line (paragraph) | |||
[[ |
n ,x |
Previous section | |||
]] |
n ,x |
Next section | |||
<CR> |
n ,x |
Continue Last Flash search | |||
b |
n ,x |
Previous word | |||
e |
n ,x |
Next end of word | |||
f |
n ,x |
Move to next char | f |
F |
n ,x |
Move to previous char | F |
G |
n ,x |
Last line | |||
R |
x |
Treesitter Flash Search | |||
s |
n ,x |
Flash (search with labels in current window) | <CR> |
S |
n ,x |
Flash Treesitter | |||
t |
n ,x |
Move before next char | t |
T |
n ,x |
Move before previous char | T |
U |
n |
repeat :normal | |||
w |
n ,x |
Next word | |||
W |
n ,x |
Next WORD | |||
Y |
n ,x |
Yank until end of line |
Keymap | Mode | Description | repeater key |
<space><space>f |
n ,x ,o |
ColumnMove_f | ; forward , backward |
<space><space>t |
n ,x ,o |
ColumnMove_t | ; forward , backward |
<space><space>F |
n ,x ,o |
ColumnMove_F | ; forward , backward |
<space><space>T |
n ,x ,o |
ColumnMove_T | ; forward , backward |
<space><space>; |
n ,x ,o |
Next ColumnMove_; | ; forward , backward |
<space><space>, |
n ,x ,o |
Prev ColumnMove_, | ; forward , backward |
<space><space>a |
n ,x ,o |
End Indent with_blankline | ; forward , backward |
<space><space>i |
n ,x ,o |
Start Indent with_blankline | ; forward , backward |
<space><space>A |
n ,x ,o |
End Indent skip_blankline | ; forward , backward |
<space><space>I |
n ,x ,o |
Start Indent skip_blankline | ; forward , backward |
<space><space>w |
n ,x ,o |
Next ColumnMove_w | ; forward , backward |
<space><space>b |
n ,x ,o |
Prev ColumnMove_b | ; forward , backward |
<space><space>e |
n ,x ,o |
Next ColumnMove_e | ; forward , backward |
<space><space>ge |
n ,x ,o |
Prev ColumnMove_ge | ; forward , backward |
<space><space>W |
n ,x ,o |
Next ColumnMove_W | ; forward , backward |
<space><space>B |
n ,x ,o |
Prev ColumnMove_B | ; forward , backward |
<space><space>E |
n ,x ,o |
Next ColumnMove_E | ; forward , backward |
<space><space>gE |
n ,x ,o |
Prev ColumnMove_gE | ; forward , backward |
<space><space>} |
n ,x ,o |
Next Blankline | ; forward , backward |
<space><space>{ |
n ,x ,o |
Prev Blankline | ; forward , backward |
<space><space>) |
n ,x ,o |
Next Paragraph | ; forward , backward |
<space><space>( |
n ,x ,o |
Prev Paragraph | ; forward , backward |
<space><space>] |
n ,x ,o |
@End_of_fold (only inside neovim) | ; forward , backward |
<space><space>[ |
n ,x ,o |
@Start_of_fold (only inside neovim) | ; forward , backward |
<space><space>+ |
n ,x ,o |
next startline | ; forward , backward |
<space><space>- |
n ,x ,o |
Prev StartLine | ; forward , backward |
<leader>uu |
n |
Go to parent fold (only inside VSCode) | . |
<space><space>p |
n ,x |
Paste after (secondary clipboard) | . |
<space><space>P |
n ,x |
Paste before (secondary clipboard) | . |
<space><space>y |
n ,x |
Yank (secondary clipboard) | |
<space><space>Y |
n ,x |
Yank until EndOfLine (secondary clipboard) |
keymap | mode | description |
[b /]b /[B /]B |
n ,o ,x |
prev/next/first/last buffer |
[c /]c /[C /]C |
n ,o ,x |
prev/next/first/last comment |
[x /]x /[X /]X |
n ,o ,x |
prev/next/first/last conflict (only inside neovim) |
[d /]d /[D /]D |
n ,o ,x |
prev/next/first/last diagnostic (only inside neovim) |
