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Culinary Delights

  • The cookbook for all of your sweet treats!

Donuts 🍩

Donuts are made from... dough obviously. Roll it out on a cutting board with a rolling pin and use a donut cutter. One dough ball gives 4 donuts, and requires 4 clicks. Once the donuts are picked up from the cutting board, they can be placed into a fryer basket and then into a fryer. They take 8 seconds to fry.


For extra flavor, put the donut back onto the cutting board, then add either sweet berries or chocolate to glaze them. Using any dye afterwards will add sprinkles to the donut.

Croissants 🥐

Grab a ball of dough and roll it out. Use a knife to cut up the dough into strips, and then roll them up. One dough ball will return 4 croissants, and they can be baked on a baking sheet. They take 10 seconds to bake, but you can bake up to 8 in a baking sheet at a time.

Muffins 🧁

Grab a mixing bowl, and mix together an egg, wheat, sugar, and milk. Adding a cocoa bean to the mixture will add chocolate chips, and adding another will turn it into a chocolate muffin. Alternatively, the cocoa bean can be substituted for sweet berries.

Right click a muffin tin with the bowl to transfer the goop mixture. Throw the muffin tin into the oven to bake for 10 seconds and boom!

Pies 🥧

Pies are similar to donuts, except they require 2 wheat and the milk is substituted for water. This makes an excellent crust that can be placed inside of a pie tin. Pies can be filled with either apples or sweet berries. Throw that tin into the oven for 15 seconds and then place it on a cutting board to slice it up into 4 slices to share (or just eat it all, we don't judge).

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