Disclaimer: If you enjoy Mudae, please support their discord bot. This code is for when you cannot afford to support the creator. Use at your own risk.
- This code was written in python.
- I ran this code on replit for free, you can also host it yourself.
- This code was created a while ago. After spending well over $200 as a server, we decided to create a bot for the Wish Series premium function, though we only did it for a month.
- You need to change a few things on your end before it can start working. Make sure to add the correct discord user and channel IDs to their proper spots and that you created and connected the correct discord bot token. Or maybe I messed up.
- I completely agree, in its current state, it was something I had created quickly for those in my server.
- Of course not. You can modify the code to detect any set of words or phrases someone may say in your server. You can keep it as an embed for its sole purpose, or change it to all messages and have some fun with word detection :)
- This code was created back in 2021, so if there are any changes in the Discord Code, I will adjust it in the future (or you will, here is the documentation https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/api.html )