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Hak5Foxtrot edited this page Apr 15, 2013 · 27 revisions

Mark IV Clean Flash over Serial (UART)




Always use the AC Adaptor.

Why you would want to clean flash

  -Because you somehow bricked your pineapple
  -You have a new Hornet-UB (Hornet-UB only has the bootloader, no OpenWRT)

Where to connect the UART

  -To open the Pineapple/Jasager/AP121U, you will need to remove the 2 rubber stoppers on the bottom of the device to reveal 2 screws. Remove the 2 screws and you should be able to wiggle it apart.

UART Adaptors

There are many USB/Serial to UART adapters out there. The author of the video below (Mr-Protocol) used the Alfa Console Board. Any 3.3v capable UART adapter should work. Check the adapter specifications before buying. You can also buy a UART Adaptor from the Hakshop.

If you are not using the Alfa Console Board, You only need to hook up the TX, RX, GND pins to your UART adapter. <font color=redDO NOT hook up the VDD pin to your adapter.


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