Mocha test framework - TypeScript transferred.
The orginal Mocha project @see mochajs/mocha.
Use the project
# install (Typescript and Prettier in dependencies) > npm install # compile > npx tsc --target es2018 --module nodenext --outDir './lib' # and copy two files > cp src/mocharc.json lib/ && cp src/browser/template.html lib/browser/ # format > npx prettier -w ./lib # try all testcases > npx nps test
Diff with orginal project
# download orginal archive .tar.gz from mochajs/mocha > wget # extact orginal lib to ./lib2 from the archive (or, unzip and mv ...) > tar -xzvf ./master.tar.gz --wildcards mocha*/lib/* --strip-components=2 --one-top-level=./lib2 # diff transferred lib and ./lib2 with 3rd tools > ...
- 2023.11.12 first release.
Orginal mocha based.