Tracking the relaxation or MD progress of VASP calculation.
rsgrad 0.2.5
A tool used to track the VASP calculation result
-h, --help
Prints help information
-V, --version
Prints version information
help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
rlx Tracking relaxation or MD progress
traj Operations about relaxation/MD trajectory
vib Tracking vibration information
Available in the near future.
./rsgrad rlx -o OUTCAR_multiple_ionic_steps
[2022-02-06T12:19:58Z INFO rsgrad::commands::rlx] Parsing file "OUTCAR_multiple_ionic_steps" and "./POSCAR"
#Step TOTEN_z/eV LgdE Fmax #SCF Time/m Mag/muB
1 -253.61859 2.4 0.000 14 2.45 NoMag
2 -253.61023 -2.1 0.192 8 1.31 NoMag
3 -253.61629 -2.2 0.501 7 1.34 NoMag
4 -253.58960 -1.6 0.649 8 1.44 NoMag
5 -253.64364 -1.3 0.001 7 1.29 NoMag
Full functions of rsgrad rlx
rsgrad-rlx 0.2.5
Tracking relaxation or MD progress.
Contains the evolution of energy, maximum of Hellmann-Feynman forces, magnetic moments and time usage of each ionic
Hint: This command may require POSCAR for atom constraints information.
rsgrad rlx [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]
-h, --help
Prints help information
Don't print TOTEN without entropy in eV
Don't print maximum total force in A^3
Don't print Log10(delta(TOTEN without entropy))
Don't print total magnetic moment in muB
Don't print number of SCF iteration for each ionic step
Don't print time elapsed for each ionic step in minutes
-e, --toten
Prints TOTEN in eV
-a, --favg
Prints averaged total force in eV/A
-x, --fmaxis
Prints the axis where the strongest total force component lies on. [XYZ]
-i, --fmidx
Prints the index of ion with maximum total force load. Starts from 1
-v, --volume
Prints lattice volume in A^3
-V, --version
Prints version information
-o, --outcar <outcar>
Specify the input OUTCAR file [default: ./OUTCAR]
-p, --poscar <poscar>
Specify the input POSCAR file [default: ./POSCAR]
$ ./rsgrad vib -o OUTCAR_vibrations -l
[2022-02-06T12:23:57Z INFO rsgrad::commands::vib] Parsing file "OUTCAR_vibrations"
# --------------- Viberation modes for this system --------------- #
ModeIndex: 1 Frequency/cm-1: 3627.91026 IsImagine: False
ModeIndex: 2 Frequency/cm-1: 3620.67362 IsImagine: False
ModeIndex: 3 Frequency/cm-1: 3431.76345 IsImagine: False
ModeIndex: 4 Frequency/cm-1: 1551.74081 IsImagine: False
ModeIndex: 5 Frequency/cm-1: 1537.18628 IsImagine: False
ModeIndex: 6 Frequency/cm-1: 388.96334 IsImagine: False
ModeIndex: 7 Frequency/cm-1: 370.87662 IsImagine: False
ModeIndex: 8 Frequency/cm-1: 370.09082 IsImagine: False
ModeIndex: 9 Frequency/cm-1: 0.65835 IsImagine: False
ModeIndex: 10 Frequency/cm-1: 0.75226 IsImagine: True
ModeIndex: 11 Frequency/cm-1: 1.87333 IsImagine: True
ModeIndex: 12 Frequency/cm-1: 702.43818 IsImagine: True
[2022-02-06T12:23:57Z INFO rsgrad] Time used: 43.754564ms
Full usage
$ ./rsgrad vib --help
rsgrad-vib 0.2.5
Tracking vibration information.
For systems enabled vibration mode calculation, this command can extract phonon eigenvalues and phonon eigenvectors at
Gamma point.
rsgrad vib [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]
-h, --help
Prints help information
-l, --list
Shows vibration modes in brief
-x, --save-as-xsfs
Saves each selected modes to XSF file
-V, --version
Prints version information
-o, --outcar <outcar>
Specify the input OUTCAR file [default: ./OUTCAR]
--save-in <save-in>
Define where the files would be saved [default: .]
-i, --select-indices <select-indices>...
Selects the indices to operate.
Step indices start from '1', if '0' is given, all the structures will be selected. Step indices can be
negative, where negative index means counting reversely. E.g. "--save-as-poscars -2 -1 1 2 3" means saving
the last two and first three steps.
This tool is originated from the previous repository.
Now it is rewritten with Rust language, which make it safer and faster and more importantly, easier to develop.
- Display the TOTEN and TOTEN without entropy info
- Display the number of SCF steps
- Display magnetic moment info
- Display TOTAL-FORCE info, including averag force and maximum force
- Display the time usage of each ionic step
- Output the trajectory of relaxation or MD
- Save the viberation modes
- Make sure the public network is accesible to your machine
- If you still haven't installed Rust on your machine, follow this to install
- Clone this repo, and
cd rsgrad
- To run all tests:
cargo test
- To get the binay:
cargo build --release
, and thersgrad
is onrsgrad/target/release/rsgrad
- Have fun!