This package contains analysis settings for Flutter/Dart projects and packages by Innim team.
It's stricter than pedantic.
See Customizing static analysis.
To use the lints add a dev dependency in your pubspec.yaml
innim_lint: ^0.5.0
then, add an include in your analysis_options.yaml
include: package:innim_lint/analysis_options.yaml
Not all futures need to be awaited. By default "unawaited futures" lint enabled
which enforces that potential futures in asynchronous functions are handled somehow.
If a particular future value doesn't need to be awaited, you can call unawaited(...)
with it,
which will avoid the lint, simply because the expression no longer has type Future.
Function unawaited
appeared in dart:async
since 2.15.
You can disable some rules in your project. Add in your analysis_options.yaml
prefer_single_quotes: false
You can exclude some files from analysis - see Excluding code from analysis.
By default all generated code (files with .g.dart
suffix) will be excluded with this analysis settings.