Why do we care about data?
History (useless information, sorry, but I love history)
Challenges on Data
Why Jakarta?
Jakarta NoSQL
Jakarta Data
Show me the code
Install docker: https://www.docker.com/
Run three Docker commands
docker run -d --name mongodb-instance -p 27017:27017 mongo
docker run -e ARANGO_NO_AUTH=1 -d --name arangodb-instance -p 8529:8529 -d arangodb/arangodb
docker run -d --name db -p 8091-8097:8091-8097 -p 9123:9123 -p 11207:11207 -p 11210:11210 -p 11280:11280 -p 18091-18097:18091-18097 couchbase
You also have the option for running docker-compose:
docker-compose up -d
Execute the test
mvn clean verify
Select the option "Setup New Cluster"
Define "root" as Admin username
Define "123456" as Password
Define "localhost" as Cluster Name
Accept the terms and conditions
Go to "Buckets" session
Create Bucket "pokemons" using the "Add Bucket" Option
Click at "pokemons"
Add "Pokemon" as Collection
Go to Query session and execute:
CREATE PRIMARY INDEX primaryPokemon ON pokemons._default.Pokemon