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OAuth 2.0 TokenClient & CachingTokenClient

License: MIT

  • OAuth 2.0 Client Library for .NET
  • Supports >= .NET Core 1.1 and .NET Framework 4.5.2
  • Provides implementions which automatically cache authentication server responses
  • Supports the following grant types
    • password
    • client_credentials
    • refresh_token

This repository contains the source code for the TokenClient and CachingTokenClient which is an OAuth2.0 client for .NET. The caching version automatically caches the authentication server response in memory on the server.


Cache Expiry

If the server response includes a value for expires_in, the response is cached up until this value. If the server does not include this value, it is cached for 24 hours, though this can be overridden using the DefaultCacheExpiry option.

Note: If you are using a refresh token, you should store this separately, and use it to get a new token once your access token expires.

.NET Core

  • Requires >= .NET Core 1.1

Please use the .NET Standard package for .NET Core applications.


  1. Install the InfoTrack.OAuth.Caching.DotNetCore NuGet package.
PM> Install-Package InfoTrack.OAuth.Caching.DotNetCore
  1. Register the .NET Core Memory Cache in your application during startup when configuring your services. You can also optionally register the CachingTokenClient for dependency injection.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

    services.AddSingleton<ITokenClient, CachingTokenClient>();
  1. Whenever you need a token, inject an ITokenClient, and call a token method. It will return the cached token unless it has expired, at which point it will grab a new one.
var tokenResponse = await tokenClient.ClientCredentialsGrantAsync(
    new Uri(""),

You may register the CachingTokenClient with any dependency lifecycle as it is fully thread safe.

  1. Profit 🤑

.NET Framework

  • Requires >= .NET Framework 4.5.2

This package contains a .NET Framework implementation of the CachingTokenClient. Internally this uses System.Runtime.Caching.MemoryCache.

  1. Install the InfoTrack.OAuth.Caching.DotNetFramework NuGet package.
PM> Install-Package InfoTrack.OAuth.Caching.DotNetFramework
  1. Optionally register the CachingTokenClient for dependency injection.
// Ninject example
  1. Whenever you need a token, inject an ITokenClient, and call a token method. It will return the cached token unless it has expired, at which point it will grab a new one.
var tokenResponse = await tokenClient.ClientCredentialsGrantAsync(
    new Uri(""),

You may register the CachingTokenClient with any dependency lifecycle as it is fully thread safe.

.NET Standard

  • Requires >= .NET Standard 2.0

This package contains a .NET Standard implementation of the CachingTokenClient. Internally this uses System.Runtime.Caching.MemoryCache.

  1. Install the InfoTrack.OAuth.Caching.DotNetStandard NuGet package.
PM> Install-Package InfoTrack.OAuth.Caching.DotNetStandard
  1. Optionally register the CachingTokenClient for dependency injection.
// Ninject example
  1. Whenever you need a token, inject an ITokenClient, and call a token method. It will return the cached token unless it has expired, at which point it will grab a new one.
var tokenResponse = await tokenClient.ClientCredentialsGrantAsync(
    new Uri(""),

You may register the CachingTokenClient with any dependency lifecycle as it is fully thread safe.

Non-Caching Version

If all you need is a basic token client with very few dependencies, you can use the base package on its own.

PM> Install-Package InfoTrack.OAuth


There are constructors for the CachingTokenClient which allow you to pass a ClientOptions object.

Property Default Remarks
DefaultCacheExpiry 86400 Time in seconds to cache the response if it does not contain a value for expires_in