KA game centered around the Star Wars universe. Made by KEBAI Productions.
The classic first person shooter, replicated on Khan Academy.
A simple repository used to store my KAHTML and KAOS programs.
DEPRECATED - A HTML5/JavaScript multiplayer game experiment
Community building resources around Khan Academy
bbondy / structuredjs
Forked from Khan/structuredjsTest JavaScript code, look for functionality.
Check JavaScript code structure against a set of goals in JavaScript
Coding experiments spawned from coding math videos and other resources
bbondy / mortar
Forked from mozilla/mortarA collection of Open Web App templates
bbondy / perseus
Forked from Khan/perseusPerseus is Khan Academy's new exercise question editor and renderer.
bbondy / winjs
Forked from winjs/winjsWinJS project by Microsoft Open Technologies
bbondy / khan-mobile
Forked from Khan/khan-mobileA mobile application for Khan Academy.
bbondy / processing-js
Forked from Khan/processing-jsA port of the Processing visualization language to JavaScript.
bbondy / simple-markdown
Forked from ariabuckles/simple-markdownJavascript markdown parsing, made simple
bbondy / khan-exercises
Forked from Khan/khan-exercisesA framework for building exercises to work with Khan Academy.
Various samples I create while learning from various sources
bbondy / eslint
Forked from eslint/eslintA fully pluggable tool for identifying and reporting on patterns in JavaScript.
Video and exercise tutorial site surrounding exploring Computer Science with JavaScript
Babel plugin for converting ES6 modules into JavaScript code modules (JSM)
Simple ES6 wrapper for AWS node JS SDK for creating, terminating, listing, and running scripts on EC2 instances
bbondy / browser.html
Forked from browserhtml/browserhtmlExperimental browser built in HTML