[f /]f /[F /]F |
n ,o ,x |
prev/next/first/last file |
[i /]i /[I /]I |
n ,o ,x |
prev/next/first/last indent |
[j /]j /[J /]J |
n ,o ,x |
prev/next/first/last jump |
[l /]l /[L /]L |
n ,o ,x |
prev/next/first/last location (only inside neovim) |
[o /]o /[O /]O |
n ,o ,x |
prev/next/first/last oldfile |
[q /]q /[Q /]Q |
n ,o ,x |
prev/next/first/last quickfix (only inside neovim) |
[t /]t /[T /]T |
n ,o ,x |
prev/next/first/last treesitter |
[u /]u /[U /]U |
n ,o ,x |
prev/next/first/last undo |
[w /]w /[W /]W |
n ,o ,x |
prev/next/first/last window (only inside neovim) |
[y /]y /[Y /]Y |
n ,o ,x |
prev/next/first/last yank |
Keymap | Mode | Description | repeater key |
gpc |
n ,o ,x |
go to previous comment | ; forward , backward |
gpd |
n ,o ,x |
go to previous diagnostic | ; forward , backward |
gph |
n ,o ,x |
go to previous git hunk (not working on Windows10) | ; forward , backward |
gpH |
n ,o ,x |
go to previous git hunk (working on Windows10) | ; forward , backward |
gpiy |
n ,o ,x |
go to previous same_indent | ; forward , backward |
gpr |
n ,o ,x |
go to previous reference | ; forward , backward |
gpz |
n ,o ,x |
go to previous start of fold | ; forward , backward |
gpZ |
n ,o ,x |
go to previous start scope | ; forward , backward |
Keymap | Mode | Description | repeater key |
gnc |
n ,o ,x |
go to next comment | ; forward , backward |
gnd |
n ,o ,x |
go to next diagnostic | ; forward , backward |
gnh |
n ,o ,x |
go to next git hunk (not working on Windows10) | ; forward , backward |
gnH |
n ,o ,x |
go to next git hunk (working on Windows10) | ; forward , backward |
gniy |
n ,o ,x |
go to next same_indent | ; forward , backward |
gnr |
n ,o ,x |
go to next reference | ; forward , backward |
gnz |
n ,o ,x |
go to next start of fold | ; forward , backward |
gnZ |
n ,o ,x |
go to next start scope | ; forward , backward |
Keymap | Mode | Description | Repeater Key |
gpaB |
n ,o ,x |
@block.outer | ; forward , backward |
gpaq |
n ,o ,x |
@call.outer | ; forward , backward |
gpaQ |
n ,o ,x |
@class.outer | ; forward , backward |
gpag |
n ,o ,x |
@comment.outer | ; forward , backward |
gpaG |
n ,o ,x |
@conditional.outer | ; forward , backward |
gpaF |
n ,o ,x |
@function.outer | ; forward , backward |
gpaL |
n ,o ,x |
@loop.outer | ; forward , backward |
gpaP |
n ,o ,x |
@parameter.outer | ; forward , backward |
gpaR |
n ,o ,x |
@return.outer | ; forward , backward |
gpaA |
n ,o ,x |
@assignment.outer | ; forward , backward |
gpa= |
n ,o ,x |
@assignment.lhs | ; forward , backward |
gpa# |
n ,o ,x |
@number.outer | ; forward , backward |
gpaf |
n ,o ,x |
outer _function | ; forward , backward |
gpah |
n ,o ,x |
outer _htmlAttribute | ; forward , backward |
gpak |
n ,o ,x |
outer _key | ; forward , backward |
gpan |
n ,o ,x |
outer _number | ; forward , backward |
gpau |
n ,o ,x |
outer _quote | ; forward , backward |
gpax |
n ,o ,x |
outer _Hex | ; forward , backward |
gpiB |
n ,o ,x |
@block.inner | ; forward , backward |
gpiq |
n ,o ,x |
@call.inner | ; forward , backward |
gpiQ |
n ,o ,x |
@class.inner | ; forward , backward |
gpig |
n ,o ,x |
@comment.inner | ; forward , backward |
gpiG |
n ,o ,x |
