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Rob Winchester edited this page Aug 1, 2017 · 3 revisions

Enrichment Overview

ACE uses the RabbitMQ messaging system to provide enrichment. For more information about RabbitMQ and a better understanding, they offer a great tutorial in numerous different languages (RabbitMQ Tutorials). ACE currently uses C# for RabbitMQ, so all code samples provided will be in C#.

This is an overview diagram of how data flows through RabbitMQ. The ACE Web Server forwards the messages to the ACE Exchange. Based on the specified Routing Key, the ACE Exchange routes the message to the proper queue, finally being picked up by either the FileWriter or SIEM consumer for analysis.

Adding Enrichments

In order to extend the current enrichment capability of ACE, there are several necessary steps:

  1. Creating a Queue
  2. Creating a Binding
  3. Creating an Enrichment Consumer

The following sections will cover each step in detail and provide a C# code sample

1. Creating a Queue

ACE uses queues to store the messages in transition. For each additional enrichment or new ACE output method, it will be necessary to create a new queue. Queues may be created with the following options:

  • durable - Survives RabbitMQ Server stop/reboot
  • exclusive - Used only by one connection, deleted on close
  • autoDelete - Deletes after last consumer disconnects
  • arguments - Optional for additional capability

Example code to create a new queue in C#

//Creating new queue
channel.QueueDeclare(queue: "queue_name",
                     durable: false,
                     exclusive: false,
                     autoDelete: false,
                     arguments: null);

2. Creating a Binding

In order to properly route the messages from the exchange to the correct queue, a queue binding must be created. When creating the queue binding, the following are specified:

  • queue - Name of the queue to route matching messages
  • exchange - ACE is designed to always use the "ace_exchange"
  • routingKey - Specifies the conditions for routing, for adding enrichments it would be the enrichment name followed by ".#" This matches any routing key starting with the enrichment and having any number of routing keys after

Example code to create a new binding in C#

//Creating new exchange binding for new enrichment
channel.QueueBind(queue: "queue_name",
                          exchange: "ace_exchange",
                          routingKey: "newEnrichment.#");

3. Creating an Enrichment Consumer

The final step is to create the consumer, which will actually perform the specified enrichment, The general process for creating the consumer:

  1. Obtain values from message
  2. Parse the message from JSON
  3. Using message information, perform enrichment actions (such as hash lookups)
  4. Reformat message back to JSON object
  5. Remove enrichment from RoutingKey
  6. Publish enriched message back to the "ace_exchange" for further processing

Example code to create a new enrichment consumer in C#

// Create new consumer object
EventingBasicConsumer newEnrichmentConsumer = new EventingBasicConsumer(channel);
newEnrichmentConsumer.Received += (model, ea) =>
    // Values received in message
    var body = ea.Body;
    var message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(body);
    var routingKey = ea.RoutingKey;

    // New Enrichment Action
        //Parse JSON
        JObject originalMessage = JObject.Parse(message);

        // Perform desired enrichment action

        // Add new data to message 
        originalMessage.Add("Name1", "Value");
        originalMessage.Add("Name2", "Value2");
        // Recreate JSON for export
        string enrichedMessage = originalMessage.ToString(Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.None);

        body = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(enrichedMessage);
    catch (Exception e)
        Console.WriteLine("Exception" + e);

    // parse enrichment off front of routing key
    string[] words = routingKey.Split('.');
    words = words.Skip(1).ToArray();
    routingKey = string.Join(".", words);

    // Ack recieving the message from the queue
    channel.BasicAck(deliveryTag: ea.DeliveryTag, multiple: false);
    // Publish new enriched message back to ACE exchange for routing
    channel.BasicPublish(exchange: "ace_exchange",
                         routingKey: routingKey,
                         basicProperties: null,
                         body: body);
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