My Coin Trading Project connects to the following Crypto-Currency Market Capitalization sites via api (implemented in the background, using laravel Task Scheduling):
General Information
- Information is displayed in Laravel Datatables, which includes table views (datagrids) with pagination, searching and sorting capabilities.
- TradingView Charts
Site includes basic login/logout/register functionality.
- Metronic theme is integrated.
- Twitter integration implemented. User can configure Twitter account and the corresponding tweets will be retrieved.
- Coin Events are shown in the calendar.
- select2.js JQuery plugin is used to search for a coin.
- Project has a chat implemented using node.js framework
- Ensure you have PHP version 7.1.*
- Make sure that you have already installed (Node.JS).
After you have cloned or downloaded the project, navigate to the corresponding directory
Install all the dependencies as specified in the composer.json file:
composer install
composer require thujohn/twitter
php artisan vendor:publish
Now open up /config/app.php and add the service provider to your providers array:
'providers' => [
Thujohn\Twitter\TwitterServiceProvider::class, ]
'aliases' => [
'Twitter' => Thujohn\Twitter\Facades\Twitter::class, ] - You need to create an application and create your access token in the Application Management.
- You need to register to and get the key.
- Get the key from
- Copy the .env.example file to the .env file, and set the corresponding keys:
- SOLUME_KEY (Register to and get the key)
- WORLD_COIN_INDEX_KEY (Register to and get the key)
- TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY (Get Twitter Developer Consumer Key)
- TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET (Get Twitter Developer Consumer Secret)
- TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN (Get Twitter Developer Access Token)
- TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET (Get Twitter Developer Access Token Secret)
- Run the following:
php artisan key:generate - Execute the migrations and run the seeders
php artisan migrate
composer dump-autoload
php artisan db:seed - For the Linux system cron, add the following Cron entry to your server:
* * * * * php /path-to-the-project/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
Windows has GUI equivalent called Task Scheduler, that can be made to perform similar function.
You can run schedules by hand, by using this command in Command Prompt:
php artisan schedule:run
(however in this case, you've to run the command on your own for multiple times.) - In order to get some initial data run the following:
- php artisan coinmarketcap:start
- php artisan solume:start
- php artisan worldcoinindex:start
- php artisan coindar:start
- php artisan coinbin:start
- In your root directory, run this command in your terminal/command prompt. This will
install all the corresponding node packages listed in
package.json file
npm install - In node/mysql_config.json file put your corresponding database connection settings
- In your root directory run the server using terminal / command prompt with this syntax :
node node/server.js
- Laravel task scheduling
- Creating own artisan commands
- Laravel Guzzle HTTP library
- Laravel Datatables
- Twitter API Integration
- select2.js JQuery Technology
- Markdown Parser
- Websocket API
- node-mysql node package
- http node package
- mysql node package