@conditional.inner | ; forward , backward |
gpiF |
n ,o ,x |
@function.inner | ; forward , backward |
gpiL |
n ,o ,x |
@loop.inner | ; forward , backward |
gpiP |
n ,o ,x |
@parameter.inner | ; forward , backward |
gpiR |
n ,o ,x |
@return.inner | ; forward , backward |
gpiA |
n ,o ,x |
@assignment.inner | ; forward , backward |
gpi= |
n ,o ,x |
@assignment.rhs | ; forward , backward |
gpi# |
n ,o ,x |
@number.inner | ; forward , backward |
gpif |
n ,o ,x |
inner _function | ; forward , backward |
gpih |
n ,o ,x |
inner _htmlAttribute | ; forward , backward |
gpik |
n ,o ,x |
inner _key | ; forward , backward |
gpin |
n ,o ,x |
inner _number | ; forward , backward |
gpiu |
n ,o ,x |
inner _quote | ; forward , backward |
gpix |
n ,o ,x |
inner _Hex | ; forward , backward |
Keymap | Mode | Description | Repeater Key |
gnaB |
n ,o ,x |
@block.outer | ; forward , backward |
gnaq |
n ,o ,x |
@call.outer | ; forward , backward |
gnaQ |
n ,o ,x |
@class.outer | ; forward , backward |
gnag |
n ,o ,x |
@comment.outer | ; forward , backward |
gnaG |
n ,o ,x |
@conditional.outer | ; forward , backward |
gnaF |
n ,o ,x |
@function.outer | ; forward , backward |
gnaL |
n ,o ,x |
@loop.outer | ; forward , backward |
gnaP |
n ,o ,x |
@parameter.outer | ; forward , backward |
gnaR |
n ,o ,x |
@return.outer | ; forward , backward |
gnaA |
n ,o ,x |
@assignment.outer | ; forward , backward |
gna= |
n ,o ,x |
@assignment.lhs | ; forward , backward |
gna# |
n ,o ,x |
@number.outer | ; forward , backward |
gnaf |
n ,o ,x |
outer _function | ; forward , backward |
gnah |
n ,o ,x |
outer _htmlAttribute | ; forward , backward |
gnak |
n ,o ,x |
outer _key | ; forward , backward |
gnan |
n ,o ,x |
outer _number | ; forward , backward |
gnau |
n ,o ,x |
outer _quote | ; forward , backward |
gnax |
n ,o ,x |
outer _Hex | ; forward , backward |
gniB |
n ,o ,x |
@block.inner | ; forward , backward |
gniq |
n ,o ,x |
@call.inner | ; forward , backward |
gniQ |
n ,o ,x |
@class.inner | ; forward , backward |
gnig |
n ,o ,x |
@comment.inner | ; forward , backward |
gniG |
n ,o ,x |
@conditional.inner | ; forward , backward |
gniF |
n ,o ,x |
@function.inner | ; forward , backward |
gniL |
n ,o ,x |
@loop.inner | ; forward , backward |
gniP |
n ,o ,x |
@parameter.inner | ; forward , backward |
gniR |
n ,o ,x |
@return.inner | ; forward , backward |
gniA |
n ,o ,x |
@assignment.inner | ; forward , backward |
gni= |
n ,o ,x |
@assignment.rhs | ; forward , backward |
gni# |
n ,o ,x |
@number.inner | ; forward , backward |
gnif |
n ,o ,x |
inner _function | ; forward , backward |
gnih |
n ,o ,x |
inner _htmlAttribute | ; forward , backward |
gnik |
n ,o ,x |
inner _key | ; forward , backward |
gnin |
n ,o ,x |
inner _number | ; forward , backward |
gniu |
n ,o ,x |
inner _quote | ; forward , backward |
gnix |
n ,o ,x |
inner _Hex | ; forward , backward |
Keymap | Mode | Description | Repeater Key |
gpeaB |
n ,o ,x |
@block.outer | ; forward , backward |
gpeaq |
n ,o ,x |
@call.outer | ; forward , backward |
gpeaQ |
n ,o ,x |
@class.outer | ; forward , backward |
gpeag |
n ,o ,x |
@comment.outer | ; forward , backward |
gpeaG |
n ,o ,x |
@conditional.outer | ; forward , backward |
gpeaF |
