I am using oidc-client-js in an enterprise SSO and SLO environment. We have implemented SLO using the OIDC session management process as defined here: by providing the session state and the required OP iFrame. This is the part that works, the statuses "changed" and "unchanged" are propagated as needed.
The problem is that in case of the "error" status the whole message propagation mechanism stops. Even though the specification does not explicitly define the behaviour that should result from the "error" state I would have expceted that this library would provide an event similar to the available userSessionChanged
or other events so that the client can react to this error.
As the cases that lead to the "error" state are things like invalid client ID, invalid session state in the sense of e.g. being null
or the origin
being wrong which are all very security relevant (they basically imply that e.g. the source has been manipulated somehow, the session state generation mechanism on the OPs side does not work etc.), I would have expcted some way to handle this "error" state.
If I have misunderstood something or have overseen something I would be very happy if I could get some hints as how to I can achieve the described use case.