This Bundle is intended to be used with [Claroline Connect LMS] (
- This bundle uses avconv (libav-tools package) to encode uploaded files. So you'll need it on your server.
- GoogleTTS Api is also used for backward building help. This functionality will only work on Chrome.
Install with composer :
$ composer require innova/media-resource-bundle
$ php app/console claroline:plugin:install InnovaMediaResourceBundle
Create a folder named innovamediaresourcefiles at the root of the application & set appropriate rights on it.
- Donovan Tengblad (purplefish32)
- Axel Penin (Elorfin)
- Arnaud Bey (arnaudbey)
- Eric Vincent (ericvincenterv)
- Nicolas Dufour (eldoniel)
- Patrick Guillou (pitrackster)
Go to Claroline if you want to ask for new features.
Go to Claroline Support if you encounter some bugs.
Intensive use of the wonderful library [wavesurfer.js] (
Create AdditionalInstaller script to simplify plugin installation.