n ,o ,x |
@function.outer | ; forward , backward |
gpeaL |
n ,o ,x |
@loop.outer | ; forward , backward |
gpeaP |
n ,o ,x |
@parameter.outer | ; forward , backward |
gpeaR |
n ,o ,x |
@return.outer | ; forward , backward |
gpeaA |
n ,o ,x |
@assignment.lhs | ; forward , backward |
gpea= |
n ,o ,x |
@assignment.outer | ; forward , backward |
gpea# |
n ,o ,x |
@number.outer | ; forward , backward |
gpeaf |
n ,o ,x |
outer _function | ; forward , backward |
gpeah |
n ,o ,x |
outer _htmlAttribute | ; forward , backward |
gpeak |
n ,o ,x |
outer _key | ; forward , backward |
gpean |
n ,o ,x |
outer _number | ; forward , backward |
gpeau |
n ,o ,x |
outer _quote | ; forward , backward |
gpeax |
n ,o ,x |
outer _Hex | ; forward , backward |
gpez |
n ,o ,x |
Previous End Fold | ; forward , backward |
gpeZ |
n ,o ,x |
Next scope | ; forward , backward |
gpeiB |
n ,o ,x |
@block.inner | ; forward , backward |
gpeiq |
n ,o ,x |
@call.inner | ; forward , backward |
gpeiQ |
n ,o ,x |
@class.inner | ; forward , backward |
gpeig |
n ,o ,x |
@comment.inner | ; forward , backward |
gpeiG |
n ,o ,x |
@conditional.inner | ; forward , backward |
gpeiF |
n ,o ,x |
@function.inner | ; forward , backward |
gpeiL |
n ,o ,x |
@loop.inner | ; forward , backward |
gpeiP |
n ,o ,x |
@parameter.inner | ; forward , backward |
gpeiR |
n ,o ,x |
@return.inner | ; forward , backward |
gpeiA |
n ,o ,x |
@assignment.inner | ; forward , backward |
gpei= |
n ,o ,x |
@assignment.rhs | ; forward , backward |
gpei# |
n ,o ,x |
@number.inner | ; forward , backward |
gpeif |
n ,o ,x |
inner _function | ; forward , backward |
gpeih |
n ,o ,x |
inner _htmlAttribute | ; forward , backward |
gpeik |
n ,o ,x |
inner _key | ; forward , backward |
gpein |
n ,o ,x |
inner _number | ; forward , backward |
gpeiu |
n ,o ,x |
inner _quote | ; forward , backward |
gpeix |
n ,o ,x |
inner _Hex | ; forward , backward |
Keymap | Mode | Description | Repeater Key |
gneaB |
n ,o ,x |
@block.outer | ; forward , backward |
gneaq |
n ,o ,x |
@call.outer | ; forward , backward |
gneaQ |
n ,o ,x |
@class.outer | ; forward , backward |
gneag |
n ,o ,x |
@comment.outer | ; forward , backward |
gneaG |
n ,o ,x |
@conditional.outer | ; forward , backward |
gneaF |
n ,o ,x |
@function.outer | ; forward , backward |
gneaL |
n ,o ,x |
@loop.outer | ; forward , backward |
gneaP |
n ,o ,x |
@parameter.outer | ; forward , backward |
gneaR |
n ,o ,x |
@return.outer | ; forward , backward |
gneaA |
n ,o ,x |
@assignment.outer | ; forward , backward |
gnea= |
n ,o ,x |
@assignment.lhs | ; forward , backward |
gnea# |
n ,o ,x |
@number.outer | ; forward , backward |
gneaf |
n ,o ,x |
outer _function | ; forward , backward |
gneah |
n ,o ,x |
outer _htmlAttribute | ; forward , backward |
gneak |
n ,o ,x |
outer _key | ; forward , backward |
gnean |
n ,o ,x |
outer _number | ; forward , backward |
gneau |
n ,o ,x |
outer _quote | ; forward , backward |
gneax |
n ,o ,x |
outer _Hex | ; forward , backward |
gnez |
n ,o ,x |
Next scope | ; forward , backward |
gneZ |
n ,o ,x |
Next End Fold | ; forward , backward |
gneiB |
n ,o ,x |
@block.inner | ; forward , backward |
gneiq |
n ,o ,x |
@call.inner | ; forward , backward |
