Our experiments are based on StarCraftII 3.16, PySC2, Pytorch, and handcrafted mini-games. We highly recommend you install the package through conda.
Please refer to the GitHub page of PySC2 to download and install StarCraftII 3.16.
NOTICE: If you are using AMD CPUs, it may not be compatible with our repo. When I used AMD 5950X to install the StarCraftII 3.16 and our handcrafted mini-games, it didn't work.
- Create a conda environment for Python3.6
conda create --name pysc2_torch18_py36 python=3.6
conda activate pysc2_torch18_py36
- Install Pytorch 1.8.1 LTS (Here, we take Ubuntu as an example)
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.1 -c pytorch-lts -c nvidia
- Install PySC2 1.2
pip install pysc2==1.2
pip install pygame==1.9.6 ## Please refer to the troubleshooting as follows for more information
TROUBLE SHOOTING: pygame.error: Unable to make GL context current
Please copy the *.SC2Map files from Maps/mini_games/
to StarCraftII/Maps/mini_games/
, and then go to the `pysc2
Just play with it!
python -m --map