Pytorch Implementation of Hip Landmark detection using Convolutional Neural Networks
- Imad Eddine Ibrahim Bekkouch
- Bulat Ibragimov
- Ramil Kuleev
- Bulat Maksudov
- Tamerlan Aidinovich
Innopolis University
University of Copenhagen
Please follow the instructions to get an up and running version of our code running on your local machine.
Please make sure you have the following installed.
- Python 3.6
- Pytorch 1.0
- termcolor 1.1.0
- Numpy 1.15+
First step is to unzip the office31 data
cd ./data
tar xvzf office31.tar.gz --keep-newer-files
Run the main file with using any of the following arguments:
usage: [-h] [--image_size IMAGE_SIZE] [--num_classes NUM_CLASSES]
[--train_iters TRAIN_ITERS] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE]
[--num_workers NUM_WORKERS] [--pre_lr PRE_LR] [--lr1 LR1]
[--lr2 LR2] [--random_seed RANDOM_SEED]
[--labeled_target_ratio LABELED_TARGET_RATIO]
[--validation_source_ratio VALIDATION_SOURCE_RATIO]
[--mode {train,test}]
[--source {usps,svhn_extra,mnist,svhn,amazon,webcam,dslr}]
[--target {usps,svhn_extra,mnist,svhn,amazon,webcam,dslr}]
[--model_path MODEL_PATH] [--graph_path GRAPH_PATH]
[--sample_path SAMPLE_PATH] [--mnist_path MNIST_PATH]
[--usps_path USPS_PATH] [--svhn_path SVHN_PATH]
[--off_path OFF_PATH] [--log_step LOG_STEP]
[--iter_dom_adap ITER_DOM_ADAP] [--log_pre LOG_PRE]
[--verbose VERBOSE]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--image_size IMAGE_SIZE
--num_classes NUM_CLASSES
--train_iters TRAIN_ITERS
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
--num_workers NUM_WORKERS
--pre_lr PRE_LR learning rate for the source domain pre-training
--lr1 LR1 encoder"s and classifier"s learning rate for domain
--lr2 LR2 discriminator"s learning rate
--random_seed RANDOM_SEED
--labeled_target_ratio LABELED_TARGET_RATIO
ratio of target domain used for labeling
--validation_source_ratio VALIDATION_SOURCE_RATIO
--mode {train,test}
--source {usps,svhn_extra,mnist,svhn,amazon,webcam,dslr}
source domain
--target {usps,svhn_extra,mnist,svhn,amazon,webcam,dslr}
target domain
--model_path MODEL_PATH
--graph_path GRAPH_PATH
--sample_path SAMPLE_PATH
--mnist_path MNIST_PATH
--usps_path USPS_PATH
--svhn_path SVHN_PATH
--off_path OFF_PATH
--log_step LOG_STEP
--iter_dom_adap ITER_DOM_ADAP
--log_pre LOG_PRE number of iterations to print the losses and accuracy
for pre training
--verbose VERBOSE
Quick explanation of the code structure:
├── data # Data Folder
│ ├── office31 # Office31 dataset
│ │ ├──amazon # Amazon pictures
│ │ ├──webcam # Webcam pictures
│ │ └──dslr # Digital SLR pictures
│ ├── mnist # MNIST digits dataset
│ ├── usps # USPS digits dataset
│ └── svhn # SVHN digits dataset
├── model # Code, pictures and saved models
│ ├── code # Source Code
│ │ ├── # Data loaders for Office31, mnist, usps and svhn datasets
│ │ ├── # Main
│ │ ├── # Model definition (Classier, Encoder and Discriminator)
│ │ └── # Domain Adaptation Algorithm definition
│ ├── graphs # Accuracy and loss graphs
│ └── models # Saved Models
└── # README
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details# Domain-Generalization