gneiQ |
n ,o ,x |
@class.inner | ; forward , backward |
gneig |
n ,o ,x |
@comment.inner | ; forward , backward |
gneiG |
n ,o ,x |
@conditional.inner | ; forward , backward |
gneiF |
n ,o ,x |
@function.inner | ; forward , backward |
gneiL |
n ,o ,x |
@loop.inner | ; forward , backward |
gneiP |
n ,o ,x |
@parameter.inner | ; forward , backward |
gneiR |
n ,o ,x |
@return.inner | ; forward , backward |
gneiA |
n ,o ,x |
@assignment.inner | ; forward , backward |
gnei= |
n ,o ,x |
@assignment.rhs | ; forward , backward |
gnei# |
n ,o ,x |
@number.inner | ; forward , backward |
gneif |
n ,o ,x |
inner _function | ; forward , backward |
gneih |
n ,o ,x |
inner _htmlAttribute | ; forward , backward |
gneik |
n ,o ,x |
inner _key | ; forward , backward |
gnein |
n ,o ,x |
inner _number | ; forward , backward |
gneiu |
n ,o ,x |
inner _quote | ; forward , backward |
gneix |
n ,o ,x |
inner _Hex | ; forward , backward |
Key Combination | Description |
a |
Create new file (path/to/file creates 2 folders and 1 file) |
A |
Create new folder (path/to/somewhere creates 3 folders) |
d |
delete file |
gg |
focus first file |
G |
focus last file |
h |
Collapse list |
j |
Move down |
k |
Move up |
l or enter |
open directory/file passing focus |
o or space |
open without passing focus replacing current tab |
O |
open without passing focus in a new tab |
p |
paste file |
q |
close sidebar visibility |
r |
Rename file |
R |
refresh file explorer |
v |
Open selected file to the side and toggle sidebar visibility |
x |
cut file |
y |
copy file |
za |
toggle expand |
/ |
search |
Down |
Focus down and preview file |
Up |
Focus up and preview file |
alt+j or shift+j |
Move focus down 10 times in list view |
alt+k or shift+k |
Move focus up 10 times in list view |
alt+l or shift+l |
Open and toggle sidebar visibility |
<unmapped letter> |
find (by first <unmapped letter> of file/folder) and jump |
Key Combination | Description |
alt+c |
Copy selection in terminal |
alt+v |
Paste in terminal |
alt+y |
send sequence to open yazi |
alt+r |
Scroll terminal to next command |
alt+w |
Scroll terminal to previous command |
alt+e |
Scroll terminal up |
alt+d |
Scroll terminal down |
alt+q |
Scroll terminal up by page |
alt+a |
Scroll terminal down by page |
alt+t |
Scroll terminal to top |
alt+g |
Scroll terminal to bottom |
alt+left |
Resize terminal pane left |
alt+right |
Resize terminal pane right |
alt+down |
Resize terminal pane down |
alt+up |
Resize terminal pane up |
Key Combination | mode | Description |
ctrl+i |
i |
Toggle suggestion details |
ctrl+space |
i |
Toggle suggestion widget |
ctrl+shift+space |
i |
Toggle parameter hints |
ctrl+alt+space |
i |
Toggle suggestion focus |
alt+j |
i |
Show next inline suggestion |
alt+k |
i |
Show previous inline suggestion |
alt+l |
i |
Commit inline suggestion |
ctrl+j |
i |
Select next suggestion |
ctrl+k |
i |
Select previous suggestion |
ctrl+l |
i |
Accept selected suggestion |
ctrl+d |
i |
Select next page in suggestion details |
ctrl+u |
i |
Select previous page in suggestion details |
Key Combination | mode | Description |
ctrl+\ |
n |
Toggle panel (terminal) visibility |
shift+space |
n |
