其他项目可以在 www.mcndsj.com/projects 找到。 如您有所需的未开源,请通过任意相关项目的GitHub issue联系我,会将对应项目开源。
It's really been a while since this project is done. The code in this project may use untraceable third-party open source codes and may violate the license. Please contact me through email 68638023@qq.com or submit an issue in GitHub repo and I will remove any illegal code from this project. I owe you my apologies.
项目内可能含有无法找寻来源的第三方开源代码,如使用有违反开源协议,请您直接通过邮件 68638023@qq.com 或 GitHub 的 issue 联系我。 我将第一时间将违规代码 从项目中删除,深表歉意!