Scrape my Goodreads books list, including info missing from official export like date started and annotations
Easily document cables and wiring harnesses.
Make sounds like an Astromech (R2-D2)
This repository stores the documentation and firmware for controlling Treat & Train dispensers via USB or Raspberry Pi.
OctoDash is a simple, but beautiful dashboard for OctoPrint.
Instructions to successfully use OctoScreen with a Adafruit 3.5" Touchscreen
Control your 3d-printer with octoprint + octoscreen via balena!
Atlas is an unofficial interactive map experience for Rust.
Unofficial NodeJS library for controlling Smart Switches in the PC game Rust
Code for MobBob, The Smart Phone Controlled Desktop Robot
ROS Hexapod stack with functioning 2D and 3D mapping.
No longer actively maintained. Android app for remote controlling a ROS robot - University of South Carolina Capstone Project
ros-autom / RobotCA
Forked from mtbii/RobotCAAndroid app for remote controlling a ROS robot - University of South Carolina Capstone Project - Currently maintained by ros autom team
CircuitPython helper library for LED colors and animations
Obico is a community-built, open-source smart 3D printing platform used by makers, enthusiasts, and tinkerers around the world.
CAD files for various boards, components and parts
Adafruit parts, components, breakouts, Fritzable format!
Get the Aardwolf MUSHclient Package installer at
A pure lua password generator implementation depend on openresty
Coded during 12 hour livestream...
Connect 4 programmed in python using pygame
An AI that plays flappy bird! Using the NEAT python module.