Show whichkey menu (Windows, Linux, Mac) |
alt+space |
n |
Show whichkey menu (Linux, Mac) |
alt+. |
n |
Repeat most recent Whichkey action |
alt+c |
i |
Copy |
alt+v |
i |
Paste |
jk |
i |
send Escape |
alt+h |
i ,x |
Send Escape |
alt+j |
n |
Quick-open-menu select next |
alt+k |
n |
Quick-open-menu select previous |
alt+h |
n |
Type 10h |
alt+j |
n |
Type 10gj |
alt+k |
n |
Type 10gk |
alt+l |
n |
Type 10l |
alt+v |
n |
Type V |
alt+s or left |
n |
Go to previous editor |
alt+f or right |
n |
Go to next editor |
alt+left or alt+down |
n |
Decrease view size |
alt+right or alt+up |
n |
Increase view size |
ctrl+h |
n |
Navigate to left window |
ctrl+j |
n |
Navigate to down window |
ctrl+k |
n |
Navigate to up window |
ctrl+l |
n |
Navigate to right window |
alt+q or shift+q |
n |
Close active editor |
alt+r or shift+r |
n |
Format and save |
ctrl+alt+right |
n |
select right word (on multi cursor) |
h |
n |
Move cursor left (on Windows10 <number>h unsupported) |
j |
n |
Move cursor down (on Windows10 not restoring position) |
k |
n |
Move cursor up (on Windows10 not restoring position) |
l |
n |
Move cursor right (on Windows10 <number>l unsupported) |
Key Combination | mode | Description |
ctrl+a |
n ,v |
increase number under cursor |
ctrl+b |
n ,v |
scroll down by page |
ctrl+e |
n ,v |
scroll down by line |
ctrl+d |
n ,v |
scroll down by half page |
ctrl+f |
n ,v |
scroll up by page |
ctrl+i |
n |
jump to next in :jumps |
ctrl+o |
n |
jump to previous in :jumps |
ctrl+r |
n |
redo (u to undo) |
ctrl+u |
n ,v |
scroll up by half page |
ctrl+v |
n ,v |
visual block mode |
ctrl+w |
n ,v |
See vscode-window-commands.vim |
ctrl+x |
n ,v |
decrease number under cursor |
ctrl+y |
n ,v |
scroll up by line |
ctrl+/ |
n ,v |
comment line |
keymap | description |
vi<enter> |
open retronvim's neovim |
y<enter> |
open yazi (changes directory on exit) |
alt+h |
enter vim mode |
alt+j |
previous history and enter vim-mode |
alt+k |
next history and enter vim-mode |
alt+l |
complete suggestion and enter vim-mode |
ctrl+r |
search history with fzf |
ctrl+l |
clear screen |
layer qwerty
@grl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = bspc
tab q w e r t y u i o p [ ] \
@cap a s d f g h j k l ; ' ret
lsft z x c v b n m , . / rsft
lctl lmet @alt @spc @sft rmet rctl
layer touchcursor (press and hold space to enter the layer)
_ f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12 _
_ _ @sh @vim _ _ _ _ @vi _ _ _ _ _
_ @mw↑ spc bspc @yaz @laz left down up rght @mw↓ _ _
_ @za @zr caps @cod _ @ñ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
layer yazi-find (press and release space+f to enter the layer)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ /^q /^w /^e /^r /^t /^y /^u /^i /^o /^p _ _ _
_ /^a /^s /^d /^f /^g /^h /^j /^k /^l _ _ _
_ /^z /^x /^c /^v /^b /^n /^m _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
key | description | example / keymap | not supported key on: |
@grl | tap: backtick/grave, hold and press 1 = qwerty layer, hold and press 2 = dvorak layer |
`+2 = dvorak |
@cap | tap for escape, hold for LeftCtrl | cap+l = ctrl+l |
@sft | tap for backspace, hold for LeftShift | RAlt+l = shift+l |
