Toggle is a python package for string to toggle the given string.
Install and update using pip:
pip install git+
pip install Toggle
from Toggle.Toggle import Toggle
Toggle("My StriNg",choice) #default choice is 0
Toggle(String,Choice,Speed) #with slow typing if you don't want use slow typing ignore speed parameter
Toggle(string, choice, speed)
Toggle("JokER beautiful",0)
(0): Default
- output: jOKer BEAUTIFUL
(1): Toggle with lower_UPPER_lower_UPPER ..
- output: jOkEr BeAuTiFuL
(2): Toggle with UPPER_lower_UPPER_lower ....
- output: JoKeR bEaUtIfUl
(3): Toggle with lower_UPPER_UPPER lower_UPPER_UPPER ....
- output: jOKER bEAUTIFUL
(4): Toggle with UPPER_lower_lower UPPER_lower_lower ....
- output: Joker Beautiful
(5): Same Text
- output: JokER beautiful
Typing speed is between 1 to 1000
Toggle(string, choice, 50)
💓 Nakali 😘 PM 💗