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Dmitry Savchenko edited this page Jul 15, 2016 · 3 revisions

Let’s cover the written code with tests. The first one is responsible for testing of Human entity mapping. Add the file When_save_Human.cs to the folder Persisteces of the UnitTests project.

``` namespace Example.UnitTests { #region << Using >>
using Example.Domain;
using Incoding.MSpecContrib;
using Machine.Specifications;


public class When_save_Human : SpecWithPersistenceSpecification<Human>
    #region Fields

    It should_be_verify = () => persistenceSpecification.VerifyMappingAndSchema();



<p>The test works with a test database (Example_test): an instance of the Human class with automatically populated fields is created, then stored in the DB, retrieved from and compared to the created instance.</p>
<p>Then add the tests for WhereSpecifications in a folder named Specifications.</p>

namespace Example.UnitTests { #region << Using >>

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Example.Domain;
using Incoding.MSpecContrib;
using Machine.Specifications;


public class When_human_by_first_name
    #region Fields

    Establish establish = () =>
                              Func<string, Human> createEntity = (firstName) =>
                                                                 Pleasure.MockStrictAsObject<Human>(mock =>
                                                                                                    mock.SetupGet(r => r.FirstName)

                              fakeCollection = Pleasure.ToQueryable(createEntity(Pleasure.Generator.TheSameString()),

    Because of = () =>
                     filterCollection = fakeCollection
                             .Where(new Human.Where.ByFirstName(Pleasure.Generator.TheSameString()).IsSatisfiedBy())

    It should_be_filter = () =>


    #region Establish value

    static IQueryable<Human> fakeCollection;

    static List<Human> filterCollection;




namespace Example.UnitTests { #region << Using >>

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Example.Domain;
using Incoding.MSpecContrib;
using Machine.Specifications;


public class When_human_by_last_name
    #region Fields

    Establish establish = () =>
                              Func<string, Human> createEntity = (lastName) =>
                                                                 Pleasure.MockStrictAsObject<Human>(mock =>
                                                                                                    mock.SetupGet(r => r.LastName)

                              fakeCollection = Pleasure.ToQueryable(createEntity(Pleasure.Generator.TheSameString()),

    Because of = () =>
                     filterCollection = fakeCollection
                             .Where(new Human.Where.ByLastName(Pleasure.Generator.TheSameString()).IsSatisfiedBy())

    It should_be_filter = () =>


    #region Establish value

    static IQueryable<Human> fakeCollection;

    static List<Human> filterCollection;



<p>Now we have to add tests for the command and the query (Operations folder). For the command, you need to add two tests: the first one verifies the creation of a new entity; the second one verifies the editing of an existing entity.</p>

namespace Example.UnitTests { #region << Using >>

using System.Collections.Generic;
using Example.Domain;
using Incoding.Extensions;
using Incoding.MSpecContrib;
using Machine.Specifications;


public class When_get_people
    #region Fields

    Establish establish = () =>
                              var query = Pleasure.Generator.Invent<GetPeopleQuery>();
                              human = Pleasure.Generator.Invent<Human>();

                              mockQuery = MockQuery<GetPeopleQuery, List<GetPeopleQuery.Response>>
                                      .StubQuery(whereSpecification: new Human.Where.ByFirstName(query.Keyword)
                                                         .Or(new Human.Where.ByLastName(query.Keyword)),
                                                 entities: human);

    Because of = () => mockQuery.Original.Execute();

    It should_be_result = () => mockQuery.ShouldBeIsResult(list => list.ShouldEqualWeakEach(new List<Human>() { human },
                                                                                            (dsl, i) => dsl.ForwardToValue(r => r.Birthday, human.Birthday.ToShortDateString())
                                                                                                           .ForwardToValue(r => r.Sex, human.Sex.ToString())


    #region Establish value

    static MockMessage<GetPeopleQuery, List<GetPeopleQuery.Response>> mockQuery;

    static Human human;




namespace Example.UnitTests { #region << Using >>

using Example.Domain;
using Incoding.MSpecContrib;
using Machine.Specifications;


public class When_add_human
    #region Fields

    Establish establish = () =>
                                  var command = Pleasure.Generator.Invent<AddOrEditHumanCommand>();

                                  mockCommand = MockCommand<AddOrEditHumanCommand>
                                          .StubGetById<Human>(command.Id, null);

    Because of = () => mockCommand.Original.Execute();

    It should_be_saved = () => mockCommand.ShouldBeSaveOrUpdate<Human>(human => human.ShouldEqualWeak(mockCommand.Original));


    #region Establish value

    static MockMessage<AddOrEditHumanCommand, object> mockCommand;




namespace Example.UnitTests { #region << Using >>

using Example.Domain;
using Incoding.MSpecContrib;
using Machine.Specifications;


public class When_edit_human
    #region Fields

    Establish establish = () =>
                                  var command = Pleasure.Generator.Invent<AddOrEditHumanCommand>();

                                  human = Pleasure.Generator.Invent<Human>();

                                  mockCommand = MockCommand<AddOrEditHumanCommand>
                                          .StubGetById(command.Id, human);

    Because of = () => mockCommand.Original.Execute();

    It should_be_saved = () => mockCommand.ShouldBeSaveOrUpdate<Human>(human => human.ShouldEqualWeak(mockCommand.Original));


    #region Establish value

    static MockMessage<AddOrEditHumanCommand, object> mockCommand;

    static Human human;



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