Players and admins can be informed when players are flashed by their teammates.
- Sourcecolors (include file) -
- Intmap (include-file) -
Add "TeamFlashAnnouncer" override in admin_overrides.cfg, so only players with specific flag can be announced about who flashed them.
Add "TeamFlashAnnouncerAdmin" override in admin_overrides.cfg to change the permissions for admins which can see who flashed whom.
sm_teamflash_inform_players 1 - Inform players when teammates flashes them?
sm_teamflash_inform_admins 1 - Inform admins when players are flashed by teammates?
sm_teamflash_inform_mintime 1.5 - Minimum flash duration for announcements.
If there are too many reports about team flashes made by disconnected players, then I can show their name/steamid.