@alt | tap for middle click, hold for LeftAlt | LAlt+l = LAlt+l |
macos |
@spc | tap for space, hold for touchcursor layer, release for qwerty layer | space+jj = DownArrow + DownArrow |
@yaz | tap and release then press one key in yazi-find layer (timeout: 500ms) | space+f l = jump to file |
@sh | open shell inside yazi | space+w |
@vim | open with neovim inside yazi | space+e |
@vi | open with $EDITOR inside yazi | space+i |
@cod | open with vscode inside yazi | space+v |
@laz | open lazygit inside yazi | space+g |
@za | zoxide add current working directory inside yazi | space+z |
@zr | zoxide remove current working directory inside yazi | space+x |
@ñ | unicode ñ | space+n |
macos |
@mw↑ | mouse scrolling up | space+a |
macos |
@mw↓ | mouse scrolling down | space+; |
macos |
spc | presses espace | space+s |
bspc | presses backspace | space+d |
left | presses left arrow | space+h |
down | presses down arrow | space+j |
up | presses up arrow | space+k |
rght | presses right arrow | space+l |
caps | toggles capslock | space+c |
After installing retronvim extension, open
> +Install Dependencies
> install <your package manager>
> <your package manager> install neovim gcc make ...
> relaunch vscode
Important: for new retronvim releases if zsh/bash/git-bash setup is enable then you need to update the hardcode $EDITOR
variable with whichkey
> +Install Dependencies
> Enable Zsh/Bash/Git-Bash ...
(just in case you want to use $EDITOR
inside other terminals otherwise skip this step)
Text objects that has a @
prefix requires a treesitter-grammar, retronvim installs by default treesitter-grammars for
, bash
, javascript
, json
, html
, css
, c
, lua
Install treesitter-grammar for your programming language with :TSInstall <your programming language>
Example: in normal mode type :
to open vim-command-line then type TSInstall cpp
(cpp treesitter-grammar requires a cpp compiler)
Recommended: for new retronvim releases update neovim extensions with :Lazy update
then update all the treesitter-grammars with :TSUpdate
then relaunch vscode
(just in case you find warnings or text-object not working as previous release)
Tip: to make a clean neovim-extensions/tressitter-grammar installation remove the folder rm -rf ~/AppData/Local/nvim-data
(on linux and mac), rm -r -force ~/.local/share/nvim
(on Windows 10/11) and relaunch vscode
- vscode with embedded neovim youtube tutorial most of the keybindings are similar to RetroNvim
- treesitter text-objects demo youtube tutorial the keybindings are similar to RetroNvim
- treesitter text-objects extended youtube tutorial the keybindings are similar to RetroNvim
- text-objects from A-Z youtube tutorial the keybindings are similar to RetroNvim
- motion-operators from A-Z youtube tutorial the keybindings are the same as to RetroNvim
- yeferyv/sixelrice (terminal version of retronvim) neovim with text objects from A-Z, based on lazyvim
- yeferyv/archrice arch linux rice with neovim with text object from A-Z, based on neovim-from-scratch
- lunarkeymap vscode vim extension with some text objects + whichkey with lunarvim-like keymaps
- vspacecode vscode vim extension with some text objects + whichkey with spacemacs-like keymaps